Sutilt, the palace, the bedroom of Amir.

The slightly drunk scent came from the window, sitting in front of the vanity mirror, Amir touched a certain mark, the next moment, blood appeared, and the words of blood were quietly outlined on the mirror surface, full of absurdity and weirdness, and the content was impressive Do you want to know the meaning of life?

   The blood dripped, leaving marks on the clean mirror surface, with a faint **** air. At this moment, there was rare sunlight outside the temple, but the inside of the temple was cold, like two worlds.

Reaching out and touching the words of blood, Amir's face showed a smile. He has already dealt with the affairs of the Kingdom of Surtilt. Soon the side of the sword of Damocles will find the fact that he is still alive. It's time Time to leave.


The thought of    appeared, and Amir's figure disappeared instantly without a trace.

  Unknown land, endless darkness spreads, only in the center is a beam of light hanging from the sky, illuminating those promised places, and there is a vague figure in the beam of light.

   Silently, at the junction of light and darkness, Amir's figure quietly appeared. At this time, his destiny shrouded the surroundings, full of mystery.

   Calmly, looking at the vague figure in the beam of light, Amir lifted the skirt and bowed in a salute.

   "Amir Banshin has seen the owner of the Eternal Tower, the dream weaver, Shupnos."

   Hearing this, there was a hint of agility in the eyes of the fuzzy figure.

   "Amir, you don't have to be like this. Now that you have returned, you have regained control of your destiny, and the future can be expected. I am just one step ahead of you."

   The deep voice sounded. Although his face was vague, it was indeed Hypnos.

   "This is what it should be, so I want to thank you for giving me asylum so that I can avoid terror."

   Still maintaining humility, facing the little consciousness projected by Supnos, Amir did not have any arrogance.

   "This is just a fair deal. You can enter the nightmare space because you have given Yemengada the revelation of his destiny, allowing him to find an opportunity for transformation."

   Looking at Amir, Supnos looked very gentle.

Hearing this, Amir's broken golden eyes were filled with waves, and he counted up three lives. He used his life as a price to move his destiny, peer into the future, and gave Yemeng a revelation, and correspondingly Yes, he also got a promise from Supnos that he could give him a refuge in the future.

In the past years, Amir has tried many times to leave behind. Most of these methods have been worn down with the passage of time, but some of them have survived. For example, Rose Tudan, the great wizard, let him go through smoothly. After his own confusion period, for example, the asylum given by Supnos gave him the ability to avoid the sword of Damocles and the ability to hunt down by the black hands behind him. These are the capital of his life.

   "Amir, you can stay in the nightmare space at ease for a while. Here, the perspective of the gods cannot be reached, but on this basis, I still have a deal I want to reach with you."

   The light blue eyes were full of depth, and looking at the silent Amir, Supnos spoke again.

   Hearing this, Amir's expression moved slightly.

   Om, light was born, darkness was dispelled, and a group of secret silver light appeared in the hands of Supnos, mysterious and sacred.

   Feeling such a breath, silent resonance, the phantom of the wheel of fortune naturally manifests behind Amir, at this moment, Amir can hardly remain calm.

   "Fate and divine power?"

   Carefully perceive, perceive the essence, the heart is agitated, Amir's face shows a look of surprise.

At this time, Supnos was holding a destiny theocratic power, and Amir was very sure of this. After all, he is the **** of destiny, but this destiny theocratic power shouldn't be here, three shares Destiny and divine power, He occupies two shares, and the sword of Damocles occupies one. Could it be said that this one was taken from the sword of Damocles?

   The color of surprise and suspicion on his face became more and more intense. At this moment, Amir thought a lot.

   Seeing Amir like this, Supnos smiled and said nothing.

   Gently moved, that share of destiny and power was sent to Amir by Hypnos.

   The power was boiling, and the desire spread in my heart like weeds. After hesitating for a moment, Amir stretched out his hand and grasped the power of destiny.

   The virtual image on the surface quietly dissipated, and the true essence was revealed. At this moment, Amir's face couldn't help showing the color of error. The power of destiny in his hand was real but also false.

   It is true because this theocracy can indeed mobilize the power of fate, and the false one is because the true nature of this theocracy has nothing to do with fate. He is the creation of the nightmare.

   "Under the crown, your mighty power makes me in awe."

   The divine power is shaped with the false and the real, with the nightmare, this kind of power makes Amir, the **** who is in charge of fate, sighs.

"Nightmare is a kind of power that can be realized as long as you dare to think, but the false one is false after all. This false divine power in your hand can only give you powerful divine power, and cannot allow you to promote on this basis. The eighth-order destiny dominates."

   At this point, there is a touch of regret in Supnos's words.

Hearing this, Amir was noncommittal. There are indeed everything in dreams, but it is as difficult as going to the sky to get close to reality. Moreover, starting from dreams, the final results are often absurd and distorted, and they want to be realized. The special product of ecstatic power is simply an incredible thing.

   "Mianxia, ​​what can I do for you?"

   Holding the destiny in his hand, Amir's heart moved.

   Hearing this, Shupnos's fuzzy face showed a smile.

   "Amir, I want you to become the main **** of this nightmare space and weave the fate of these dream worlds for me. I believe that with your help, the development of these dream worlds will be more perfect and further toward reality."

  Looking at Amir, Supnos offered his own terms.

   "I'm willing to do your job, and Supunos is crowned."

Without hesitation, Amir agreed to the deal. It was a win-win thing. The main **** of the nightmare space could not only obtain a false divine right, but also exercise the authority of his own destiny here, which is itself a way to continue climbing. As for whether this is the calculation of Supnos, Amir doesn’t care, because he always keeps in mind that one who plays with fate will eventually be teased by fate. He never wants to keep everything in his own because he is in charge of fate. In the hands of Although Moira, the predecessor of Amir, was the master of the fate of the eighth order, he was not really born after all. Moreover, Amir is not the real Moira. He wants to really achieve eight. Level, still needs to fill in its own shortcomings, and under the current circumstances, Nightmare Space is a very good choice, safe and full of various possibilities.

   "Then I leave it to you."

   The voice fell, and the figure of Shupnos disappeared. His real body is still unable to enter the world of liberal arts. The remaining power is used a little less. With Amir instead, he will naturally fall into silence.

   Seeing such a scene, walking into the scope of the beam of light, Amir began to perform his duties, since he agreed, then naturally he must do well.

   The beam of light dissipated, and a large silver-white ball of light appeared out of thin air, illuminating the surroundings and driving away the darkness. At this moment, this unknown place revealed his true face.

The atmosphere of ancient and decay is permeated. The traces of different races and civilizations meet here. There are tree houses belonging to elves, blast furnaces belonging to dwarves, high-rise buildings belonging to the world of science and technology, and floating cities belonging to fantasy civilization... ···, the characteristics of each other are completely different, but they are cleverly integrated, not abrupt, here is like a lost country, here is the initial place of the nightmare space.



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