The world of Yangshen is an ancient and powerful world. The world level has reached the seventh rank. It is a truly high-energy world. In the past years, he has wandered between destruction and rebirth time and time again, and now he is moving towards a new beginning.

Phew, the breath of chaos is permeated here, there is no black and white, no clearness and no muddy.

The space fluctuates, and a gray mottled stone gate takes shape, and Xiao En's figure walks out of it. At this time, a violent wave suddenly rises in the calm chaotic sea and becomes more and more intense.

In the center of the waves, there is a phoenix-like divine bird sleeping quietly. It is huge, elegant, with wings curled up together. It is crimson and burns with the eternal flames. It breathes in and out. Can provoke the Chaos Sea.

Om, two groups of red flames ignited the chaos, and a sleeping consciousness quietly awakened at this moment.


The scorching divine light broke through the chaos, and Xiao En's figure was reflected in the burning red flames in his eyes, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded quietly, penetrating the chaos, I don't know how far it spread.

The wings spread out, and I don't know how many miles it spread, the red flames flourished, rendering the surrounding chaos brilliant.

Well, the crisp and sweet crowing echoed in the chaos, full of joy of rebirth, after many years of sleep, the Phoenix finally uttered its first crowing.

The wings shook, separated the chaos, and the Phoenix crossed a long distance and came to Sean.

"Long time no see, Semiya."

The azure blue pupils reflected the chaotic footsteps and looked like a girl who came to him, and Xiao En's face showed a gentle smile.

Semiya Doyle, a student accepted by Sean when he accepted a mission to explore the world of yellow sand in the world of truth, is a talented person with the ability of the seventh-order animal system, the mythical species, and the devil fruit in the form of the undead.

In the world of yellow sand, part of the consciousness of Asmod, the lord of the twelfth pillar of hell, came to turn the entire world of yellow sand into a hotbed of desire. In order to stop Asmod, Semiya desperately died. war.

Although in the end Semiya successfully repelled Asmode’s descendant with the help of Sean, she was also polluted by desire and was about to become a prisoner of desire. In desperation, Semiya had to choose to use The phoenix fruit's ability to carry out nirvana can cut the past and reshape the new life.

Taking this opportunity, Sean simply sent Semiya’s phoenix egg into the world of the sun god, which was still chaotic, and wanted Semiya to seize this opportunity to increase Nirvana's success with the help of the origin of the sun **** world. At the same time of probability, it is transformed into the innate life of this world in one fell swoop.

From the current results, Semiya did not live up to Sean's expectations, reversed her innate in one fell swoop, and became an innate creature in the world of Yangshen.

Of course, with such a heel, Semiya's strength is naturally rising, his body and soul have reached the level of seventh, and the fruit of the phoenix has also completed the awakening. It can be said that he is now a veritable seventh. biology.

"Long time no see, teacher."

Stopped, and looked at Sean from a long distance. Semiya's red eyes, like flame gems, were filled with smiles. In this endless Nirvana time, the existence of Sean, the teacher, is to support him. Important beliefs.

"I am very happy to see that you can wake up from Nirvana."

Stepping out, countless spaces folded under Sean's feet, and Sean came to Semia.

"I am also very happy to see the teacher again."

Her gaze briefly met with Sean's. Semiya lowered her gaze and bowed to Sean. Although she had become a Tier 7 being, he was still the former student in front of Sean.

"How does it feel to be a great being of Tier 7?"

With a smile on his face, Sean asked the student who had surpassed him.

Hearing this, raising her head and looking at Sean, Semiya's delicate face showed a charming smile, which contained joy from the heart.

"It feels better than ever before. After I was promoted to the seventh rank, I really felt the power of the seventh rank. This is not only in terms of strength, but also in the level of life."

Hearing this, and looking at the smile on the girl's face, Xiao En was in a trance for a moment, and a sincere smile appeared on his face as well.

Semiya herself is a beauty. After she was promoted to the seventh rank, her life level jumped again, and both her face and temperament had undergone a fundamental change, which made her every move full of charm.

With a clear vision in his eyes and the same smile, Sean stretched out his hand and ravaged the girl’s red hair. To be honest, Sean didn’t expect that after being promoted to the seventh rank, Semiya’s soul power would be as strong as it is now, just a little bit of power that escaped. It made him infected, unconsciously resonating with his soul, empathizing with him.

However, the first two roads in the world of Yangshen focused on the soul and the body. This has been deeply embedded in the origin of the world. Nirvana in this world, Semiya herself will inevitably be affected by the world.

Although according to the actual age, Semiya who performed Nirvana in the world of the sun **** far surpassed Sean, but in front of Sean, Semiya was still the same as before.

"What are you going to do next?"

Feeling Semia’s dependence, Sean retracted his palm, perhaps because of Nirvana again, Sean can clearly feel that Semia’s mental age has not grown compared to the past, but has regressed a lot. .

"I want to go back to the Yellow Sand World to take a look, if I have a chance, I want to kill Asmodeus."

Two clusters of red flames were burning in her eyes, and when she talked about Asmodeus, the lord of lust, Semiya did not hide her hatred.

Hearing this and feeling Semiya's changing breath, Sean frowned.

Although it is said that Semiya is now Tier 7, his own control of power is actually very insufficient. Now he wants to take action to deal with the Lord of Hell Demon's expression and desire. The odds of winning are extremely low, and it can even be said that there is no chance of winning. .

Hell is a powerful world. It has reached the eighth level. It is roughly at the same level as the world of truth and the great world of Liberal Arts. However, unlike the world of truth and the great world of Liberal Arts, there are and only twelve great beings above the seventh stage of Hell. Bit, that is, the twelve pillars of the devil.

Twelve is a fixed number, not a Every Hell Demon has stepped on the mountain of blood to reach the top. It can be said that in the seventh rank, every Hell Demon is not weak.

As the master of desire and the lord of **** in hell, Asmod is at the bottom of the twelve pillar demon gods and his strength is in the lower reaches, but this is relatively speaking.

In contrast, Semiya, who relied on Nirvana and transformed into an innate creature to achieve the seventh rank, is still too immature now.

"It is inevitable to return to the world of sands, and it is okay to seek revenge from Asmode, but not now."

There was a deep depth in the blue pupils, looking straight at Semiya, Sean spoke again.

Hearing this, she stared at Sean and felt the unshakable firmness, and Semiya slowly lowered her gaze.

"I know the teacher."

Knowing Sean's kindness, Semiya didn't insist on doing her own way. Although he became a seventh-order life, he was not swallowed up by power and lost himself.


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