In 1566 A.D., flooded by the flames of war, the already precarious elven kingdom suddenly announced its membership in the Royal Power Alliance and became a member of the Royal Power Alliance.

At the same time, the King Power Alliance also issued an announcement, announcing that the Elf Kingdom is a new member of the King Power Alliance, enjoying all the rights it deserves. At the same time, it warns the major forces that the Elf Kingdom is the inherent territory of the Elf Kingdom and is protected by the King Power Alliance for no reason. The immigrants must unconditionally evacuate within two months, otherwise they will be treated as a provocation to the alliance and be cleaned up.

   The news came out, and the major forces were in an uproar. What does the King Power Alliance want to do? What does the Emerald Kingdom want to do? Every family has worked so hard to cultivate for so long, and it seems that the harvest will soon be harvested. They just come out to pick peaches? Not only to share a piece of the pie, but to take the pot away?

It can be said that the anger in the hearts of the major forces was really ignited at this time, but the facts are in front of them, and the major forces have to seriously consider the threat of the royal power alliance. You must know that the current royal power alliance is already a real behemoth, but Even if they want them to give up the fat that is about to reach their mouths, it is impossible. The most important thing is that not all forces are afraid of the royal power alliance, especially those that come from outside the territory.

As outsiders, these forces have always had a psychological advantage to the local forces in the Liberal World. Although the core subject of the Royal Power Alliance, the Emerald Kingdom has the background of the Eternal Tower, it is still strictly an indigenous force. How can they Tolerate yourself being threatened by such a force?

Suddenly surrounding the elven continent, the undercurrent surging, the major forces began to connect closely, no matter what they think, they all know clearly that it is unrealistic to face the pressure of the royal power alliance alone, and only by uniting can they give the royal power alliance. A severe lesson, let the royal power alliance know what position he is in.

   In the same month, the navy of the Emerald Kingdom and the Royal Power Alliance appeared in the waters near the elven continent. A woven steel fleet cruising along the coastline, with fierce artillery, boasting of their own force, they came across the space gate.

At this moment everyone knows that the Royal Power Alliance is here for real, not just talking, but with the naval fleet there is also a magnificent naval base that descends from the sky, of which four horrible auras are unscrupulously manifested, shocking the Quartet. , They are the Navy Marshal Green Pheasant, the Navy Honorary Deputy Marshal Snake King Midel, the Field Marshal Whitebeard, and the guardian of the Kingdom of Sutilt·Elegant Dragon·Yulin Borges.

In the original plan of the Emerald Kingdom, Euren Borges was not in the call-up plan this time. After receiving the news, Euren Borges asked to participate, and the reason is very simple. , Just for more luck.

   Since becoming a member of the Royal Power League, with luck and luck, Yulin Borges once again saw the possibility of taking a step forward, crossing the boundaries, becoming an ancient dragon species, and gaining a power comparable to powerful divine power.

After these years of polishing, Euren Borges has made real progress, but he has not been able to cross the most critical step. After a long time of thinking, he finally understands what he is missing, and he needs more. Qi Luck, the little share divided by the Kingdom of Surtilt alone cannot support him to become stronger.

After changing the previous inaction, Julien Borges began to actively participate in the affairs of the royal power alliance. As the guardian of the franchise country like him, the luck obtained is mainly composed of two parts, one part comes from the kingdom where he belongs. Qiyun share, the proportion of this part is determined, and the specific amount is related to whether the kingdom is strong or not.

   The other part is the amount of air luck that individuals earn after participating in the alliance. The more this part of the individual does, the more air luck they get.

And this time the Royal League’s military action against the Elf Continent was regarded by Julen Borges as a rare opportunity. As long as you grasp it, the Elf Continent can be smoothly included in the bag, even if the individuals can only divide up the total. A small share, that would be an astronomical figure. With the blessing of this air, maybe he has hope to go further?

   At the same time, in the golden oak forest of the Emerald Kingdom, a huge amount of power of faith is surging.

As the righteous **** of the Royal Power Alliance, the faith of the Father of Oak Siggle has blossomed throughout the Royal Power Alliance. Even because of his gentle behavior and doctrine, as well as his natural theocratic power, there are many places outside that have the faith of the Father of Oak. exist.

   And because of his own particularity, Sieggel does not rely so much on the power of faith, and his savings are now like an endless ocean.

  The divine light is shining, and the sacred breath flows, pulling out the sea of ​​faith, and feeling the prayers of the believers in it, Sieggel's look has become particularly solemn, and the poisonous faith is not a joke.

   "All causes and effects are added to me."

   The body of the rules manifested, and the divine power was shaken. This horrible power of belief was simultaneously activated by Sieggel.

   "Cause and effect are separated, faith is purified."

   Controlling cause and effect, controlling cause and effect, the traces of cause and effect in the sea of ​​faith have been pulled out by Siegger, and the number is daunting.

  Causality was stripped away, and pure faith was born. The purest golden light appeared in the vast sea of ​​faith, without the slightest impurity.

Placed anywhere, the sea of ​​pure faith in front of you is enough to make any **** salivate, and as a price, Sieggel’s body is entangled by dense lines of cause and effect, these lines of cause and effect seem to be light. If there is nothing, but to some extent they cross the mountain again, the sum of such terrifying numbers is enough to crush the true god.

   "Faith is the rock, cause and effect are the roots, divine power is the heart of the mountain, and the gods stand on the mountain."

Entangled by countless lines of cause and effect and under tremendous pressure, Sieggel did not stop his actions at all. Under his control, the pure power of faith began to condense further, turning into pieces of golden rocks. At the same time, a series of causal rules began to be embedded between these mountains and rocks, turning into roots, connecting these mountains and rocks together.

   Belief is the mountain rock, and cause and effect are the roots of the mountain, constantly piled up, a glorious sacred mountain is looming.

"not enough."

   Looking at the sacred mountain that is constantly piled up in front of Sieggel shook his head.

Reaching out, another sea of ​​beliefs was pulled out by Siegger. Compared with the first sea of ​​beliefs, this sea of ​​beliefs is much smaller and more complicated. These beliefs do not belong to Sean, but rather From other gods, such as the Lord of the Storm.

   Without hesitation, Sieggel once again took action to strip away the cause and effect in the power of faith.

   Belief is poisonous, not to mention the belief of Ability God. Under normal circumstances, no **** will absorb the belief of other gods. This is simply suicide, but for Sieggel, it makes no difference.

   More causal power was added, and countless calls rang out in Sieggel's ears, and tiny cracks appeared on Sieggel's divine body.

At the same time, with the blessing of more power of faith, the mountain of gods grew taller and brighter, gradually showing a majesty that could not be seen directly, and Sieggel’s theocratic symbol was imprinted on the top of the mountain. .

   "So the foundation is laid."

The divine body is like broken porcelain, with a little golden blood oozing out, watching standing between the heaven and the earth, half of the mountain pierced into the clouds, it is difficult to peek, the magnificent majestic mountain, Sieggel’s old face reveals Gave a pleasant smile.

   "Next, I will wait for the results of Double Punk. I hope he will not let me down, and can do better than expected."

   The emerald green eyes flowed with unprecedented bright light, and Sieggel's thoughts kept turning. He looked forward to the day when the gods and gods appeared, the current gods and gods were just an empty shelf, missing one of the most important things.

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