Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 928: .Return to the Qing Dynasty (33) Three in One

Return to Qing Dynasty (33)

There is a saying that the tree falls and the monkeys are scattered, and there is another saying that the wall falls and everyone pushes.

Long Kedo's situation at this time is almost like this. All the people who had made good friends in the past have disappeared. Those who relied on his flattery immediately found another backer. Speaking of Long Kedo, they all showed a bitter face, wishing that all of them would become victims of oppression and exploitation who dared not speak up.

But this is also human nature, and people have to think about themselves first.

This can't be blamed on others, Long Keduo leaned against the wall of the cell and thought so with special understanding.

But no matter how generous, I still hate it in my heart. Thinking of not asking the Lord to take this breath away, otherwise we will settle the account slowly. At that time, kneeling down and begging for mercy and shouting to the ancestors would be of no use.

I thought about it, hated it, and started to worry again.

worry about what?

Worrying about his son Yuzhu, worrying about Yuzhu's fourth son.

How can the mother and son handle themselves without themselves. Don't talk about Si'er, even if he comes out, he must suffer some flesh and blood. But this pain of flesh and blood is only temporary, and the real worry is what to do in the future? If you can go out on your own, everything is easy to say, even if you are demoted to the common people, with your own ability, you can still protect this girl. But I'm afraid... If there is an emergency, what will these girls do? Si'er she...there are many people who hate her. Don't talk about the outside world, the Tong family alone can't spare her. Yuzhu, this child... is the Tong family anyway, so it is impossible for the family to ignore it. He was a little fortunate at the moment, this child was not like himself and Si'er. He grew up so big, and he has never been kind to others, and he has never had any grudges against anyone. I hope these people who have deceived him can protect him for the sake of his sincerity... Thinking about it, his eyes are red and his nose is sour. I didn't expect that his third master Tong would also have today.

"Third Master!" Just as he was thinking, the door of the cell was slammed, and it was time to distribute meals in the cell.

The situation in the prison is not bad, there is a bed, a table and a chair, the bedding is neat, and there is a bucket under the bed, and someone will come to clean it that day. Before entering, the pair of shoes and socks must be changed to the clothes prepared in the prison. The clothes are nothing else, just put one set on the upper body, the lower body does not need a long belt, and the pants are not long, it is said that it is to prevent the prisoners from hanging. In short, it's the kind that doesn't deserve to die if you want to die.

In the past, people in this prison were not treated as human beings, and they were bullied no matter what. Now these prisoners dare not, for fear that one of them will be killed by the old one. When they die, they will be implicated.

The prisoners also complained before that they could get some oil and water from it before, but now that the emperor has ordered it, no one dares to commit crimes against the wind. But it's also good, because the emperor followed and ordered again, and the lowest-level clerks in the yamen like them used to describe their people as inferior, and the emperor said that he recognized their identities. They now take a look at those officials, and receive monthly salaries from the state. But in the same way, you have to abide by the rules when you get a salary. They can understand this! The money given is more, and the guarantee is guaranteed. The key is to go out and receive respect.

Therefore, in order to keep their jobs, they are more dedicated to each other when they are on duty.

"Third Master!" The head of the prison showed great respect to Long Keduo, "It's time to eat."

When Long Keduo got up, he really had to thank the emperor for this imperial decree that was not understood by many people at the time. Otherwise, there is really no such treatment.

The head of the prison handed in the dishes, rice and soup, "You can use it slowly, I'll collect the bowls later."

Long Keduo took over the fairly clean food, and laughed: "I know that you are not here for the nameless people, but don't worry, the Lord will not seek death. Don't be so careful!"

The prison head smiled and did not dare to speak, and slowly backed away.

There is a saying that this third master Tong is really right, it's not about the unknown here. Like the current Master Ma Qi, he is famous. That was also closed here. But what happened afterward? Going out, the high-ranking official is still a high-ranking official, and the rich salary is also rich. You said that if you made things difficult for other people at that time and waited for them to go out, you really wouldn't know how they died.

