Old Continent, the southeast sea area, the sea of ​​sharks, here is famous for the shark groups of many kinds, many of which are extraordinary species, it is a very dangerous place, and few people dare to approach it.

However, this situation changed 30 years ago. A pirate named Herbert appeared here with his own pirate ship. Fierce sharks will crawl under his feet.

Dominate the group of sharks, occupy dangerous places, and establish his own foundation. After settled in the group of sharks, Herbert's power continued to rise, soaring into the sky, and later broke through the sixth rank, becoming a pirate king, and the group of sharks also Became his pirate country.

In fact, to the point where the pirate king is completely different from ordinary pirates, their nature is actually closer to those powerful nobles, they also have their own territories, and are in charge of the life and death of creatures in a place. The difference is that their rule is often It is more chaotic and disorderly, and is not recognized by a civilized society.

  'S own danger, coupled with the entrenchment of a large number of pirates, except for some dark forces, few people are close to the sea of ​​sharks, fearing that they will become sharks’ lunch accidentally, but this situation has changed today.

In the early morning, the fog on the sea will not dissipate. In the sound of the waves sweeping, shadowy shadows appear in the fog, constantly approaching the sea area of ​​sharks. It is a fleet, a steel fleet, with a unified flag hanging on it, inscribed He wears a black iron crown inlaid with gems of various colors, which is a symbol of the royal power alliance.

   The Black Angel, the flagship of the expedition fleet this time, is about 300 meters long and silver-gray throughout. Its bow stands with a statue of an angel with its eyes down and black wings on its back, flowing with faint magical brilliance.

This is not an ordinary steel battleship, but an astral boat built with the technology of the Demon Realm, with a rank of up to Tier 6, and it is also the vehicle of the current Union Army Marshal·Fallen Angel·Eric .

   On the deck, four men of different ages and costumes were talking, including wizards in robes, knights in armor, and soldiers in military uniforms.

   "Grand Duke Vic, this time with the Alliance army taking action, the crisis in the Red Coral Principality is easily solvable."

Ignoring the surrounding fog and looking at the scenery ahead, the old wizard wearing a crimson robe spoke up. He is the sixth-order titled wizard Chasuya from the kingdom of Sutilt, who got Sutier after Amir became the throne. The support of the special kingdom thus broke through the sixth tier. This time the royal power alliance formed an alliance army, and he joined it on behalf of the Sutilter kingdom.

   In fact, it is not only him. Except for Duke Vic, who is the Grand Duke of the Red Coral Principality, the other two are also members of the Alliance Army. They are from the Violet Principality and the Black Rock Principality.

The Alliance Army was first completed. According to the requirements of the Emerald Kingdom, all countries must mobilize a part of high-end combat power and elites to join the Alliance Army. Among them, Sutilt sent a Tier VI, and the remaining three principalities sent a Tier V. The Emerald Kingdom sent the Fallen Angel Eric, a pseudo-7th rank with myth-level magic eyes, as the marshal of the Alliance Army.

   Since then, the initial alliance army has set up a general framework. As for some key strategic materials, such as extraordinary battleships, all countries jointly funded and ordered in the Emerald Kingdom.

   It can be said that after investing a large sum of money, in terms of all kinds of equipment, the Alliance Army in front of them is no less inferior to the Ace Fleet of the Emerald Kingdom Navy, and it is even better in some respects.

   Of course, although the equipment is luxurious, there are still many problems with this alliance in terms of personnel. The internal good and the bad are uneven, and it needs to be run-in.

   "I hope so."

Hearing the words of the Great Wizard Zasua, Grand Duke Vic, who has a pair of blood pupils, sighed softly. He did have a lot of hope for this action, but because of this, it became more and more difficult for him. Calm, he didn't need to come in person this time, but in order to increase the success rate, he still came.

   "Don't worry, this is the first battle of the Alliance Army. It has a different meaning. There is a marshal, and it must be foolproof."

   Looking at Grand Duke Vic whose face was slightly heavy, Zasua spoke again.

To become the pirate king, Herbert is naturally strong in both personal strength and power, but this strength depends on who is compared. In the face of a behemoth like the Emerald Kingdom, Herbert is ultimately just a flea who can't get on the table. Just let you jump when you don't care, and slap you to death when you are upset.

Compared to the ignorance of others, Chasua, who got the advice of Rose Tudan, the great wizard, knows some information about the Marshal of the Union Army. With this presence, an ordinary Tier VI really can’t turn it over. What waves are coming.

   This time the main force of the Alliance army is fully deployed. It is not so much to defeat the pirate king, as it is to participate in a training, or it is an operation to establish majesty, and the target of the prestige is naturally the group of shark pirates.

  Huh, the black feather is floating, his figure is condensed, wearing a standard military uniform, Eric, who has been staying in the captain's room, suddenly appeared on the deck.

   Looking at Eric who suddenly appeared, the four of Duke Vic were slightly surprised, and they hurriedly said hello.

   "They are here."

   There was a purple halo in his eyes, passing through the fog, looking into the distance, Eric spoke, at this time the Alliance fleet had entered the sea of ​​sharks under the cover of the fog.

   And when Eric's voice fell, a squeaking sound sounded, and the mist that sheltered the Alliance army was suddenly eroded and quickly dissipated.

  In an instant, the Alliance fleet was exposed to the rising sun.

   "Haha, incompetent Vic, you don't think you can deal with me if you find some helpers."

   "I think I am smart, but I don't know that I have discovered your existence a long time ago, and I am waiting for you to fall into the trap."

Crazy laughter came ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Riding the waves in the distance, standing on the back of a three-headed giant shark, one with pigtails, short stature, like a hairless monkey with ears hanging on it The pirate with two huge golden rings was looking at the Alliance fleet jokingly. He was the pirate king·the king of sharks·Herbert.

   Hearing this and seeing the surrounding situation, the Alliance fleet that had just been pieced together immediately fell into panic.

I don’t know when a number of terrifying sharks have completely surrounded the fleet. Many pirates ride the sharks through it, grinning and shouting. In the depths of the seabed, a first-class vortex shark that reaches Tier 5 is constantly releasing its power. Create a submarine vortex and wrap the entire fleet.

   In fact, if it weren't for the Alliance Fleet, the warships were all extraordinary warships of not low tiers. At this moment, they might have been swallowed by the man-made vortex, but even so, the entire fleet has completely lost its mobility.

   Such a change has really made many people in the Alliance Army have no bottom, especially those from three small principalities, and even the expressions of several high-level officials have some subtle changes, especially Duke Vic.

Standing at the bow of the ship, watching this scene quietly, Eric’s expression did not change in any way. He looked at the arrogant Herbert as if he was watching a clown, and was not moved by the seemingly unfavorable circumstances around him. .



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