
In the Temple of the Sun, a colorful halo filled the blazing sea of ​​fire. Seizing the opportunity, Sean directly intercepted the alliance's wealth of luck through the King Power Sword.

The magnificent luck is flaring, affecting reality, showing a variety of colors, rendering the monotonous temple of the sun a splendid brilliance.

Om, the door of the infinite vibrated, the ancient gray stone door slowly opened, and Xiao En took the initiative to contain the eternal lotus seed again.

In the Void Sea where the world of Wu Tomb is located, in a dark forbidden area, an ancient big murderer suddenly turned over in his sleep, shaking the mountain for a while, and the seal that originally isolated the inside and outside also fluctuated for a moment.

"found it."

At a certain moment, the inspiration was touched, and Sean opened his eyes.

Unlike before, this time with the magnificent blessing of Qi Luck, if the door of the infinite is divinely assisted, grasping the opportunity of that moment, contained a silent eternal lotus seed from a dark forbidden place.

In the Temple of the Sun, looking at the pure-colored lotus seed in the door of the Infinite Door, Xiao En's face showed an undisguised smile. With this thing, his plan had a basis for smooth development.

[Item]: Eternal Lotus Seed

[Evaluation]: The lotus seed of the eternal **** lotus contains the mystery of the power of the world. It is similar to the embryo of the world. It is spawned by a specific method, and it has a chance to break out of the shell and grow into the world of Tier 8.

[Price]: 600 fundamental power points

After confirming the message of Eternal Lotus Seed, Xiao En’s thoughts turned, and the three hundred origin crystals obtained from the world of Yangshen immediately turned into nothingness, transformed into 300 fundamental source points, plus his previous accumulation, the number of 600 was quickly lost. Get together.

Confirm the exchange, play with the seemingly ordinary green lotus seed in his hand, and there is a splendid color flowing in the blue eyes of Sean.

The value of a complete eighth-order strange object should be more than 1000 points based on its fundamental source power point. The value of Eternal Lotus Seed is lower than Xiao En expected, but this is normal after thinking about it. Even though Eternal Lotus Seed is an eighth order. It’s only a seed, and it’s still unknown whether it can grow up. Even if it can grow up, the effort and resources invested in this process are incalculable. After all, it is only a possibility.

"It's time to start."

Squeezing the lotus seed in his hand, the void rippled, and Xiao En's figure disappeared into it.

In the depths of the endless void, the space is greatly expanded here, and Sean's world tree is rooted here, dotted with pearls transformed into the world, and grows silently.

Om, the void fluctuated, and Xiao En's figure appeared here. At the same time, the void cracked and the sacred brilliance permeated, and Sieggel, who had received the news, walked out of it.

"The deity."

His eyes fell on Sean, and Sieggel's old face had a rare trace of excitement.

"let's start."

With a deep complexion and a turmoil in his heart, Sean gave the order.

Hearing the words and understanding the importance of the matter, Sieggel did not hesitate to use his strongest strength immediately, and the thread of cause and effect fell from nothingness in an instant, completely concealing this emptiness from the source.

His gaze swept across the large web of cause and effect that covered the void, the rules of fate shook, and the ghost of a long river of fate was revealed as another guarantee, and Xiao En opened the door of infinity once again.

In the next moment, the huge divine body of the giant ancestor·Star Titan Terrashir was taken out by Sean from the Gate of Infinity.

Rumble, thunder and lightning roared, and the void shook. With the appearance of Terrashir, the void seemed to be overwhelmed.

Perceiving such a scene, his expression remained unchanged, time and space power covered, and Xiao En reinforced the void once again.

"Success or failure in one fell swoop."

With a thought, the heart of thunder formed by the Titan’s inheritance emerged, and Sean’s body was covered with the breath of the ancestor of the giant. At the same time, the door of the immortal emerged, the ancient stone door slowly opened, and the chains symbolizing the seal fell from it. The giant's ancestors are firmly bound.

Boom, thunder and lightning roared and shattered the void. In this process, the power left by the giant's ancestors instinctively resisted, but with Sean's appeasement, this resistance was not violent.

Looking at the corpse of the giant's ancestor temporarily restrained by the power of the Infinite Door, Xiao En narrowed his eyes, reached out and grabbed the world tree, which was rooted in the void.


Under the manipulation of Sean, the roots of the world spread, and he wanted to take root on the body of the ancestor of the giant, but unfortunately this is not realistic at all, even if it has died, the body of the ancestor of the giant is still immortal.

But at this moment, the door of the infinite was shaken, the power of the door was operating, the door on the giant's ancestor was opened, and the world tree took root smoothly.

Rumble, the void vibrates, forming spatial folds visible to the naked eye. Whether it is the world tree or the body of the giant's ancestor, both are powerful behemoths, the two are compatible, even just a little aftermath makes the surrounding void somewhat unbearable.

Time passed, and the fusion of the two giants finally ended. From the outside, the giant's ancestor was still the main body, except that there was a wooden armor woven with branches and leaves on his huge body, which was dotted with phantoms of one world after another. .

In the interior of the giant's ancestor, the invisible power flows, and the real world seed, Yukal, floats and sinks in it. Over the years, through the door of the infinite, he has been supported by many worlds. Although Yukal is only a world embryo, But its foundation has reached the seventh level.

Seeing such a scene, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and a green lotus seed fell from Xiao En's hand, it was the eternal lotus seed.

At the same time, the body of rules was revealed, and a series of secret texts were outlined in Sean’s hands, and a variety of precious and extraordinary materials emerged. Among them, the mithril and pure gold converged into two rivers. This is from gold. The souvenir of Silver Island.

In the Void Sea where the Wu Tomb World is located, the Eternal Sky Ark is just a statement. Its true form is not only a boat shape, but also a tower shape or a palace shape. There are no restrictions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this naturally includes it. Human type.

This time, Sean is going to use the body of the giant's ancestor and the world tree as the main materials, and use the eternal lotus seed to refine a special eternal boat.

Once successful, with the help of the particularity of the eternal lotus seed, awaken the quiet power of the giant's ancestors, coupled with the immortal warhammer, the eighth-order strange thing, and the growth of the world tree, Xiao En will be able to master the eight-level combat power.

The eternal lotus seeds fell and fell into the real world embryo, Yuklar. Under the urging of Sean’s secret method, they immediately broke the shell, took root and sprouted. In an instant, a peculiar force enveloped the entire body of the giant ancestor. .

At this moment, the divine body of the giant's ancestor no longer seems to be a dead thing, but has a fresh meaning. The rich world power completely envelops him and begins to affect his essence.

At the same time, the ancestor of the giant's absorption of various materials suddenly increased several levels, swallowing everything, no one refused.

Perceiving such a change, Xiao En's face showed a smile.


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