is the night, the moonlight is bright, the torches in the camp of the Expeditionary Army of Luye Town illuminate the entire camp as a cloud.

The atmosphere was dignified. The soldiers standing guard were straight and daring not to relax at all. The soldiers on patrol came and went, their sharp eyes swept from time to time, not letting the slightest change happen. The bizarre deaths of ten soldiers early this morning caused everyone There was a shadow in their hearts. Of course, the more important thing was that their lord Sean Montell had expressed his dissatisfaction today. None of them was willing to bear the lord’s anger, which would be more terrifying than death.

   In the main tent of the camp, Sean sat there alone, sitting quietly without meditating or dealing with other things.

What happened today was indeed a little angry in Sean's heart. Of course, this was not just for the deaths of ten soldiers. The sweep was a war. There were not many people. Ten people were not many. What Sean was really angry about was the deaths of ten soldiers. It is unclear whether an individual died in the camp, and no one has discovered an abnormality. This time it was just an ordinary soldier who died, so next time it will be him? Without catching the real murderer, Sean always feels a little uneasy.

   The sun was faint, the night was calm, no one died, and the next day and the third day remained the same.

   "Lord Lord, the past three days have been calm, what should I do next?"

After three consecutive days of high-intensity security in the entire camp failed, Ferrole had to come to Sean to ask for the next action. After all, such high-intensity security and the days of constant fear are a heavy burden on the soldiers' body and mind, especially It is now in a dangerous environment.

   "Notify the troops to gather supplies and rush to Wild Green as originally planned."

   After thinking about it for a moment, Xiao En made the decision to leave, but the other party did not show up for a long time. He could not wait endlessly, the conditions were not allowed.

   Following Xiao En’s order, the entire camp began to act. The whole process was orderly and orderly. The only difference was that even when the entire camp was gathering supplies, the security in the camp was still not relaxed.

   At noon, when the sun was the hottest, the troops gathered their supplies and started to advance along the established route.

   At the same time, in a dark corner that could not be illuminated even when the sun's rays were the strongest, a pair of gloomy eyes were staring at the people in Lvye Town who had left.

   "Lord, will that thing appear?"

On the steed, Monnes seemed relaxed, but he was always vigilant. After many explorations of the crime scene and inspection of the wounds of the deceased, Ferrol came to a conclusion after inquiring about several experienced hunters, and speculated that he was dead. Ten of the soldiers should have been killed by bat-like creatures. The only strange thing is that this kind of bat can **** up a person's blood.

   "I don't know, wait and see."

   turned his head and glanced at the back, there was no ups and downs on Sean's calm face.

   At night, in the temporary camp, when the crescent moon was about to be shrouded in dark clouds, Moons carried the corpse of a weird bat into Sean’s tent.

   "Lord, those things have appeared, this is it."

   Talking, Monnes put the body of the weird bat in front of Sean.

   "Is that this thing?"

   Looking at the bat corpse the size of an adult's fist in front of him, except for the strange bloodstains entangled by itself, it is not much different from ordinary bats, and the color of thought flashed in Sean's azure blue eyes.

   "Lord Lord, our soldier was killed by this thing. Unfortunately, it was a bit late to find out. Two soldiers were killed. In the end, I only left one."

  Speaking of this, a hint of hesitation flashed across Monens's face before he continued:

   "Lord Lord, these bat monsters are not weak. Although they are not as powerful as the first-order transcendent beasts, they are much stronger, and the most important thing is that they act in an orderly manner, unlike ordinary beasts."

   "Do you suspect that they are controlled by others?"

   Gazing on Monnes's face, Sean heard the sound of his words.

   "Yes, Lord Lord, according to the description of the victimized soldiers, these bat monsters suddenly flew out of the shadows to attack them. There was no sign before. Such action and organization power are simply impossible for ordinary beasts."

   With a calm complexion, Monens uttered his own speculation, and after hearing what Monens said, Sean fell into contemplation.

   "Are there anyone to suspect?"

   has a gentle tone. Although it is a question sentence, there is no doubt in Sean's words, and he obviously has the answer in his mind.

   "Lord Lord, I suspect it has something to do with the natives of Yeguoling. After all, they are the only ones who have a direct conflict with us now, and this method of imperial bats is a bit like the sacrificial animal spirits in the aboriginal rumors."

   "Beast soul sacrifice? Let the troops speed up their march tomorrow and reach the wild green as soon as possible. I believe that by then these rats in the gutter will jump out one by one."

After that, Sean lowered his head again and began to study the weird bat in front of him. He was still very interested in this amazing blood sucking bat, and when he saw Sean's movements, Monnes did not stay anymore, quietly. Exited and ordered people to be more alert.

   In the main tent, after Monnes left, Sean took out the scalpel from the natural gift of the storage ring and began to dissect the corpse of the weird bat.

   The most important and valuable part of an extraordinary creature is generally its extraordinary organs, but the extraordinary organs of different kinds of extraordinary creatures are different, some are internal organs, some are eyes, some are minions, and they are all different.

After an autopsy and a detailed examination, Sean discovered an interesting fact, that is, this weird bat does not have extraordinary organs. Its extraordinary power comes from the strange bloodstain on its body, which is a kind of insect that is indistinguishable by the naked eye that is parasitic on it.

   came to this conclusion, Sean was a little disappointed, after all, a fruit template is missing, but this is not important, because this parasite may also serve as a fruit template.

   No longer paying attention to the bat itself, Sean focused his attention on this strange parasite, made a series of experiments, and finally reached a conclusion.

This weird parasite is not powerful. It has a certain fear of flames and sunlight, and has a high thirst for blood. It can digest blood quickly. If you don't absorb blood for a long time (about half a day), your body will shrivel and die. Because of this, this parasite cannot survive alone. It needs a parasite to provide them with blood anytime and anywhere. Of course, in return, this parasite will return part of the parasite’s blood power to enhance the parasite’s physical fitness. This is why ordinary bats show almost extraordinary physical fitness.

   For this parasite, Sean named it bloodthirsty worm based on its characteristics, and the bat directly named it bloodthirsty bat.


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