"To be fair, I give you a chance. As long as you can let me leave the place, you will win the battle."

Standing on the arena, the golden hair fluttering around her ears, looking at Terry Georgia, Etrice's face showed a rare cold color.

This time she was in charge of receiving the Chiyan School. She planned to take them around in the Emerald Kingdom to experience some different customs, but she did not expect to meet someone like Terry Georgia, who has the heart of nature. The thoughts in Terry Georgia's mind are clear.

Hearing this, the gloomy color on his face became heavier, and he let out a cold snort, and five whitish fireballs were directly thrown out by Terry Georgia.

Five fireballs, a relatively basic fire-based witchcraft, can be learned by third-order wizards, but its power can be continuously improved, and it can even be upgraded to seventh-order. It is a simple and violent fire-based witchcraft. Surprisingly, the lethality is amazing.

The light and shadow changed, and the five fireballs silently locked onto Etras.

Faced with such a situation, according to what I said before, Etrice did not move a step, that is, at this time, the emerald golden brilliance bloomed, and an apple tree with golden leaves and branches full of apples appeared. Behind Etrice.

The five fireballs struck, and a green apple quickly turned black and withered. At the same time, the five fireballs that should have erupted into a terrifying might disappear silently, as if they were just an illusion before, and in the next instant, the five fireballs reappeared. , But it was Terry Georgia.

The sixth-order magic, the tree of cause and effect, the cause and effect, the cause and the effect, this kind of magic can perfectly bounce back the enemy’s attack. If Roshan Jack has been valued by Morrel, then Yi Triss got the careful guidance of Sieggel, and similarly there was Ram Montel, who was inherited by Ymir because of his own talent, and embarked on the path of soul and killing.

It can be said that the three of them are the leaders of the new generation of the Emerald Kingdom, and their strength has been directly chasing the older generations such as the red dog Mons and Huang Yuan, and they have been cultivated as the seventh-tier seeds of the future.


Enveloped by the scorching heat, Terry Georgia's face showed a color of consternation that could not be concealed.

In the next instant, the five fireballs burst, creating a sea of ​​flames instantly.

In the royal court, in the food hall, watching such a scene, the expressions of the seventh-order wizard Manos and Ikul had subtle changes.

"Sean, is this the so-called magic? It's really amazing. That little guy is a genius who can cast spells even higher."

As the seventh-order, Manos and Ikul saw the essence of things at a glance, and determined that what Etres was performing was not sorcery but so-called magic. Judging from the tip of the iceberg that is now exposed, the magic of magic does not seem to be magical. Inferior to witchcraft, this shocked the two of them.

Hearing this, Morrel nodded. He didn't hide it, couldn't hide it, and there was no need for it. At the same time, in the sky arena, the battle continued.

"Don't give up yet?"

Looking to the other side, Etrice's cold face did not change, that is, at this moment, her figure was quite embarrassed, and Terry Georgia, whose body was enveloped by a layer of silver brilliance, appeared there.

"I don't believe that your defensive witchcraft has no shortcomings?"

The red brilliance bloomed, and the scorching rays known as the top 5th-level single-attack witchcraft were released by Terry Georgia. This witchcraft is best at breaking faces with points. It is the nemesis of many defensive witchcraft. It can be in such a short time. I have to say that Terry Georgia is a real genius in the time I have mastered the scorching rays, but it is a pity that there are monsters above the genius, and Etrice meets this standard.

Another apple withered, in the unbelievable eyes of countless wizards, like the five fireballs before, the scorching rays disappeared as soon as they approached Etrek.

The shock in my heart has not subsided, the chill suddenly grew, and a red light flashed away. A dark hole appeared on Terry Georgia’s eyebrows. At this moment, the silver brilliance on his body did not show much. The effect of the scorching rays, the destructive power of the witchcraft, was vividly demonstrated.

The breath of life quickly dissipated, and with a look of panic, Terry Georgia turned into a cold corpse and fell to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Etreis frowned slightly. Because of self-suppression, she still stays at the fifth level. Although the sixth level of the magic tree of causality is released, the control is inevitably insufficient, and this situation occurs. , I can only say that Terry Georgia's luck is not very good.

"Georgia is dead?"

From the stands, looking at Terry Georgia who fell to the ground, the hearts of many wizards were blank, and everyone knew something was going on.

Wang Ting, in the food hall, watching such a scene, Morrel and the three were also a little stunned. It happened so suddenly that even they hadn't had time to stop it.

"I'm sorry, under the crown of Manos, the little guy Etres is still too reckless."

The look became serious, and Morrel apologized to Manos, because Manos' full name was Manos Georgia.

His expression changed slightly, and he let out a soft sigh, facing Morrel's gaze, Manos shook his head.

"It doesn't have to be that, under the title of Sean, the challenge was initiated by Terry himself, and he was responsible for dying on the ring."

Seeing the younger generation he valued dying on the ring, Manos was naturally very sad, but he was not going to be dazzled by anger.

Of course, although hatred cannot be talked about, there will inevitably be grievances between each other, which is inevitable.

Looking at Manos like this, Morrel also sighed. The relationship between him and Manos has always been relatively harmonious.

"Manos, don't worry, Terry Georgia will not die here."

With words, a secret message was sent out, and the sacred light shrouded the sky arena~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A ghost with a black hood and robe, like a skeleton, quietly appeared in the void.

The gaze fell, the death sickle waved, and the death entwined with Terry Manos was quietly dispelled. In the next instant, the vitality of life appeared on Manos again.

"Is that the **** of death?"

Looking at the faded figure, Manos had a look of shock on his face. The power of death was extraordinary. He did not expect the Emerald Kingdom to have such a deep connection with the **** of death in this world.

"Danatus, the **** of death, one of the righteous gods of the royal power alliance."

Looking at Manos and Ikul, Morrel gave an affirmative answer.

Because Ymir himself was busy initiating reincarnation, Danath, the **** of death, was left in the spiritual world by him to exercise the authority of death. As a **** of death, he wanted to resurrect the mortals that had just died. It is not difficult for Nats.

After getting such an answer, Manos and Ikul fell into silence. At this moment, they had a strong curiosity about the existence of the royal power alliance.

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