With this foreshadowing, the people who are on duty here are all vigilant. Those who have signs of going out don't dare to offend, serving them is like serving an uncle, and they don't dare to be vague. If there is no sign of it, it is also divided into people. If you can't see the head, you will be beheaded and the house will be in front of you. You are just waiting for the verdict. If you work hard to catch these people, if you pass this village, the store will be gone. . Of course, this was before, and I really didn't dare! It's the one who can't get out. People used to be high officials and dignitaries. People pay attention to people who can be killed but not humiliated. Breaking the rice bowl.

This third master Tong is locked here, and if he can't get out, it's hard to say. It was said that they would definitely not be able to get out, but they came in on the first day of the new year, and they must have been really angry! Some say that's not necessarily true. After all, the Tong family's relationship with the royal family is very close. The emperor's grandmother is the daughter of the Tong family, and the emperor's adoptive mother is also the daughter of the Tong family. With such an iron relationship, how could it kill someone? Since it is impossible to die, even if you go out, even if you are demoted to a commoner, you will be the descendants of the Tong family. It's like playing with them if you pinch them to death. Each holds its own words, and each has its own reasoning.

Anyway, no matter what happens in the end, the prison chief should still do his part well.

The colleague carefully took a sip of wine, and when he saw the head of the cell come out, he asked, "I really serve you like a master."

Dare not?

Seeing his colleague carefully stuffing the jug over, he quickly waved his hand, "I'm really not good at this." As I said earlier, don't drink when you are a clerk, and don't drink as a errand when you drink. People say what they do, don't ask for credit, at least not make mistakes.

Colleagues are not surprised, know that this is an honest man. After putting away the jug, he immediately leaned over and said in a low voice, "Let me tell you, the two of us took the opportunity to say that we can still catch a handful."

The head of the cell quickly waved his hand, "Brother, I have parents, brothers and children to support in my family. I really dare not make a mistake." This job can save a family of more than a dozen from starving to death. Where dare you be careless?

The colleague glared at him with a hatred of iron and steel, "If you want to do this, you will be poor! Horses are never fat, and people are not rich without windfall. You should understand this principle." The lower his voice was, "don't just stare at this acre of land all day long, and listen to the things outside. It's busy outside now. You don't know, the third master Tong you are serving now. ..." Then he laughed, "That's really betrayal!"

The head of the cell was taken aback, he really didn't know about this, "What's the matter?" There's no such thing!

"My own son sued him for condoning the abuse of his wife by the concubine, causing her to be persecuted to death."

"My brother sued him for disobedience, and his parents were mad at him because he over-indulged the concubine's discipline..."

"My concubine sued him for not fulfilling his duty of support and condoning his concubines to oppress them..."

"My sister-in-law sued him for condoning the concubine's disrespect for family rules and etiquette, and using the concubine to oppress the direct descendant..."

Lin Yutong read the booklets one by one and told the general content to the fourth master who closed his eyes and rested. She frowned, "But it's not nonsense, Long Kedo is really good to this Li Si'er..." Just like what Long Kedo's brother and daughter-in-law wrote in the letter, in Long Kedo At his father's funeral, "Sacrifice Funeral For Example", it was not Long Kedo's wife, but her concubine, the fourth son, who greeted the officials of the Internal Affairs Office sent by the emperor to deal with the funeral. You are not stupid, you still don't understand what Longkodo means? Obviously, he did it on purpose! For what? Just to show and demonstrate the status of the fourth child, the fourth child pretended to be his wife at that time and fulfilled the obligation of "child wife".

Thinking of this, she frowned again and took out a copy from the inside, "This is a bit interesting..." After saying that, she handed it directly to the fourth master.

Fourth Master took it and glanced at it, it turned out to be related to the previous corruption case in Jiangnan.

