On the Black Market Island, the killing continued, and many pirates had been fascinated by wealth, so that they did not notice that the main personnel of the ghost pirate group, the caller of the operation, had quietly retreated.

   "Are you all ready?"

   Standing on the splint, looking at the black market island where blood and fire are intertwined, there is a sarcasm on the face of the fanatic.

   "Master Madman, almost everyone else is back, but Master Viper hasn't shown up yet."

   "What, that guy hasn't come back yet?"

   turned his head, under the reflection of the fire, the fanatic's face became more gloomy.

   "Yes, yes, Lord Madman."

   "Huh, what the **** is that guy doing? Isn't it dead?"

   For this, the little pirate around the fanatic naturally didn't dare to take it.

   "Forget it, wait a minute."

Even though he hates the viper guy, he still recognizes his strength. According to the information of their evil ghost and pirate group, there is only one blood lion, the poisonous snake, in Tier 3 on the black market island. Even if he can't beat the blood lion to save his life, there is no problem, not to mention that he doesn't think that the poisonous snake can't beat the blood lion. In such a situation, he can't leave the poisonous snake alone. Some Tier 3 combat power.

   On the sea, while the Goblin Pirate Group was waiting for the return of the poisonous snakes, a fleet of warships and armed merchant ships set sail from the Memphis Naval Port, targeting the Black Market Island.

  咻, three huge scarlet fireworks exploded over the port of Memphis, which immediately attracted the attention of the observers of the Goblin Pirate Group.

   "My madman, the spies from Monfitos sent a signal that the city guards have been dispatched, and the level of danger is high."


   Looking back at Monfitos hidden in the darkness, the fanatic looked a little dignified. Although his nickname is a fanatic, he is actually a cautious man.

   "Perhaps we should go."

   Although the operation went smoothly, he never dared to underestimate the official power of the kingdom.

   "What about the poisonous snake-sama?"

   bit the bullet, the little pirate still asked this sentence.

   "Everyone must be responsible for their actions, like a poisonous snake. Our mission on this trip has been completed. If we leave it unintentionally, we can report truthfully after returning. I will bear any responsibilities."

   "Yes, madman."

   "Let’s tell each ship to lift the anchor."

Following the orders of the fanatics, all the ships belonging to the evil ghost pirate group moved, but at this moment, the pirate who was standing on the observation deck and was responsible for observing the surrounding situation suddenly discovered that a small black spot was flying from the black market island. come over.

   "What is that, yes, it's a person."

   There was a cry of exclamation, and the watcher realized that the little black spot was alone.

   jingle bell, the warning bell was rang, and all the pirates were alarmed.

   bang, bang, bang, air bursts came, and at this time the pirates found a figure stepping on the air, walking towards them step by step at a seemingly fast speed.

   Bang Bang Bang, gunshots sounded, and islands continued to shoot people in the air. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the head was too poor and the distance was a little far away.

   Da, there was a sound when landing, and the tall white beard body appeared on the Maniac.

   His eyes are like electricity, and the invisible pressure diffuses from Baibeard's body.

   "You should be a fanatic."

  As soon as his eyes rolled, White Beard locked the fanatic.

"Who are you?"

   The fanatic looked solemn, and his whole body quietly mentioned his strength. He felt a serious threat from the white beard, and he might die if he fought against him.

   "It seems that you are the one, then please go to death, this is the father, oh no, it is the request of the young master."

   The white beard's voice is still thick, but invisibly reveals a sense of indifference, as if what he wanted to do was not to kill a person, but to trample an ant to death.

   "What a joke, although you are very strong, but I..."

   嘭, before the words fell, the body of the madman flew upside down.

   "Ah, so fast."

   clutching his stomach, coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth, barely got up from the deck, the fanatic looked at the white beard figure not far away, and his eyes flashed an imperceptible madness.

   "It's really powerful, it's worth it to die against a guy like you."

   The deep words fell, and a strange breath came out of the fanatic, which made people feel terrified unconsciously.

   "Go, the mad boss is going crazy."

After seeing the state of the fanatics, the experienced pirates immediately moved away from this area. Once they entered this state, the fanatics would slaughter wildly. Will be killed.

   Huala, jingle bells, inexplicable metal collision sounds, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rises centered on the fanatic.

   "Is the power of 30% too weak?"

   Ignoring the change of the fanatic, Baibeard stared at his right fist with a pair of eyes, and fell into self-doubt.

"go to hell."

   The outer clothes turned into fly ash silently, and the madman was wrapped in red chains, leaving only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed.

   "This time I will use my full strength."

   Looking at the lunatic who is exuding high temperature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even the surrounding air is distorted, Baibeard said seriously.

  嘭, with a strong footstep, the fanatic launched an attack.

   Crazy triumphs over reason. At this moment, the fanatics have only one idea, and that is to kill.

  The fanatics who enter the crazy state are the strongest. Both the speed and the power are much stronger than normal, not to mention the weird high temperature.

  咻, the figure is like electricity, and a heat wave is set off, and the figure of the fanatic appears in front of the white beard in an instant.

   Wow, jingle bells, the inexplicable metal sound rang again, the chains grew, and the fanatic's right hand formed a red iron fist the size of a basketball.

  'S expression remained unchanged, the domineering arrogance emerged after being compatible with the furnace vindictiveness, and hardened, saying that with full strength, the white beard would not keep his hands.

  咻, coming first, one big and one small, one red and one dark red, two fists slammed together.

   click, the strong wave of air that was set off after the collision spread from the surroundings of the white beard and the madman, and even the mast was destroyed. As for the misfortune to be affected by the pirate, he could only take the last breath without knowing it.

   嘭, after a short stalemate, the fanatic was unable to sustain himself, and Baibeard fisted and flew out.

   crashed heavily on the side of the ship, the madman motionless, as if he was dead, but the scarlet in his eyes was not dimmed.

   "Isn't you dead yet?"

   frowned, Baibeard couldn't help but look at his fist again. Just like my father said, I really wasn't strong enough, I needed to work hard, work harder.

   Wow, jingle bell, just at this moment, the inexplicable metal sound rang again. The internal organs were shattered in the collision just now, and the lunatic who had no idea how many bones were broken actually stood up again.


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