Ace Of Terrans

327 Guardians.

Shi Lang and the rest took a couple of hours to talk about the various topics, and they helped the elder couple in closing and cleaning the cafe before they headed back home. Theseus took the responsibility to drop everyone home.

This was not because he was worried about their safety. The crime rate in the federation was almost zero because of the technological advancement and surveillance network. He just wanted to talk to his class about the so-called realm of immortals that Shi Lang had mentioned.

He was the most logical person in this group and Shi Lang liked him because this guy will question almost everything inside his mind. Even if he did not say anything to the people around him, his mind was constantly moving in a direction of its own.

After the students, left. Shi Lang picked up the sleeping little princess and stood at the entrance of the cafe. He looked at his uncle and aunt who said, "You can go back home first. We will finish with the accounts first before heading back."

Shi Lang sighed and said, "Beauty, you do not understand the importance of walking under the starry sky with your beloved."

Mila cast him an amusing gaze and said, "Lad, you are just unfortunate and jealous that I have my husband beside me, as for your fairy wife, she is far in the stars."

Shi Lang snorted and said, "You have become so mean, you do not love me anymore."

Mila chuckled and said, "Yes, you have grown older now, stop acting like a child. Shoo, get going."

The young man smiled and left the cafe while carrying the little girl in his arms. She fell asleep when the people were discussing things. Ever since Shi Lang had cast seals on her body, she has stopped intaking the spirit energy and headed towards a normal lifestyle. Without the energy from the spirit energy, she would often get tired by the end of the day and turn in to rest.

Shi Lang carried her in his arms and decided that he will walk back home. His pace was calm, and the sidewalk was relatively empty at this hour. He was dressed dashingly and caught the gaze of the people passing him. They did not understand why this handsome young man was walking back home with a child in his arms.

Shi Lang was not bothered by this, he was simply walking, after a few minutes, the sleeping beauty tightened her embrace around his neck and snuggled closer to his neck. She was seeking his warmth. The young man, suddenly, looked up at the starry sky and mumbled, "So that is how it feels, master."

He was recalling the night when his master found him abandoned in a battle-torn town. Shi Lang was carried in his arms for a long time. The old man cared for him very deeply and taught him basic cultivation. Later when Shi Lang was about to join a sect, the old man was murdered by an old enemy.

Shi Lang would sigh whenever he recalled that time, he regretted leaving the side of his master. Thinking about it, as he walked, he began to think of the things he regretted in his past life. To think he wanted to be a person who did not regret anything. However, the things to regret were piled up like a small mountain in his heart.

His breathing became heavier. Shi Lang closed his eyes and let out a sigh, he was also lamenting in his thoughts if his heart really did not have any burden when he thought of the times he had failed to follow his idea of living and his motto of dao.

Suddenly, he sensed his shoulder being patted. He did not realize that he was standing in the same place for the past few minutes. The person who tapped his shoulder was an old monk. Yes, a monk, dressed in a proper kasaya. What was even more surprising was that this monk was only in his teens.

Shi Lang bowed his head slightly and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you, Little master?"

The monk shook his head and said, "Is there anything I can do for you, patron?"

Shi Lang was surprised, this question was odd, but when he looked at the faintly smiling monk, his clear eyes. He could not help but ask, "What if someone wishes to live without regret but then realize how many mistakes they have made and regret? What shall one do to get over this guilt."

The monk smiled and said, "Even if you regret what has happened, can you change it? Life is just like that, it does not run in reverse and only forward. Life is like time, it does not run in reverse. Look at the things you have to face in the future."

The monk said his piece and was about to walk away when Shi Lang said, "Little master, what if someone fears to make mistake in the future?"

The monk stopped in his tracks and said, "Patron, those who live in fear are not strong, but those who can get up after falling, are."

This statement enlightened Shi Lang slightly as he watched the monk walking away. Shi Lang bowed his head to show his respect toward the monk. He was truly enlightened that looking back will only slow him down. What has been done, has been done, now he should move ahead.

After a few minutes, Shi Lang began walking again, this time his speed was slightly faster, but his eyes were shining and his lips were curled slightly upward at the corner. Tao was sleeping in his arms very cozily, her mouth was slightly open and drool was dripping over his shirt, but he did not care about it.


A few days later, when Shi Lang reached home, he was just in time to find Amelia alighting a military vehicle. The soldiers saluted him as the young man nodded and said, "You guys are dismissed for the day, go take some rest."

The soldiers nodded and they left. With the guard detail gone, Shi Lang had no shame, and took Amelia in his embrace as he asked, "Did you miss me?"

The lady was surprised and then she said, "Who knows, I might have or not?"

Shi Lang was not going to let her away with this and began to tickle her. Amelia struggled but she still failed to break away. The street was filled with her mellow laughter. They entered the house, and after spending some time with the elders, they are both moved back to their room and did what two adults should do to make babies.

When they came down the next morning, Amelia said while eating her breakfast, "Lang, shall we get it down today?"

Shi Lang looked up and said, "How about after school? The civil certificate bureau will be open till five. I will get there by four. You can come there directly with Tao."

The girl nodded and then they finished their meal. Shi Lang left for school and Amelia began to spend some time with the little girl. She was patient and gentle, Tao had been exposed to the people of the family and thus she was not shy or hesitant now.

While they were playing, Amelia asked, "Tao, how about me and Lang become your guardians?"

Tao raised her head from the screen and asked in confusion, "Guardian?"

Amelia smiled and said, "You see Granny Luna and Gramp John?"

Tao nodded and Amelia continued, "They are Shi Lang's parents and guardians. When he was young and weak, they protected him from harm. Shi Lang and me, are not your real parents, but we can be your guardians till you are strong enough. Would you like that?"

The girl thought for a bit and asked, "Will Tao leave when strong?"

Amelia shook her head and said, "Did Shi Lang leave when he became strong?"

Tao shook her head, and Amelia said, "Then you also do not have to leave."

However, the next series of questions stumped the gentle lady. Tao asked, "Where your guardian, Amy?"

Amelia replied, "My mother is in a different house."

Tao asked, "Why you leave when strong?"

Amelia did not expect the little doll to ask something like this. She smiled and picked up Tao to have her sit on her lap as she said, "Women are different from men. You will know that when you grow old. I did not want to leave. Lang took me away to bully."

Tao tilted her head and asked, "Lang bad?"

Amelia chuckled and ruffled her little head and said, "No, he is good."

"You confuse Tao.", the little one pouted and went back to playing, leaving a surprised lady, who chuckled after regaining her composure.

Soon it was time for them to leave the house, Tao was dressed in a pink skirt dress, looking very lovely. Luna was busy clicking her pictures and John was rubbing his neck which was strained from excess shaking. Amelia wore a dress similar to Tao and held her hand as they said good bye to the old couple.

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