Wu Cunli's case is still under investigation, but from what Li Xu voluntarily revealed, combined with the evidence verified, it can basically be confirmed that Wu Cunli, for his own career, continued to court dignitaries from the reign of Kangxi to the first year of Yongzheng. VIPs and others paid bribes, and a total of 226 people were fed, amounting to more than 443,000 taels. Among them were Orendai, Alinga, Sunu and their sons. In addition, Wei Zhu, the **** next to the emperor, and He Yuzhu, the **** beside the nine masters, are also among them. It can be said that from the ministers of various ministries and officials, to the third master, the eighth master, the nine masters, the ten masters, the twelve masters, and the ten masters. Wu Cunli, the eunuch's family in the palaces of the sixth-class emperors and the princes, checked all of them. And Long Keduo accepted Wu Cun's gift of 12,000 taels of silver to work for him. The man said it in great detail on the excerpt, saying that it was Si'er's idea. What did Si'er do next, what Long Kedo said, how Long Kedo reacted, etc., it was just like listening under the windows of the two of them. According to this person's statement, Long Keduo can be regarded as "obeying his command and not violating the color".

The fourth master found the last signature of the book, "... Kuadai! It turned out to be him..."

This person has to be so dissatisfied with Long Keduo that he is staring at him day and night.

However, it can be seen from here that it is not unreasonable for Long Keduo to secretly Li Si'er. In terms of boldness and treacherousness, it is a few points better than Longke.

What Lin Yutong held in his hand were some reports from Li Si'er and Ba Fu Jin. In addition, there are some contacts with the eunuchs beside the nine masters... If the fourth master cannot tolerate the eighth master and the ninth master, these two reports alone are enough to kill Long Keduo. What do you want to do when you flirt with Fourth Master's political enemies?

"How to deal with it?" She put the book down and asked Fourth Master. Speaking of which, it's not an exaggeration to deal with someone like Long Kedo. Li Si'er deserves a thousand cuts. But if you really want to follow your heart, where do you place the laws of the country?

The fourth master glanced at Lin Yutong, where he couldn't see her unwillingness. He pointed at the books with a smile, "This matter is simple and simple. You can calculate how much money Longke has embezzled in this book. This amount is called Tong's family taking silver!"

Where did the Tong family get such a large amount? ! Who owns the silver? Long Keduo was only afraid that he didn't know everything, but Li Si'er, eight|ninety percent was in Li Si'er's hands. The Tong family can't get any money, so it's unrealistic to find Longke. The only one they can find is Li Si'er who is still in prison. For the Tong family, the thin dead camel is also bigger than the horse. It is not a problem to want to go in and out of the prison without permission to see a prisoner.

As for how the Tong family will treat Li Si'er, this is indeed worth looking forward to.

So this guy is bad.

"Not everything has to be done by yourself." Fourth Master said Lin Yutong.

But it's more refreshing to do it yourself!

After Kua Dai received the notice from the yamen, he almost went crazy. People say it nicely, Tong's family should not be tainted, so they don't come.

What's the meaning?

That is to say, we will not come to the house to raid the house, you will make up the money yourself, and you will be pulled down if you have such a thing.

Is this a good thing?

The old and young men of the whole family gathered together and said that it was a good thing. The Tong family committed the crime of punishing the nine clan, and did not implicate the whole clan. As long as all the illegal gains were turned over, it would be considered leniency if it was not lenient. It's a good thing that people didn't fold in.

As soon as my heart was overjoyed, I was finally not afraid of moving my head, and the problem came.

what is the problem?

Money matters!

That's right, if people can't live, what do they need money for?

But now that people are alive, money can't be gone. It is Long Keduo who is embezzling, so why should he have to pay back his own money? It makes no sense! Besides, with this amount, the Tong family can't get it out even if they clean it up!

This is all separated, and the population of the branches has grown, and some relationships are far away. There are also rich and poor, who should get more and who should get less? It's not fair whatsoever. As soon as they were brought up, they all cried and wished they couldn't fight. Anyway, I don't want to pay for it.

All the arguing and arguing are aimed at Yue Xing'a and Yuzhu.

