"Shadow Island, it really lives up to its name."

As he walked onto the empty street, Balash was moved in his heart.

Everything in the Shadow Island corresponds to the twin islands on the sea. When the twin islands change, it will also change. There are also prosperous ports and cities on the twin islands. Coming here is like coming to another twin island. The difference is that this place is empty, there are no living things, and there is an indescribable weirdness.

"The temple should be in this direction."

Passing through the bustling city, Balas walked towards the depths of Twin Island.

Before the Jade Kingdom had yet to develop the golden waterway, there were indigenous people on Twin Island. They were a group of headhunters with ferocious temperament and hunted for a living. They were later swept clean by the Qiwu Sea under the Jade Kingdom and occupied the Twin Island.

However, although the headhunters were annihilated, they still have some traces left, including the temple.

Along the way, a rough temple made of boulders soon appeared in front of Balas. The periphery of the temple was full of withered branches and leaves, and only the old trees with bare trunks were hung on top of them. There are humans and beasts on his heads. The flesh and blood have long been rotten, and only the white bones are left, just like the fruits they bear.

Inside the temple, there is an unknown deity with a petite figure, extremely long arms, hanging down to the ground, and a head resembling a sheep.

Standing in the distance, looking at the temple in the ancient woods, Balash’s face showed a trace of excitement. He knew that he had come to the right place. Of course, he did not hurriedly walk over. An extraordinary person, he clearly knows that the temple seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is far away. It is self-contained with the ancient woods outside, equivalent to an independent space, like the dwelling place of the gods on the ground, and outsiders cannot enter at all. go.

"I hope I don't disappoint."

Withdrawing his gaze and taking a deep breath, an ancient sheepskin scroll appeared in front of Blash, which was the greatest support he could rely on from an illegitimate child to this point.

As a younger generation, Balash can enter the sixth level at this age. In addition to the feedback brought by the impure Montel family bloodline, the most fundamental reason lies in the golden finger hunting he himself got in the past. The compliment of the viewer allows him to increase his strength by continuously hunting prey.

Om, void fluctuations, when the hunter's praise this unknown strange thing appeared, a deep resonance occurred, and the originally stable space immediately rippled.

Seeing such a scene, Balash did not feel any surprise. After achieving something, Balash has not given up on tracing the origins of his golden finger. By chance, he noticed the twin islands and started headhunting. Some clues were found in the traces left by the clan, and he was sure that his golden finger had a deep relationship with the **** worshipped by the headhunting clan.

Without hesitation, following the ripples in the space, feeling the inexplicable call, Blash walked in directly, and at the same time, two knives that looked like doglegs appeared in his hands, one black and one white.

The hunting twin knives, the strange things that Balash got together when he received the praise of the hunters, were not conspicuous at first, but as Balash continues to grow, the power of these two knives has become stronger and stronger, and they are now Comparable to the sixth-order wonder, and even beyond, compared to the magical effect of the hunter’s praise, the hunting twin knife has only brought the ultimate killing to Balash. So far, through these two knives The sharpness of Bashi has already cut off the heads of countless enemies.

The sheepskin scroll sprouted brilliance, all the darkness quietly retreated, and a clear path appeared at Balash’s feet, leading to the temple.

Phew, the golden flames spontaneously burned, and the stone lamps that had been extinguished for countless years were lit, dispelling the gloom of the past and rendering the originally dilapidated temple sacred and solemn.

Walking into the temple, the path behind him naturally disappeared. Looking at the enshrined deity in front of him, Balash's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up slightly.

Forever Hunting Twins, an ancient **** buried in history, in today’s Liberal World, his god’s name is no longer known, and people don’t even know that such a **** has existed. The hunter tribe may be his last faith.

If Balash didn't use the information left by the hunters as the entry point, conducted in-depth research, and relied on the kingdom's huge intelligence system to collect some information, I am afraid he would not know the relevant information of this ancient god.

"Sure enough, I didn't come wrong."

Unconsciously approaching the idol, feeling the powerful sleeping power in it and the constant longing emanating from the praises of the hunters, Balash knew that he had come to the right place.

Along the way, from an innocent illegitimate child to a superior Tier 6 titled powerhouse, Balash’s greatest reliance is the praise of the hunter. It can be said that without the praise of the hunter, there would be no such wonder. Barash Monteel now.

Only after waiting for the promotion to Tier 6, Balash suddenly found that the effect of the hunter’s praise was greatly reduced. At Tier 6, if Balash wants to progress quickly, the best way is to hunt down. Six levels of prey.

Prey of this level is not only rare, but also difficult to kill. The most deadly thing is that the rewards given by the hunter's praise are too little. You must know that according to the hunting rules, the prey of the same level can only be hunted five times at most.

Judging from this level of feedback, Blash is pretty sure not to say that he will break through the seventh level like his brother, it is impossible to reach the top of the sixth level. This is something that Blash can’t accept. After careful investigation, he discovered that the praise from the hunters he had received was not complete.

In fact, if Balash chooses to abandon the hunter’s praise this strange thing at this time, relying on the strong power of the sacred bloodline of the Montell family, the rich extraordinary resources of the Emerald Kingdom and his previous accumulation, although the seventh-order cannot Guaranteed, but the sixth-order vertex is still certain.

But it is a pity that it is too difficult for people who are used to shortcuts ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to want him to follow the steps, especially after he sees the possibility of continuing to take shortcuts.

After confirming the fact that the hunter’s praise is incomplete, Balash put all his thoughts on how to complement this strange thing. In the end, he traced the source, found the headhunter, found the temple, and found the eternal hunter. Gemini.

"The ancient eternal hunter twins, you have already fallen, give me your power, one day I will let the name of hunting reverberate throughout the world."

The hunting twin knives and the hunter’s praise hovered beside him, and Balash stretched out his palm to the goat’s head statue. What he didn’t notice was that at this moment the temple’s disappeared gate appeared again and quietly closed, in the sacred place. Under the brilliance, there was a shadow surging, its shape resembling a resentful spirit, its entire body resembling a black mist, dragging a long figure, with a head resembling a wolf.

At this moment, the eyes of the wolf's head were glowing with scarlet brilliance, and he was staring at Balash's back, and Balash didn't know anything about it. He seemed to be blinded by something.

Forever Hunting Gemini, an ancient **** active in the early golden age, has the shape of a good sheep and the shadow of a wolf, and this is also the origin of the name of the twins.

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