Above the sea, the gunpowder was full of smoke. After Whitebeard was promoted to the seventh rank and confirmed that the ancient Jiaomen could not be hidden, the Emerald Kingdom began to set off a brand new war on the sea, breaking the fragile balance of the past.

This time, the seventh-order combat power on the bright side of the Emerald Kingdom is only the newly promoted Whitebeard Edward Newgate, and the mermaid Christine who holds the sea monster nut, the seventh-order imperial tool, can only be regarded as half. This kind of combat power is not strong on paper, but this time the ancient Jiaomen never showed up. Only his ally, Emperor Dagon, the Emperor of Warcraft, showed signs and came forward to stop the attack of Whitebeard.

   However, although White Beard is a newly promoted seventh-order, it is only comparable to weak divine power in terms of life level, but although Baibeard's true body does not have much ability, it is the best at killing and killing. Among the same rank, few people can beat it.

Although the current white beard only has a 100-meter-class real body, it can display a combat power comparable to medium divine power, not inferior to the veteran emperor of Warcraft Emperor Dagon, plus relying on a strong physical body to shake the fruit can play The terrifying power of Dagon, even on the sea, would inevitably fall under the advantage of Dagon, who occupies a favorable position. Compared with Dagon, this white beard seemed more like the emperor on the sea.

   Under such circumstances, the Jiao people retreated in a row and lost a large amount of territory. For a while, the great power showed signs of destruction.

This time, the Emerald Kingdom did not reap the benefits as it did in the past. Instead, it continued to move forward, demonstrating the determination to destroy the Jiao Ren clan, and as the war continued, the personnel of the Emerald Kingdom in the Demon Source Realm continued to return. Not only did the navy's combat power not decline as a result of the war, but it rose more and more, and for a while, the strong **** atmosphere above the sea lingered.

Sean did not pay much attention to the war on the sea. This time the Emerald Principality did have plans to destroy the Jiao people, but it was also a further persecution of the ancient Jiao people. If not, this war will progress faster. , Emerald Kingdom will not only use the top combat power of White Beard, unless the ancient Floodman shows up, Xiao En will not easily make a move. Compared with these, he now pays more attention to the completion of the door of the infinite.

   The Emerald Principality, the Royal Court, the Temple of the Sun, Smaug transformed into a dragon egg, and fell asleep here, while Sean chose to fill the door of the infinite here.

Following the communication of Shaun’s will, a huge amount of resources have been gathered from all over the King Power Alliance. To complete the final completion of the Infinite Gate, a chain of thunder and punishment is not enough. Although the auxiliary materials are not of high value, But there are so many types, and there are a lot of demand. If there is no service from a big power, it will take a lot of effort to rely on Sean to collect it himself.

  Hu, the sea of ​​fire is tumbling, and the brilliance of spirituality is shining. The same and the same material is integrated into the door of the infinite by Sean. The completion process is slow and firm, silently accumulating, waiting for the qualitative change to come.

During this process, Sean took time to observe the situation of Smaug. After being turned into a dragon egg by the time of the retrograde fire, Smaug reshaped the bloodline, and now it is comparable to the pure blood dragon species, but this is not enough. .

   Looking at the dragon egg that was quietly floating in the sea of ​​fire, covered with scales, and the color was like red gold, the thoughts in Xiao En's heart kept turning.

In fact, Sean is already sure about helping Smaug transform into a mythical species. At the beginning, the fairy dragon Urine Borges gave two ways to transform into a mythical dragon species, one is to swallow it. The origin of a mythical dragon species is extremely difficult and its success rate is unknown. The other is to obtain a copy of the origin left by the ancestor of the dragon. The success rate is 100%. However, there are only three origins left by the ancestor of the dragon, two of which are The share has been taken by others, and only one share is still circulated.

   "Although the origin left by the ancestor of the dragon is very good, I am afraid it is not so easy to digest."