Yue Xing A simply said, "The things at home are placed there. They are all left to the clan to deal with." Then he looked at the pale Yuzhu and waited for him to speak.

What can he say?

This stupid boy is still stunned. He overheard his brother and his sister-in-law talking to his sister-in-law to know that there was an order to avoid death, and then secretly took things into the palace. But when he entered the palace, it was different from what he heard. E-niang was not rescued, and Ama was still trapped. He had no idea what was going on. When I came back, I wanted to ask my eldest brother, did you deliberately talk to your sister-in-law so that I could hear? But looking at his elder brother's concerned face, he didn't ask. Now that the eldest brother said to take out all the things in the house and hand it over to the clan for disposal, what can he say? That family was inherited by the elder brother.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he shrank back a little timidly, "I...I...I listen to Big Brother!"

Yue Xing'a grabbed Yuzhu and blocked everyone's sight of Yuzhu, "Everyone knows what's going on with my younger brother. Don't make it difficult for a child. If everyone thinks it's not enough, our brothers will go from there naked. The family moved out and moved to my daughter-in-law's dowry house. The rest will be arranged by the elders."

Kua Dai looked at Yue Xing and hesitated, but didn't say anything.

Yue Xing'a's daughter-in-law is a concubine in the family, and there is not much to do as a dowry. A village of 100 acres, a second-entry yard in an outer city, and then some clothes and ornaments, and the press box of 800 taels of silver, I am afraid that it has been used up long ago. Yue Xing'a has carefully saved a fortune over the years, but he also has a son who wants to marry a wife and a daughter who wants to marry, and the money is used later. Now I have to raise a younger brother who has no family, and the future is really hard to say.

But otherwise, their days are also uneasy. The clansmen who gave out the money had opinions on them. As a result, there is no shelter in even the clan. Days will only get harder. He is so frank, how can the clan blame him, at most, how can he put such an Ama on it? Sympathy avoids embarrassment, which is a good thing for them.

Thinking of this, he didn't say anything, and the matter was settled.

The next day, Yue Xing'a came out of the house with his wife and children, along with Yuzhu, and only his wife's dowry.

Exactly how much does Kua Dai have feelings for his nephew Yue Xing'er, "Don't be too busy, in addition to the dowry of your daughter-in-law, there is also your mother's. Fill the holes with a thousand cuts."

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to object. What happened to Hershey's family in the Tong family, how could the Tong family not know at all. But I can't control Long Keduo, who can control it. Left just opened one eye and closed the other, and sighed pitifully.

Seeing that there was no objection, Kua Dai asked his mother-in-law to bring two capable young daughters-in-law from the two clans, and turned out the old account book to find the dowry of Heschel. The Hesheli family was also splendid back then, how prominent? Even Yuanzhi is living a good life, and the Tong family is married again, and he has given a lot of family to him. Many dowries, such as fabrics, herbs, and spices, were missing. Quartet's wife made a list and called for a new one from Curry to match the number. Some people in the clan muttered, saying that the Hershey family could not use it at all?

"Where did you use it?" Mrs. Kuadai immediately sprayed it. People don't even have freedom. Who uses it?

At this time, to move more for Yue Xing Ado is to move more for his niece. He has already cheated on this child, so he can't be really busy and help, otherwise, his mother's family will not be able to return.

As soon as someone came out, there was no sound below.

Ornaments and other things, the bulky ones are kept in the library, and when they are taken out, they will be taken away directly by a car. Some of the delicate ones are kept in the original yard in Hesheli. The yard has been sealed long ago. Now that the things are disassembled and moved out, they are in good condition except for the dust. Finally, there are jewelry, almost all found in Li Si'er's private library. I found a shop and a Zhuangzi deed that were put together, all of which were listed on the dowry list. In addition, there was two thousand taels of silver in the press box, and Kuadai also called for it.

Yue Xing'a didn't rush to take it, only said: "My mother still lived freely in the mansion for five or six years."

It means that there must be some wear and tear in the past five or six years, and some money must be spent. These should be deducted from the two thousand two miles.

