Spiritual vision, a small skill that a wizard can use. Head-up vision requires constant use of your own spirituality to refine your eyes. When you use it, you can condense a large amount of spirituality into your eyes and you can see many things that are invisible to the naked eye, just like this moment. Sean.

  The blood-stained earth, shrouded in the thin red haze sky, is completely different from before, as if it were two spatial latitudes.

   "Lord, be careful, there may be danger here."

  Between words, Monnes took a step forward and blocked Sean behind him. Although he had no vision and couldn't discover the real surroundings like Sean, his keen perception still made him feel the aura of danger.

   "Lord Lord, I am afraid we have come to the kingdom of God."

   The voice was hoarse, and if you listened carefully, you would notice a slight tremor inside. At this moment, even if his life was about to lose, Anes was flustered.

As the former sacrificial priest of the Black Bat tribe, even if he can't use the spiritual vision, he can still discover the reality of his surroundings, but it is precisely because of this that he is flustered, because the surrounding scenes are exactly the same as the kingdom of gods recorded by the tribe, and at this moment he Really felt the breath of the black bat god.

   "The kingdom of gods? At most, it is the realm of gods!"

   Compared to Aneth’s panic, Sean has to be more calm, which is the advantage of having a complete inheritance.

   Of course, even if it is a gods virtual realm, it is not easy to break open with the means of Sean and his group, but it is this abnormality that suddenly arises.

   An inexplicable fishy wind blew from the virtual realm, and the red haze gathered together to form a huge face, resembling the head of a bat.

   Scarlet eyes are like two rounds of blood moon overlooking the earth, and the invisible coercion covers everyone.

   "The blasphemer dies when the blood is exhausted."

   The majestic voice resounded through the void. Although I didn't understand the language, the meaning of this sentence quietly appeared in everyone's hearts.


"How is this going?"

   "Blood, a lot of blood."

   The majestic voice fell, and immediately some soldiers began to bleed inexplicably, first in the mouth and nose, then the ears, eyes, and then the skin.

The screams are still going on. Although the situation of Sean, Monens and other transcendents is fine for the time being, their faces are not pretty. They all understand that although they are transcendents, they are more resistant to this strange force than soldiers. Strong, but if this continues, sooner or later they will follow in the footsteps of these soldiers.

  , a feeble moan came out, and the first deceased appeared, just as the voice said, his whole body drained blood and died, turning into a mummy.

   With the first one, there is the second, and the third. At this moment, the expressions of Xiao En and others are getting ugly.

   "Lord, what should we do?"

With blood leaking from the nose and mouth, Aneth focused his gaze on Sean. He knew that at this moment, only Sean could rely on them to survive, and Monnes was still blocking Sean as before. In front of him, Ferrolie had fallen to the ground, groaning in pain.


   did not answer Anes’ question, looked up at the sky more vivid than before, and Sean let out an inexplicable sigh.

   Spiritual surging triggered a certain mark in the depths of the soul, and a strange pattern the size of a thumb appeared on Xiao En's forehead.

  Looking carefully, although this pattern is composed of simple lines, you can still see its rough appearance, tree-shaped, resembling oak.

   lines emerged, and the dazzling golden light dots began to condense, and the sacred breath permeated.

The    lines disappeared, the golden light spots were condensed, and a golden leaf rippling with a sacred atmosphere appeared in front of Xiao En.

   hum, the leaves disappeared, and once again appeared on the blood-colored sky.

The dazzling light began to shine, and the sacred breath began to permeate. The phantom shadow of a big tree stood in the void, its branches were reddish-brown, with three upper and lower nine, a total of twelve branches. It is the golden oak or sacred oak, the representative of the Montell family.

  The shadow of the tree grows, the roots of the tree plunge into the earth, and the branches penetrate into the sky. The sacred light swept away like a wave, and the waves began to wash away the filthy blood.

   The blood faded, and the sky and the earth began to return to normal. Before the brilliance of the sacred oak, any filth was the only option to be thoroughly cleaned.

   boom, as the last ray of blood faded, the surrounding void began to crack, and the void could no longer be maintained, and accompanied by a desperate roar.

"Do not!"

   The majesty is not there, and some are only panicked.

   Everything is back to normal, the cave is still that cave, except for the fallen corpse and the blood all over the floor.

   For the rest of his life, the panic in Aneth's heart has not completely faded. He raised his head and glanced at Sean, the awe in his eyes became more intense.

  Kacha, just when everyone wanted to say something, a strange noise made everyone's hearts lifted up, after all, he walked around under the death god's sickle.

   turned his head and glanced at the scene behind him, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the idol of the black bat **** was cracked, and this also proved from another angle that the black bat **** should be really dead.

   噗通, the stones shattered, and the huge idol turned into a pile of rocks in a short while, and this also revealed what was originally wrapped in the idol.

   Skeletons, a baby skeleton, a weird baby skeleton.

   The bones are white, resembling ivory, and the bone marrow inside is surging like hot magma, and the body is curled up, as if sleeping again, the white bones and wings spread out behind him to protect him.

Come on, the inexplicable attraction made Sean couldn’t help but move closer to the baby’s bones, getting closer, and a weak but vast, noble coercion permeated Xiao En’s heart, just like a higher life versus a lower life. Looking down.

   touched the baby's bones, and an unexpected warmth came from Sean's palm, as if he was not touching a bone but a living person.

   At this time, Sean's keen perception was crazy, and the spirituality in the depths of the soul began to instinctively surge.


   was awakened by the inexplicable danger, and quickly took three steps back, looking at the seemingly harmless baby bones in front of him, Xiao En's expression was uncertain.

   "Lord Lord, what's wrong with you?"

   Monens and others surrounded him at this moment, but the weird thing was that they should have clearly noticed Sean's strangeness just now, but none of them stopped them, and no one asked them. It was not until this moment that Sean was awakened to respond.

   Waved his hand to stop the movements of Monnes and others. Xiao En's eyes were still concentrated on the baby's bones. It was too weird just now. He was inexplicably lost in his mind, which was really scary.

   "Anas, do you know this thing?"


  Looking at the baby bones~www.wuxiaspot.com~Anes was caught in entanglement.

   "Lord Lord, I don't know the origin of this skeleton, but since it appeared in the idol, I have a guess."

   At the end, Aneth's tone became more and more erratic, obviously he himself doubted his guess.

   "Oh, tell me there."

"I once saw such a record in the ethnographic history of the Black Bat tribe, saying that in the distant ages, the black bat **** once had a divine enemy. Standing tall and mighty, the black bat **** also took a long time to defeat him, and tore his body, turning his wings into his own wings."

   The voice fell. Although Monnes and the others didn't say anything, they obviously didn't believe it from their inadvertent look. After all, according to Anais, this baby bone was the body of a god.

   "Don't look at me like this. You all said this is just a guess, I don't believe it myself."

   I felt the strange gaze of Monens and others, perhaps because he had just passed the life and death crisis. At this moment, Anis seemed a lot more casual, no longer cautious.

   After listening to Aneth's guess, Sean was noncommittal. He could not determine whether it was a divine body. What he could be sure was that the skeleton was not simple. Although it was dangerous, it would be a big gain if he could study it clearly.

   "Monnes, ask the soldiers to take this bone back, and pay attention to safety along the way."

   said, Sean deliberately increased his tone on the word safety, and Monnes understood it.

   "Anas, you take someone to take out a part of this blood, and let the Extraordinary Squad use it three days later."

   In a few words, Sean drew a rest for the incident.


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