   His eyes narrowed slightly, and Sean gave up his plan to help Smaug transform with the origin left by the ancestor of the dragon.

Now the third origin left by the ancestor of the dragon is in the hands of Sean. This origin has been hidden in the torn claws of the ancestor of the dragon. After Sean’s careful inspection, he can confirm this. An ancestor's origin is very clean, leaving no hidden dangers, but the more he understands this level of the eighth level, the more he understands the terrible level of this level.

The most important thing is that Lilith Targaryen, the ancestor of the dragon, is in a special state. Unlike the ancestor of giants who have fallen completely to death, Lilith’s power and transcendent nature have been passed on in this world, and they have stayed with the world and cannot be cut off. Among them, purebred species and mythological species are the best manifestations.

  In this situation, although Lilith is dead, she has enough anchor support. As long as she accumulates enough strength, he may return again. It can be said that he has been floating on the edge of life and death.

   In fact, Sean speculated that if it were not for the wizards to create an artificial severance of the magic tide, which caused the dragon clan to fall into complete silence for a certain period of time, Lilith Targaryen might have returned by now.

And the origin left by such a Tier 8 who may return at any time is undoubtedly dangerous, even if it is very clean, Xiao En is very suspicious of the two dragons who occupy the origin of the ancestor, the mother of the dragons and the mother of the dragons. The father will pay a terrible price in the future, and it is even possible that he has already paid now.

"Judging from the current situation, the most appropriate method is to adjust blood vessels. Although it is troublesome, it is not impossible. With the heritage of filthy blood and the assistance of the blood pool, this method may still be successful. Wynn used this method to make a Tier 6 monster break the shackles of blood. The most important thing is that once it is completed, Smaug has the possibility of completely getting rid of Lilith's restrictions."

Looking around, Sean made a decision in his heart. Bloodline adjustment is dangerous, because it touches the foundation of an extraordinary life. Once it fails, the extraordinary life will basically die because of the bloodline collapse. The most important thing is from the experimental data of Old Wynne. Judging from the fact that the failure rate of the bloodline adjustment is very high, but for the current Sean, he is sure to save Smaug's life anyway.

   With a decision in his heart, Sean grabbed the dragon egg that Smaug had transformed. It would take a lot of time for the completion of the door to be completed. In this process, he could just try to adjust the bloodline of Smaug.

The blood pool secret realm, the sky is light red, the blood pool that was exhausted by the promotion of the white beard last time is now showing signs of recovery, a variety of bloodlines wandering in the blood pool wantonly, these are the Emerald Kingdom once again Added it.

   Void fluctuations, Xiao En appeared here with the dragon egg.

   "Your Majesty."

Wearing a red magic robe, Anais, who was successfully promoted to Tier 6 after returning from the Demon Source Realm, came to Sean. Now the blood pool secret realm is mainly in charge of him. He himself is a blood mage and a vampire fruit capable person. The person who is suitable for taking care of the blood pool~www.wuxiaspot.com~Is everything ready? "

   Glancing at Anais, who is getting younger and younger, Sean asked.

   Hearing this, Anis nodded.

   "Your Majesty, all the materials are ready. At present, there are already a hundred sets of blood pulse adjustment experiments in the laboratory to verify various guesses."

   As an old man by Sean's side, Aneth understands Sean's style of doing things and does things cleanly.

   "Well, let's take a look. After the data verification is completed, you will cooperate with me to adjust the blood of Smaug."

   Although Anais is a native of the New World, he has been hardworking and diligent over the years, and his performance is really good. Sean is still willing to support him.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Knowing what Shaun meant, a flash of joy flashed in Aneth's eyes. This kind of opportunity was rare.

At the beginning, Anais took refuge in Sean, and Anais was just to save his life. Later, he found that this kind of life was really good. He had the ambition to be promoted to legend and prolong his life. Now, he feels that Tier 7 is not impossible to ask for, although It is unlikely, but after all, there is a little hope, after all, there is a role model like White Beard.



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