Without waiting for others to speak, Kuo Dai said: "If you calculate it like this, you will still lose money like this. Don't forget how much profit this Zhuangzi and the shop will have in 20 years."

Originally, I wanted to say that Kua Dai was biased towards Yue Xing'er, but that's true. The Tong family also has no rules in Long Keduo, and other people dare not be sloppy. Especially when they were prominent in the past, and now many people's psychology can't go down from that kind of aloof clan. The wealthy and illustrious! You can't be greedy for a woman's dowry.

So Yue Xing'a got much more than Yuan Xiang expected this time.

That is, today, Yuzhu only learned some things from the few words of these people, such as the death of the first mother!

Sitting on the carriage with Yue Xing'a, Yu Zhu's face was pale, "I'm sorry big brother..."

Yue Xing A shook his head, and then sighed, "It's all the grudges of the previous generation, and it has nothing to do with you."

Yuzhu's head is lowered even lower, he is not stupid! Really not stupid! He vaguely knew in his heart that this incident must have something to do with the big brother. He trusted the big brother, but the big brother lied to him. But I didn't dare to ask, because I was afraid of the answer. Don't need it now, what if it's big brother? His forehead was dead, and he was killed by his own forehead.

This fact made him very helpless. Although he follows his elder brother, it is not his home after all.

This is a child who can't hide his emotions, Yue Xing'a's eyes flashed, "Don't think blindly, the emperor has not spared you the errand of Luan Yiwei, then you are still Luan Yiwei. At least you have a monthly salary. Let it be like this, you keep half of your salary yourself, and the other half for your sister-in-law, so you can support your family."

Yuzhu nodded blankly, can it be so?

All right! Just listen to your brother.

The small family here hasn't settled down yet, and Kuadai has sent someone to invite him over there. The two brothers hurried back again, only to find out when they arrived that they had searched the house, and even a fraction of the money at home was not enough. This is the result of adding the hidden silver in the secret room in Long Keduo's study.

How to do it?

Ask these guys.

If people are in a hurry, they can come up with this method.

But wait for the brothers to stop here, yes! The hearts of these people suddenly fell into a void.


Can why!

These brothers, the older one is the mother and the dead father, no matter what the family has nothing to do, how could it be possible to tell him? That little idiot who can deceive anyone, can you tell him there is another place to hide money? He was already being ripped off by people.

So, it's no use asking.

Yue Xing'a looked at the anxious Kua Dai, reached out to touch his nose, and just held out four fingers.

Kua Dai has always valued Yue Xing'er because he liked this child. This child is resilient and can endure what ordinary people cannot. She will show face, but she is very cold in her bones. Also a very thoughtful person. He has been paying attention to Yue Xing'er. He has lived like an invisible man in this mansion for so many years. As a result, he saw his gesture.


It means Li Si'er!

Tell yourself that if you want to find silver, you can only go to Li Si'er.

That's right! You should really ask this woman.

He stood up. "Tell them brothers to go back. I'll go to the prison."

Yue Xing hurriedly saluted, "If you can see Ama, tell him that Yuzhu is with me and tell him not to worry."

After saying a salute, he left with Yuzhu in a hurry.

Yue Xing's eyes narrowed, knowing that he was going to find Si'er, but he said that he was going to see him, Ama, and specifically said that Yuzhu was with him... He didn't say that he really didn't think of this intention.

"What did you say?" In the women's cell, Li Si'er stared at Kua Dai with a pair of eyes, thinking she had hallucinated.

Yue Xing-ah was in a good mood, "You heard right, Yuzhu and Yue Xing-ah have lived together. There is no way, they are urging them to pay back the money. Without money, the mansion will naturally not be able to live in the mansion. If it doesn't work, the mansion will have to be sold! This is all his Ama's debt. Who won't they pay it back? I have to remind you that in order to prevent them from leaving the house with valuables or bank notes, they took off their clothes and replaced them with those sold on the street. Ready-to-wear. Guaranteed not to take a penny out of the house."

