Ace Evolution

Chapter 5: First battle

The night was very quiet. Only the bonfire was burning weakly in the depression, and many people lazily leaned on the grass bunk beside them and went to sleep. It took a while for someone to say:

怎么 "Why haven't the people carrying water yet returned?"

句话 This sentence immediately received the response of the crowd, they all waited for some hot water to drink, burned their feet and then slept beautifully. At this time, the mask slave of the water finally came back crooked and slanted. The clothes on his body seemed dirty and wet, and even the mask on his face was a little bit outside, apparently he fell into a halfway.

This is a team that looks somewhat beyond the standard establishment. The leader is a tall sergeant wearing iron armor. He has a pale yellow beard, is wearing mail armor, and is covered with a red cape. Fearing.

At this point, the leader had leaned against the driest stone, and made a snoring sound with a half-height giant sword. There were eight masked servants around him. He usually maintained his weaponry and armor, and lived on the battlefield. To follow and fight.

The remaining seven masked slaves had waited a little impatiently, grabbed the bucket in the hands of the limped companion directly, put it on the fire, washed it, and fell down to sleep. There was only one old vague. Explained:

"Just watch the night first, and by the way, dry your clothes!"

The masked servant twirled a bit and murmured in his throat, as if protesting.

Quiet this night.

There was only one snoring one after another, and the mask slave sitting beside the fire suddenly stood up gently! Looking at his sharp and sullen eyes, it was exactly --- Fang Lin!

He walked to his nearest eye and stared at the throat of the masked slave --- Fang Lin then decisively pulled out his sword and cut it! No hesitation at all, soft hands!

Although the blade is not sharp, it is easy to cut off the weak skin on the neck. Then the blade is still intact, and the trachea, throat, carotid artery, and vagus nerve are cut off. The dark red blood immediately ran out cheerfully, Fang Lin clearly saw that the blood strip of the mask slave suddenly became empty in his vision, his body bounced abruptly, and then fell heavily, the dead fish's eyes were convex, then Bewildered. Fang Lin's eyes were swift, and he grabbed the short sword he had thrown off his hands to prevent it from hitting the rocks and making a noise, and then fiercely stepped on the bleeding wound to prevent the blood from "tragging into the trachea" "Slowly startled the others. -

At this time, Fang Lin noticed that a small line appeared in the lower left of the field of vision:

Epapier 0 (2), mask slave 2 (6). (Note: The one who draws the water is also counted) Points 0 (300).

The next six masked slaves were also killed in their sleep.

Then Fang Lin walked in front of the Ephesian next to the driest boulder, and still planned to do the same, his attacking part was still the opponent's throat --- this is the only thing on this enemy who was not chain armored The key to the package.

However, the moment the sword was swung down, the heavy swordsman probably turned over because of a posture lying too long!

The fatal part of the human body Fang Lin had already researched in the real world when he was determined to avenge his parents. Unfortunately, most of the fourteen people who killed him did not use violent methods, so they did not get many opportunities to practice, so Only this miss.

The epic, who had accidentally turned over from sleep to avoid the fatal blow, immediately came over and snarled. Bouncing on the opponent Lin launched a fierce assault, but Fang Lin just turned to his side, holding his large sword with his arm, and slashed a sword at him on the surface, but the real insidious move was a forceful one. foot!

He struck that kick and kicked on the stall of the heavy swordsman.

Even Fang Lin's instep felt the intense pain of two ovoid things instantly exploding, and then he noticed that his blood bar was reduced by one fifth, and this heavy swordsman's blood bar Immediately sink to the bottom, but only the lowest, but not dead! However, the helmet of the heavy swordman's face suddenly burst open, revealing his distorted face, and his eyes became blood red, and he flung himself against the body, pressing Fang Lin to the ground, even if he was caught by this. The environment has doubled its power attributes, and it can't resist the crazy attack of the enemy for a while!


Hearing the heavy sweaty smell of the heavy swordsman pressing on his body, what he heard in his ears was the wild gasp of a wild beast. Fang Lin remained calm despite dizziness and difficulty breathing.

He completely gave up the intention of struggle, but turned abruptly!

Both rolled into the fire together!

There was a fierce fire, burning the two men who were fighting in desperation. The flames are fair, and they treat everything that dares to enter its sphere of influence without discrimination. Fang Lin's own blood strips began to drop sharply, but the one who couldn't support it was the mutant epee who pressed on him. After staying in the flame for dozens of seconds, he finally let out a long, helpless groan in his throat, and fell down suddenly.

Strangle to escape.

This is the only thought in Fang Lin's mind.

In fact, there is a lot of luck in it. If this heavy swordsman did n’t wear armor because he was sleeping, if it was n’t for Fang Lin ’s weak self-knowledge in the real world, it involved a killing aspect. There is no burning fire, if ...

This short and thrilling battle made Fang Lin understand too much. First of all, although the background here is the world of the frame of the round table samurai, but! The people inside are all living people! They are intelligent, thoughtful, emotional, and even explosive! If it is the consequence of contempt, it is death!

