Unknown time and space, magical power, thousands of islands scattered on the sea like stars, rare dragon species from the outside world are flying in groups here, among them, pure blood dragon species are not uncommon, and on these islands In the center, a lonely mountain towers into the clouds, with no end in sight, and becomes the sky pillar of this sea area.

   The top of the lonely mountain, with the stars as the companions, here is a quiet place. Only a huge crystal dragon entwines the mountain and sleeps here. It is the ancestor of the dragon, Lilith Targaryen.

"who is it?"

  The power of the dragon is permeating, awakened from a deep sleep, the colorful halo flowing in the crystal dragon's twin pupils, as if to penetrate time and space.

At the same time, a wave of fate hits, and this area that resembles the kingdom of dragons suddenly becomes illusory, whether it is an island or a large number of dragon species. They are between the real and the illusion, and seem to be available at any time. It may become a bubble and disappear.

   "Who broke my plan? Interfered with my certain future?"

The anger burned, the colorful halo permeated, and the power burst, the ancestor of the dragon, Lilith Targaryen, pointed out the dragon's claws toward the unknown place in the dark. He wanted to correct the changed trajectory, but this is destined to be In vain, based on the future, wanting to directly change the present through the barrier of time is a taboo.

   rumbling, the origin of the world boiled, disasters descended, Lilith's protruding dragon claws instantly suffered a devastating blow, and even tended to spread to his body.

   roar, roar, angry roar, power boiling, colorful rays of light flourish, Lilith wants to forcibly cross the taboo, his layout is so long, and it seems that he will succeed, how can he allow others to destroy it like this?

   But at this moment, the tributary of the future where he was has completely lost contact with the real present, the key node at the present was changed, affecting the general trend of the future, and the future where he was was erased.

  Everything and everything return to nothingness, like a dream bubble, including Lilith, but his power is too strong, and now has a true and powerful foundation, so he can still persist.

   Reluctantly retracted the dragon's claws that she protruded, and looking at the disappearing world, Lilith Targaryen's face was gloomy as water.

   "Kieran, do you have a solution to this matter?"

   Based on the non-existent future, with a colorful halo covering the whole body, resisting the corrective force from fate, Lilith spoke.

   And hearing this, the river was rippling over a long period of time. A dragon with three heads on its back, a figure of a dragon several hundred meters long, covered with mottled bronze scales, with wings on its back, appeared.

Surrounded by the brilliance of time, the one on the left of the three heads of this giant dragon is still immature, and its scales are glowing with bright brilliance. The dragon's horns have just shown its sharp edge, and it is more cute than hideous, the one on the right. The decayed, ferocious dragon horns have been broken, and the gray scales are sparsely sparse. There are many places where bright red flesh and blood are exposed, revealing a strong scent of decay, which makes people no doubt that he will be there in the next moment. May step into death.

The only one in the middle of the skull is gleaming with metallic luminescence. The color is dim but it has incomparable toughness. The dragon's horns are sharp and straight up. It shows the beauty of violence in the hideousness, but the strange thing is that this skull is His appearance is not fixed, he seems to be changing all the time, sometimes he is a ferocious dragon, sometimes he is a handsome silver fox, he is the mythical dragon species, the time dragon.

   "Dragon Mother, what happens is the past. I am only a traveler and observer of time, unable to overcome taboos and change the past."

   drilled out of the long river of time, and looked at Lilith, the decayed dragon head on the right side of the time dragon spoke, and the words were full of vicissitudes.

   Hearing this, Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the time dragon that was shrouded in the halo of time, making people unable to see the true nature.

   "Help me find the person who disrupted my plan."

   There was a slight silence, Lilith spoke again, and this time, Time Dragon Jiran did not shirk again.

   "It is my honor to be able to serve you."

   There was a smile on his face, and the decaying dragon head behaved like a gentleman, but although he agreed, he did not act immediately and remained there.

   Seeing such a scene, her face became more gloomy, Lilith grabbed a ball of brilliance out of nothingness and threw it to him.

   "I will find the answer for you as soon as possible, Dragon Mother."

   After receiving that group of brilliance, the smile on Time Dragon's face became brighter, and this time, he didn't hesitate anymore, and disappeared into the long river of time before the voice was over.


Seeing the disappearing figure of the Time Dragon, Lilith’s long and narrow eyes flashed a cold light. He was aware of the abnormalities in the Time Dragon, but it is undeniable that the time dragon’s ability is very important to him. helpful.

   "Maybe I should come back early."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, colorful rainbows, and through the void, Lilith's figure disappeared.

Originally, his future was a point where multiple future tributaries converged. According to normal development, the point where he was may evolve into reality. At that time, he could not only return in a state of prosperity, but also May become more powerful.

This result is the result of his long and continuous layout. Through small nodes, he finally formed a big trend, letting the future go in the direction he wanted, but what he didn’t expect was what he left behind. The most important node was destroyed by others, which made the plan that he had built over the long years to become fragmented.

   Now he needs to make a choice whether to return immediately or to choose a future that has him but is not good enough to continue to wait, and reshape the future that is beneficial to him through indirect interference.

   Wow, time and space flow through the ages, the time dragon is going upstream, with the information provided by Lilith, he quickly passed through the fog, walked into the past, and found the node that was changed.

The starry sky cemetery is intact as before, it should have been destroyed, it is still bright, because here is the past, passing through time, the figure of the time dragon quietly emerges here, the body is distorted, it seems real and illusion, as if outside of reality~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who the **** is it? ? "

   A vague figure was reflected in the dragon's pupils, and a doubtful color appeared on the face of the time dragon.

The mighty power of time surging further broke through the fog, and the time dragon wanted to see more clearly. Originally, there was the power of the ancestor of giants to cover it, and the time dragon could not find and peek here, but Lilith provided him with accurate information. Information, this allowed him to come here smoothly, but even so, he still has a lot of difficulty in seeing what is happening here.

   rumbling, the thunder blasted, the time dragon's more and more public movements finally violated the taboo, the power left by the giant's ancestor revived, and the locking time dragon was smashed with a hammer.

   "Damn it."

   The glorious eruption of time, facing the attack of the giant's ancestors, the time dragon did not choose to go away for the first time, but continued to watch.

   "Is it Him?"

   After breaking through the fog, the Time Dragon finally got a little bit of truth. At the same time, he was hit by the giant's ancestor, his body became disorganized, and he was severely injured.

   "It turned out to be Him."

   A slightly suspicious voice echoed in the long river of time, and the wounded Time Dragon instantly moved away from the past node, and he recognized Sean.



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