In other words, Yuzhu now points to Yue Xing'a to have a mouthful of food!

Thinking of the dead Hershey, she couldn't help shivering. Is this the cycle of karma? In the past, the woman had to point to herself to eat, but now it was her son's turn to point to someone else's son to eat. If he can treat that woman like that, can Yue Xing'er treat Yuzhu like that?

When she thought of this, she was shivering all over by the pictures made up by her own brain.

"Tell me, where is the silver hidden?" Kuo Dai said bluntly, "As long as you say it, I will protect Yuzhu's life!"

you promise?

What guarantee do you take?

What is the relationship between Yue Xing's son and you, you think I don't know, he is very clear about how his mother died, without him, without Long Keduo, it is strange that Yue Xing's can hold a jade pillar. He is also a person who is used to pretending, and he may not be good to Yuzhu on the face, but this murder does not need to come forward in person. There are many ways to hurt someone. Ask yourself to believe his promise?


She doesn't believe in any man in this world except Long Kedo.

Li Si'er's eyelids drooped, and the expression on his face looked very submissive, but the words he said were like a knife, "All the money is in the house, and you are asking me for money now, and that's what I said. In the mansion! As for you saying no...then I don't know, if Yue Xing'a and Yuzhu didn't take it, who would take it?"

This is to imply that Yinzi is the person who raided Long Kedo's mansion who is greedy for ink!

Kua Dai's complexion changed, but Si'er continued without raising his eyes: "It's all silver notes, very lightweight. I don't have it, Long Kedo doesn't have it, Yue Xing'er and Yuzhu don't have it, that's it. Where? Don't act like this persecuting person, as if you're going to be in a hurry like this. The trick of thieves calling to catch thieves will be played by me when I'm seven..."


Kua Dai was not a good-natured person in the first place, so he raised the whip in his hand and whipped it, "Master is not Long Keduo, he doesn't have so much pity on Xiangxiyu. Put away your tricks, you have to talk about it today. Say it, don't say it until you say it..."

One whip and one whip, Li Si'er was also hard, but she didn't say a word.

"Bring some water." Kuadai gasped for breath after being beaten. He paused and called out to the head of the cell.

The head of the cell was a clever man, and immediately brought a basin of water over, "Master, I just accidentally dropped a packet of salt into it, I don't know if it can still be used or not? If it can't be used, the servant will give it again. You change it!"


Kua Dai immediately took out the money and threw it over, "Go buy salt, buy more! It's useful."

Such a big golden naked child can buy several carts of salt. "You have enough salted cows."

Si'er couldn't stop shivering, followed by a basin of salt water in her head. The salt water entered the wound, and the pain was piercing her heart. She couldn't help but groaned.

Kua Dai snorted, "Stop pretending to be a tough guy. Speak! I said you will suffer less. Otherwise, it's not you, but Yuzhu."


Si'er lowered his head and huddled in the corner of the cell. No matter what Kuadai said, he didn't make a sound or raise his head.

It's not that I'm cruel, I really can't say it! Not to mention Long Ke Duo may have a chance of life, but if Long Ke Duo is said to be dead. Without the exact news of Rondo, no one can expect anything from themselves. Only if Long Keduo is alive can he and Yuzhu have a future. Without Long Keduo, one would die sooner or later, how could it not be death sooner or later. It is better to live to suffer than to die cleanly. This kind of home may be the best for you. At least it's worthy of his man.

But what about Yuzhu?

What should Yuzhu do? To die with yourself? Absolutely not!

Kua Dai threatened himself with a jade pillar, that's right! I do worry about my children. But I know more about the virtues of the Tong family. The current Tong family has long been nothing without Long Keduo. They didn't have the guts to kill Yuzhu. I'm afraid that if I really explain it, some people really think that if they take out the jade pillar, they can take out the gold and silver. This is really killing the child.

Seeing that Si'er was unmoved, Kuadai threw the silver to his entourage, and then handed the whip over, "Hit! Hit me hard! As long as you don't kill him, you can hit whatever you want!"

