The liberal arts world, the material world.

The impact of the shaking of the great source is in all aspects. Although the kingdom of the gods is the most affected, the material world is also affected. On this day, various disasters are staged in the material world in turn, causing hundreds of millions of creatures to panic. Inexplicably, I don't know what is going on in this world.

Of course, the most worrisome thing is the appearance of the sun, falling like rain, and its mighty sacred breath makes everyone understand that this is the descending of the gods.

And some powerful beings have seen the panic and trauma of the gods from it. They are not so much coming as a fall. Such a discovery makes these powerful beings panic. What kind of crisis can make the powerful gods. Become like this?

Of course, during this process, some careerists have developed different minds, but anyway, everyone has a consensus that the legendary dusk of the gods has really come.

"My lord has fallen, and the gods have fallen at dusk."

On a sacred mountain, a priest wearing a crown looked at the stars across the sky, with sad tears in his eyes. Since then, the history of the Boya World has turned a new chapter.

The big world of Liberal Arts, the starry sky, the outermost layer, the starlight is dim, the sacred is no longer, and the darkness engulfed here.

The great source trembles, the kingdoms of the gods are all annihilated, once high in the starry sky, overlooking the world, looking at the entire void, the starry gods or death or falling of one party's overlord, the world repeats.

In such a situation, once regarded by the gods as pride, with a reputation of indestructibility, it can make the eighth-tier stalwarts sigh, and the defense layer and barriers of the gods that cover the entire Liberal World are self-defeating. After all, the barriers of the gods are self-defeating. The core node is the kingdom of the gods.

Such changes are undoubtedly dramatic, but perhaps, as the ancient words say, the strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

After stepping out of a Tier 8 Lord God who betrayed his camp, the destruction of the barrier of the gods no longer seemed so unacceptable, after all, the real murderer was the leader of his own forces.

Om, the magnificent power shook the sea of ​​stars. At the moment when the barriers of the gods of the Boya World were broken, the four stalwart powers awakened from the depths of the distant Star Sea, crossed the void from different directions, and descended on the origin sea of ​​the Boya World.

The rumbling and turbulent situation, the world consciousness that had already calmed down a little sensed the danger in the dark, instigated the wings, set off the boundless sea of ​​flames, and fell into the violent walk again, but after all, he has no intelligence, and huge power is in his The hands are too scattered, and the actual utility is limited.

Such a change naturally attracted the attention of Xiao En and others. At this time, four magnificent divine lights penetrated time and space, like spears, crucifying the world consciousness of the Boya Great World into the void.

Huh, suddenly received such an attack, the world consciousness of the Boya Great World let out a mournful cry.

"The world of truth, hell, and the mother elf has another unknown power."

In the boat of eternity, feeling the nature of these four forces, Sean’s pupils suddenly shrank. He is familiar with the world of truth and hell. Although the elf queen has not been in contact with him, there is a correlation in the inheritance left by the ancestors of giants. Record.

The void sea is vast, the world is numerous, and there are many forces from all sides, but only the forces with the eighth rank are considered to be a hegemon. Among them, the Great World of Liberal Arts, the Great World of Truth, and Hell are all represented.

Of course, in addition to these three parties, there are also other overlord forces. The elves are one of them. There were elves in the Bo Ya Great World long ago, but they are just a branch of the elves. In the void sea, the elves It is also a real big clan, with an eighth-order existence and power spreading across multiple worlds.

"seal up."

The ancient divine sound came from the depths of time and space, and an ancient, high-spirited, indifferent will descended on it, which was not like a person, but closer to the sky.

With the operation of this will, the four mighty forces converged into a cage, anchoring time and space, trapping the world consciousness of the liberal arts world into it.

Om, the power of horror erupts, and the world consciousness of the Liberal Arts world is instinctively struggling, but this cage that brings together many eighth-order forces is not only very powerful, but also deliberately aimed at the weakness of world consciousness, letting the world consciousness of the Liberal Arts World No matter how hard you struggle, you can't get out of trouble.

"Outsiders, this is not where you should be."

The flag of iron and blood was waved, the power of war burst out, giving up the suppression of Uranus, the warlord Ares wanted to break the cage and release the world consciousness of the Liberal Arts world.

Although the relationship between gods and world consciousness is very delicate, and even suffers from the erosion of world consciousness, at this moment, Ares never wants world consciousness to be sealed, because the barriers of the gods have collapsed and lost the indestructible iron. In the face of the forces outside the starry sky, the existence of world consciousness is already the greatest advantage of the forces within the Liberal Arts world.


Perceiving Ares' movement, a chuckle came across time and space.

The mighty power burst forth, and the cage was as strong as ever. This cage not only brought together a number of Tier 8 powers, but also contained multiple mysteries, which was definitely not something that Ares could easily shake with a single blow.

Perceiving such a scene, Ares's expression remained unchanged, and he sketched out the shadow of wars, and he was about to shoot again, but at this time, Uranus' attack came.

"Uranus, you are really looking for death."

The anger in his heart was burning, killing intent burst out, Ares once again slammed Uranus.

At the same time, the cage disappeared, dragging the world consciousness of the Boya Great World into the depths of time and space.

Noting this change, Sean's thoughts kept turning.

"Is it the world consciousness abyss of the **** world that you just shot? It feels very similar, but it's different from what you imagined. There is no filth, no depravity, but rather pure."

As an existence that has dealt with the world consciousness of multiple worlds, and even replaced the world consciousness himself, Sean has a clear understanding of the will that has just arrived.

However, perhaps only the existence of Abyss Consciousness as the dominant player can easily seal the powerful world consciousness of the Liberal Arts World. After all, in terms of understanding of the world consciousness, the Abyss is number one.

Boom, the power of the earth collided with the thunder. This sudden change weakened the fighting spirit in Sean's heart a lot.

Similarly, After several fights, I found that I really couldn't help the ancestors of the giants, and after my own state was getting worse and worse, the Desolate Mother didn't mean to fight anymore.

Seeing Uranus who had already entered the chaotic void with Ares, his whole body burst into force, temporarily blocking the giant's ancestor, and gave up the fight for the Great Source Fragment, and the Desolate Mother directly withdrew.

Taking the last piece of Dayuan Fragment into his hands, and letting the Desolate Mistress evacuated, Xiao En did not pursue it because it was meaningless.

"Uranus, Desolate Mother, do they also have a deep connection with the forces in the outer starry sky? This time the timing of the forces such as the truth world is a little too clever. The multi-party united and achieved success in one fell swoop. Obviously, they were well prepared. of."

Staying in place, watching the disappeared world consciousness, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

Uranus and the Twelve Kings of Natural Disasters joined forces to shake the great source of the Liberal World. The gods descended at dusk, the barriers of the gods were shattered, and the silent world consciousness was awakened, gathered together and manifested, and then the world of truth, hell, and the elves Waiting for the forces to seize the opportunity, join hands, and seal the world consciousness of the Liberal Arts world together. These things can obviously be linked together, and it cannot be described by coincidence.

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