In the depths of time and space, the ancient Titan is sleeping here.

In the world of Ukraal, in the vast emptiness, Sean, who was incarnate of the will of heaven, manifested his form, and the three pieces of Dayuan fragments captured from the Origin Sea of ​​the Boya Great World exude a hazy brilliance and surround him.

"A single world is not complete enough. Only by dividing the level world can it function orderly and grow rapidly."

The thoughts in his heart turned, and the situation changed with Sean's thoughts.

"Here is the heaven in the sky, and there should be the sun, moon and stars. It is the hometown of the stars and the sacred residence."

With Tianxian in his mouth, Sean's deep voice sounded at the root of the world. As Sean's words fell, a piece of the big source fragment burned and merged into the world of Ukral, and the world changed according to Sean's mind.

Endless light is born, the sacred breath converges into the sea, a brand-new realm is opened up in the heavens above, and there are many dim stars in it.

"This place is regarded as the heaven."

Set the final name, as Sean's voice fell, the originally bleak stars began to sprout brilliance, and the monotonous Ukraal world had heaven and starlight since then.

Lowering his gaze, no longer paying attention to the heavens that have been opened up, and penetrating the world, Sean cast his gaze to the lowest level of Uklar's world.

"Here is the underground sky. When there is water and dirty soil, it is the source of evil depravity and the destination of dead souls."

The sound of the gods sounded again, and the world vibrated. As Sean's thoughts turned, a piece of large source fragments burned, and a brand-new realm quietly opened up at the bottom of Uklar's world.

If the heaven is a holy place, then this is a place of filth, gathering all the evil in the Yuklar world.

"This place is considered the underworld."

The final name was set, and as Xiao En's voice fell, the turbid dark yellow river water ran through the entire shady soil and flowed to the unknown.

Withdrawing his gaze from the underworld and looking at the earth, Xiao En hesitated a little this time.

There was no heaven and underworld in the Ukral world originally, but they are not really completely non-existent, but they overlap with the material world, forming a chaotic interface between each other, and now Sean divides the heaven and underworld, Stripped of authority and clarified the rules, the material world above the earth has naturally been greatly affected and has been damaged.

"Here is the sky above the earth, the sky below the world, when there are endless mountains and seas, it is the origin of all spirits and the dwelling place of all things."

The divine sound echoed, and the last piece of great source fragment burned. Under the impetus of Sean's will, Yuklar's broken material world began to reshape.

Mountains and seas derive, three continents, seven oceans, islands are like pearls inlaid on the sea. At the same time, the vegetation grows savagely, and the first life begins to be bred in this world.

"This place should be the human world."

Under the name, Sean reshapes the damaged material world and is called the human world, because in this world human beings are destined to be the protagonists.

At the same time, in the human world, the sacred mountain formed by Sean's spine suddenly rises, endlessly deriving, passing through the human world and the celestial world, becoming a bridge between the two.

Om, the world shakes. When the three structures of the heavenly realm, the human realm, and the underworld are completed, a sense of orderly operation breeds in the depths of the world.

The three realms are separated and the wheels are in order. The nascent Ukral world has completed a leap-forward evolution. Normally, this process takes a long time to evolve, and it even needs powerful lives to promote it. Once, with the help of Dayuan Fragments as support, Xiao En walked into the sky and reached the position in one step, completing a leap-forward evolution.

There are many forms of the world, and there is no fixed formula, but the three-layer discrete structure is the common choice of many powerful worlds, because this structure is the most stable, simple and convenient, and can effectively promote the operation of the world, forming a perfect closed loop.

It can be said that the three-layer discrete structure is the natural result of the endless world's long-term evolution, and its superiority is beyond doubt. Under such circumstances, as the providence of Ukral's world, Sean naturally made the wisest choice.

"Next is the derivation of civilization."

Looking at the human world, Xiao En’s thoughts kept turning. Under the catalysis of Dayuan Fragments, simple life was born there, but the distance derives wisdom, and there is still a long way to go to give birth to civilization. This is destined to be It is a long process, and what Sean has to do is to shorten this process as much as possible while ensuring the potential. After all, the development and growth of civilization itself is an effective means to promote world development.

There are two main ways for Sean to grow Yuklar’s ​​world. One is to draw power from the Liberal World. The power that this approach brings is limited. Even if the world consciousness of the Liberal World is temporarily sealed, Sean It is also impossible to carry out large-scale plunder. Not only is it difficult to do it, but it is also impossible to do it. Doing it is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of everyone. Fortunately, this approach is better than stability.

The second way is to provide for the rest of the attached worlds. This ability is related to the world tree and the door to the world. Compared with the way of the Boya Great World, this way is undoubtedly more potential. The more attached worlds, the stronger. , The more nutrients you can get in the world of Ukral.

After the birth of the wisdom civilization, the Ukral world has a third way to support it. Of course, all of this will take time.

"Next, I will wait for Ymir to One thought a hundred turns, Sean’s consciousness fell into silence. At this time, the heaven, earth, and underworld of Yuklar’s ​​world are initially formed, and there are still many details that need him. This world consciousness guides, corrects, and avoids causing harm to the future.

As for Ymir now shuttles through the various subordinate worlds, opening up the underworld, and building small reincarnations. After he completes these things, he will return to the world of Ukral and open up reincarnation in the underworld of Ukral.

Then, with the help of the power of this eighth-order strange thing, the door of no room, it penetrates the worlds, connects reincarnation, through the reincarnation portal, reincarnates the souls of other worlds into the world of Yukal, and in this way quickly evolves the wisdom of the world of Yukal. civilization.

Of course, as a price, the potential of those affiliated worlds will inevitably be damaged, but for Sean, these are all worthwhile. In fact, this method used by Sean is unified with the worlds promoted by the wizarding civilization, **** gods and other forces. The plan has the same effect, and its essence is to support one world with all worlds.

The difference is that the methods of the wizarding civilization and other forces are more crude and simple, and the looting is more thorough, while Shaun's methods are much more gentle, without showing mountains, without dew, and completing the earth-shattering changes in silence.

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