If you can't kill you, you're not a man.

Si'er was suffocating in her heart, biting her lip no matter how hard she beat her. Kua Dai frowned, looking at the blood flowing from the corner of Li Si'er's mouth, knowing that he bit his lips, just to keep silent. I have to say that this woman is ruthless to others, and she is ruthless enough to herself.

"Okay!" Kuadai stopped the sweating entourage who was waving the whip, and then shouted out, "It's time to put medicine on the wound..."

The entourage was puzzled, and Kua Dai took a sideways glance and was a little disgusted. In the Tong family for so many years, none of the prisoners understands their own thoughts.

After a little effort, the entourage saw the short man coming with his head bowed and holding the 'medicine', he couldn't help gasping for breath, the coarse salt sprinkled on the wound, the taste... just thinking about it makes people shudder.

The head of the cell put down his things, "...a few rough envoys are waiting outside..." It doesn't matter if it's a female family member, but it doesn't matter if you want to change the medicine or something, it's still a woman. Fame is more important than life.

With a wave of his hand, Kua Dai took his entourage to the hall on the side to sit and have a tea break.

Li Si'er was sitting in the corner, her teeth were chattering, it was painful and cold, she really couldn't tell what she was feeling. But the more pain, the clearer her mind became. He heard what these people said, and she knew that the real pain had just begun.

Without much effort, two women came in. One short and one tall.

The chubby one looked very kind. She was holding a bag of things in her hand, the so-called 'medicine', and when she got closer, it was salt.

The tall and thin one had a solemn face, grabbing the salt and rubbing the wound like pickled meat.

"Ah!" Li Si'er couldn't help but screamed in pain.

The two old ladies kept their hands on each other and were busy with each other. How did Li Si'er live and die, they all ignored it.

The short and fat man said, "It's all like this, but I can't let it go."

Tall and thin said, "As long as you are kind, what do you want to do."

The chunky said, "It's not my kindness, it's a clear order from above, not to abuse prisoners, we can't do it knowingly."

Tall and thin said, "That's true! But it's fine if you can handle it. She looks so ugly, she told me to take a shower first."

The chubby one said, "It's easy to take a bath. My family brewed a few large vats of vinegar, which is the best for the body. It's cheap and convenient!"

Li Si'er couldn't help shivering again, this is not to give up without torturing himself to death.

Just thinking about when this kind of torture will end, I felt that the tall and thin old woman who was putting salt on the wounds on her arms and hands broke open the palms of her hands, put something in her hands, and then rubbed the salt hard. went.

What is this for?

What did she give herself?

Who asked her to send her a message?

There is something to think about in my mind, and the attention shifted in an instant doesn't seem to hurt so much.

Another tea time, maybe even shorter. After all, the time of pain is always very long for her. No matter how long it takes, these two women finally packed up and left.

Only then did she raise her head to look at the tall and thin old woman, hoping to see something on her face.

But she was destined to get nothing, not only did she not see anything, but she was kicked very violently by this old woman.

If it wasn't for something in her hand, she really thought it was an illusion just now.

He quickly tucked something into his pants and sat there huddled. A look with only one breath left.

Squinting and peeking at Kua Dai, who was about to come in with someone, she tensed all over, and then there was another round of beatings. Who knew that the voice of the tall and thin old woman suddenly came, it seemed to be talking to the prison guard, "… ... Mr. Li is coming, and the people below came to report just now, you see what western medicine we have here..."

Rather than speaking to the head of the prison, it was better to say this to Kua Dai. The superiors are going to check, and no irrelevant people can be left in the prison. This is to urge Kuadai to go, but I am too embarrassed to say it directly. That's all there is to say.

As expected, Kua Dai did not continue. Before leaving, he only said that he will come to Japan.

But Li Si'er felt a little relieved, this old woman was obviously helping herself. Then the noble person behind her seems to have a low status and a good means. Who could it be?

She secretly turned her back and took out the thing that the old woman handed to her...

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