Quietly, Fang Lin gasped for a while, took a puddle of sand and felt that his heart was almost popping out of his chest, and his temples were bouncing and tingling with pain. He frowned and climbed up, carefully examining Body, I found that the most serious injury was the stabbing of the epee with a hard arm! The flesh at the middle of the sword was rolled fiercely, and even the blood vessels were instantly scorched by the high temperature attached to the sword, so there was not much blood flowing out.

At this time, the burn on his body began to ache, and Fang Lin thought of the scene reminder at this time: the pain was reduced by 70%, that is, the current pain feedback to the nerve was weakened by seven layers. According to his patience, with the exception of the left hand being somewhat obstructed, the remaining abilities were not weakened much. At this time, Fang Lin discovered another thing, and there was a dazzling but unglaring light flashing around the waist of a masked slave's body next to him.

好奇 He walked curiously, and easily found a gray metal key. After the key is in hand, the corpse becomes transparent and disappears. The Nightmare Mark gives a hint: You have obtained a normal key. Do you want to summon the treasure box immediately? whether?

When Fang Lin saw that the surroundings were very safe, he chose the summoning option, and a solid wooden box appeared in place. After opening the box, Fang Lin noticed that there was a black wheat bread inside. After touching his fingers, the nightmare mark on his chest immediately prompted:

"Get a dark bread, the quality is low, you can't carry it, restore your physical strength to thirty, do you take it immediately?"

(Note: Most of the methods for obtaining loot in this book are the above methods. In the future, there will be special circumstances that will be explained. Treasure chests and keys cannot be seen by people without the Nightmare Mark. The item protection time is 72 hours. )

Fang Lin was so pleased that he ate the bread and found that his blood bar climbed a short distance. He quickly noticed the other corpses, and found the remaining gray keys on the corpses of the other four masked servants. In the once violent epee On the man, he found a bright silver key. He calmly thought about using the gray key to open the box. The items obtained were as follows:

A medium-level dagger, white equipment, low quality, attack 1-3, can not carry out the world, you can redeem 30 points.

A piece of silver jewelry with low quality and valuables can be exchanged for 60 points.

一份 A vegetable salad, medium quality, food, restore 20 points of physical strength within 60 seconds, must be consumed in a non-combat state, can not be carried.

It is worth mentioning that an empty box appeared. From this, Fang Lin reasoned that since the boxes may appear empty, it is likely that they will face traps with pitfalls in the future, so it seems that there should be professional screening skills.

After this busy time, Fang Lin's blood strips have slowly recovered from the original one-fifth to the half position, and the injuries on his body have obviously improved. Only his left hand is still quite suffocated during exercise. It seems that once the motor function is traumatized, it will heal slowly, and it is difficult to rely on such foods for rapid treatment.

The next thing to do is to open the box corresponding to the bright silver key. As the key slowly turned, a silver light shot out of the lid of the box. Its details are:

"Lyan's two-handed epee: blue equipment, medium quality, attack 5-6, with scorching damage 2-2, can not be carried out of the world, requires 18 power, 8 physical strength, can be used to exchange 300 points."

She Fanglin estimated that she couldn't afford this big guy if she died, but fortunately, the Nightmare Mark provided help, and it could be included in another limited storage space. However, he found a worn piece of parchment paper at the bottom of the silver box. As soon as he touched his fingers, a reminder of the Nightmare Mark was automatically generated in his ear:

"E-level skill cutting scroll, this skill is unique to the round table warrior world, you need strength 3, agility 3, physical strength 4, spirit 10 to learn. Skill activation requires a bit of mental power. The effect of cutting LIVE1: can be obtained on the loot For processing and segmentation, there is a 1% chance to process high-level unknown treasures, a 48% chance to increase the value of the loot, and a 51% chance to make the loot damaged and disappear. You can take it out of the world, and you can also exchange it for 50 points. Learn. Note: When processing advanced equipment, the failure rate will double. (The cutting range is limited to equipment, food, and some valuables.)

(Well, the original form of cutting is the original function of the round table warrior. Cut it off, now it is a dream in the book. By the way, the skills in this book are divided into six grades: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E. The lower the skills, the learning requirements The simpler)

Fang Lin frowned, this skill was extremely incomparable, but he thought for a while, holding the attitude of chat is better than nothing, and then clicked OK. Who knew that the Seal of Nightmare followed the stream of prompts coming in immediately, He has an urge to swear:

"You have learned one skill: the remaining skill columns are: 2."

"This skill is an E-level skill, if you want to forget, you must get the Styx River."

Fang Lin's face muscles twitched, which prompted him to reveal a lot of information. First of all, he should be able to learn various skills to strengthen himself, and these skills are also graded according to the effect --------------- Obviously, the level of E is definitely not high-end. Secondly, there is a limit to the total amount of learning skills of each person. The total amount of each person is three, and now it is two. Finally, the skill should be forgotten, but the conditions for forgetting it should be harsh. If Fang Lin's inference is correct, the higher the skill, the lower the cost of forgetting.

He took a deep breath, shook his head, and got rid of the anxiety in his mind. In Fang Lin's concept, regret is a very useless thing, except that it can kill his own fighting spirit, there is nothing effect. Judging from the layout near this point, this should be a sentry card to monitor the town. He replaced the intermediate short sword that he just obtained, re-covered the clothes of the masked slave, changed it, and followed it. The river went up.

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