is a hundred meters long, resembles a whale, has a single horn, and is more than ten meters long. It is sharp and unparalleled. Its front fins are as wide as wings, and it seems to be able to rise into the air.

   The fog dissipated, and a huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

   "Is this a sea king whale?"

   Looking at the sea monster that wantonly flaunts its own breath, Holkins's pupils shrunk, and his words were a little surprised.

   woo, next to the sea king whale, the original fierce raging whale changed its previous performance, became docile and whimpered, as if the child had seen his parents.

   Although a little uncertain, feeling the breath of this sea monster, Holkins and Whitebeard unanimously moved away from the sea monster.

Holkins has deep mystery knowledge and white beard's intuition. Both of them know that this new sea monster is not a real flesh and blood body, but a large amount of magic power, but this does not affect it. powerful.

   Gathering together, looking at two cetacean sea monsters, one big and one small, both Holkins and White Beard's faces are heavy, and things get more difficult.

Moo, the roar is vast and powerful, and the sea water boils, condensing the shadows of various species of animals, such as three-headed sea snakes, such as piercing conch, such as thunder and lightning moray. The king.

   "It's really a sea king whale."

   Seeing this scene, Holkins's face sank completely.

  The crown of the sea, the most famous talent of the sea king whale, has the ability to command the sea, where it stands, is the king's soil.

  In the distance, with the cooperation of Smaug, a Tier 3 murloc was killed. Xiao En stopped his actions and cast his eyes on the battlefield where Whitebeard was. He also recognized the sea king whale.

   "You all deserve to die."

   uttering words, murderous, the vast voice of the sea king whale has a shadow of Varro, but it is specious.

   The magic is boiling, the fins spread like wings, and the sea king whale jumps up, followed by endless sea water.

  Horkins and Whitebeard were reflected in the huge pupils. For these two people, Varro hated them very much.

   At this moment, although he activated the power of the Sea King's Scepter through his bloodline, it became stronger than ever before, but this kind of strength requires a heavy price. It will permanently obliterate part of the Neptune Whale's blood in his body and reduce his potential.

   The sea is horizontal, and the 200-meter-high huge waves block the sunlight, casting a large shadow, and the figure of the sea king whale is looming.

   Seeing this scene, both murlocs and humans in the battlefield are desperate. Faced with such man-made natural disasters, no one is sure to survive.

   The wings vibrated and pulled up to the sky, Long Yanyu once again condensed in Smaug's mouth.

   咻, 咻, two consecutive shots of Long Yanyu exploded in the huge waves, and the flames rose, but unfortunately the effect was not great, but it slightly blocked the momentum of the rising waves.

   On the other side, holding a dark wizard's staff with blue metal patterns in his hand, Holkins's face was unprecedentedly solemn.

   "White beard, block the huge waves as much as possible and buy me some time."

   After finishing speaking, ignoring the white beard's reaction, he took a scarlet potion, and huge spirituality began to rise from Holkins' body.

   I didn't ask too much, Moon stepped on the air, stepped step by step, and chopped step by step. While pulling up the height, the white beard kept kicking out the Lanjiao·Zhanjian Knife.

  咻咻咻, the light blue air blade kept cutting out, making a large number of holes in the huge wave, but it was quickly made up again, and it was of no use at all.

   Seeing this scene, Xiao En, who was already close to the battlefield of Whitebeard, understood that there was no power to shake the fruit, and in the current situation, the role that Whitebeard could play is really limited.

Looking at Horkins ascending spiritually, Sean knew that this time he could only see the performance of the fourth-order wizard, but it was unlikely. At this moment, the power of the sea king whale was infinitely close to the fifth-order. It's not something ordinary people can resist.

   Although the situation is critical, but with Smaug's existence, Sean is sure to get out of danger with White Beard.

   The sky is dim, and dark clouds gather quietly.

   嗞, 嗞, a weak current begins to be generated, occasionally showing traces in the dark clouds.

   呲啦, the current converges, thunder and lightning breed, and the glare of thunder pierces the dim sky.

   looked up, watching the dark clouds converge, the thunder shining, and the sky that had changed color at some unknown time, Xiao En felt the magic that shocked him.

   "The first-order witchcraft thundercloud, the first-order witchcraft lightning, and the unknown second-order witchcraft, third-order witchcraft, and fourth-order witchcraft thunder and lightning snake, turned out to be the ultimate move formed by combined witchcraft."

   muttered to himself, looking at the sky, Sean's expression became serious.

   witchcraft killer moves are the most frightening part of the fourth-order wizard, and it is also the embodiment of the wizard's way better than other extraordinary ways, but the fact is that most of the fourth-order wizards do not have their own witchcraft killer moves.

  Any witchcraft ultimate move requires at least three witchcraft combinations. The combined witchcraft must have a common link point, can be effectively combined to form a stepped increase, and the ultimate move can be formed.

  It is very difficult to achieve this It requires constant trial and error, and the practice of every witchcraft is not a simple matter.

   In fact, the wizards who can possess witchcraft kills at Tier 4 either have a complete inheritance that fits them very well, or they are talented far beyond ordinary people, or both.

  The looming figure of the Neptune Whale was reflected in the gray pupils, perceiving the witchcraft to be exerted to the limit, at a certain moment Holkins's expression suddenly changed.


Spiritually locked, the thunder and lightning snake wandering in the dark cloud suddenly swelled, opened its huge mouth, swallowed the entire dark cloud in one bite, and then the dazzling thunder light shined, dyeing the sky into a silvery white, a sharp long shot. The spear quietly formed in the air.

   Boom, thunder and lightning roared, and a scorched smell came from the air, locked the figure of the sea king whale, and the thunder and lightning spear pierced fiercely.

  咻, the thunder light flashed, and then the rising waves suddenly stopped abruptly, and the silver-white thunder and lightning fluttered in the sea.

  Boom, the sea fell back, as if losing its strength, like a big avalanche mountain.

Through the sea water, Sean clearly saw that the sea king whale was nailed in the air. Yes, it was nailed in the air. The spear gathered by thunder and lightning penetrated its huge body, and the silver thunder and lightning tied it like a shackle. In place.

   "It's really a powerful magic trick."

Looking at this scene, Sean understands that Holkins’s witchcraft ultimate move is also very good in Tier 4, far beyond the ordinary ultimate move, but I don’t know if it is a suitable inheritance or a combination of himself, if it is a later The person then must reposition him.

   "Ah, the spear of the judge did not disappoint me."

   He coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth. Looking at the stiff body of the Neptune Whale, Holkins' pale face showed an undisguised smile.


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