Ace Of Terrans

365 Impossible Scenario.

Shi Lang and his team were taken to a simulation room and the people immediately sat down in the simulation pods and the test began. Shan had told them that the rules will be stated inside the simulation room and once finished with the rules, they will have an hour to deal with the scenario, which was equivalent to a week inside the simulation realm.

The team had full confidence to deal with the things, while they were going through the rules. Harley was making her way over to the simulation room, causing a huge wave in the entire strike force. This was the first time when the commander had taken the initiative to watch the simulation room of the recruits.

However, they did not dare talk about it, firstly because the commander was an ice woman with a petty mind, and secondly because of Captain Stix who was pursuing her but was being pushed away. Stix himself was not a problem, but he was a member of the big five and thus the people were scared of him a bit.

Shina was following Harley hot on her heels, and things between the two seemed to have restored to normal. Shina asked in a low voice, "Boss, why are we going there?"

Harley sighed and said while walking. "This team has created a test data record that beat the first team in terms of data at the least."

Shina was shocked and her pace slowed down, when Harley said, "Keep up, there is another thing you need to know."

Shina hurried up and Harley said, "The strength displayed by their leader was strong enough to give me some headache while fighting."

The adjutant almost did not trip when she heard this, and Harley slowed down as she continued, "I have a feeling that this guy still held back in his test. I do not why, but his facial expression during the obstacle run did not change and his movements with the mecha were so fluent as if he was using his own body. All these skills manifesting in youth from a D-tier civilization, makes me feel uneasy."

Shina nodded and they moved, but suddenly she saw someone and said, "Boss, that jerk."

She glared at the person approaching them from the other side of the corridor. She hated this man because of him the boss yelled and scolded her in front of the juniors. This bastard from the big five used a special charm technique to make her blunder. Such disrespect was too much.

Harley did not react and walked closer to the person, the man smiled brightly and said, "Comman..."

Just as he was speaking, a figure flashed and the next thing the peanut gallery saw was Captain Stix stuck to a wall, and Harley walking away after landing in her place. She said, "For using underhanded means to obstruct and disturb the duty of a senior officer, Captain Stix is suspended for a week. Also, this action will be recorded in his profile as the second strike. One more mistake and I will have your flesh shredded with phaser whip myself."

Her cold voice made the people shiver and her actions made them admire her even more, Harley was not afraid of the big five. She was silent because she did not wish for trouble but she was not afraid of it either.


Captain Stix chuckled when he got off the wall and stretched his body as if nothing happened. Then he walked in the direction Harley went off. He was not ashamed of his insult, this was a usual site and after six months, the people had gotten used to it. However, in six months, Harley has only given him two strikes that were because she wanted to save the face of the big five.

Captain Stix was a humanoid, with long golden locks and blue eyes. His face did not help him hide his lusty expression. This was an annoying thing about him, but he was really good at his tasks, that was the reason he was among the top ten. Captain Stix was famous for living life like a debauch and he was very arrogant, even scolding the leader of the first team was not a big deal for him.


Harley stood outside the simulation room while Shan and Shina stood beside her. They were looking at the test on the monitor and ignored Stix, who was gazing at Harley with unbridled lust in his eyes.

Shan said, "Commander, the test is about to begin, what shall be the difficulty level?"

Harley thought about it for a bit and said, "Impossible level."

The three others were shocked and looked at her in disbelief. Stix thought that the person in the test has somehow offended Harley so she was avenging herself by this. While the other two could not understand the reasoning behind this at all. Shan gulped and asked, "Boss, will this not make them fail the test?"

Harley was about to reply when Stix spoke up, "Since when did a low-level lackey like you could question the decisions made by the commander? Just learn to do what you are told and you will live longer."

Shan clenched his fists and reined his rage. No one liked to be humiliated, but this man while standing at the top of the rankings was also the cheapest person in the force. Harley said, "They are already qualified to join the force, I just want to see how long can they hold onto."

Shan and Shina understood and the former adjusted the test difficulty level from a computer, and Stix asked, "What do you mean they are qualified of joining the force even if they fail the task? Who is this person?"

Harley said, "You are suspended and have no right to ask anything, so either stand up in the corner quietly or fuck off to some wretched brothel, piece of shit."

She did not intend to hide her disgust at all. Stix looked at her with an angry expression which gradually turned into a lustful smile. He was looking at her as if some prey. Harley ignored this and began to watch the test progression.


Shi Lang and the rest of the team was standing inside the simulation space, but they all had complicated expression on their face. Jill asked, "Boss, what is this?"

Shi Lang shrugged his shoulders and said, "From the looks of it, we are the team that has finished assassinating the ruler or governing body of this planet and the army has surrounded us."

Sonic said, "Boss, this is not an army, it is a swarm. I detected almost ten thousand, and I suspect there are more."

Suddenly, Ajax said, "Boss, they also have heavy ammunition. What's the plan?"

Shi Lang smiled and said, "You guys will use the shields and fight back to back in a circle, one light phaser and one heavy. Cover the four directions with eight points and two dedicated heavy gunners will target the heavy artillery. This leaves ten of us, nine of you can choose to stand here and use a gun to fight, or enter the swarm to engage in melee.

Though if you feel tired, then come back and swap positions with the people here. Also, melee is necessary."

The team replied, "Hoorah."

Sparrow asked, "Boss, what about you?"

Shi Lang smiled and took off his sword from the back as he laughed and said, "I will go out for a dance."

The team shivered as they saw the hair of the young man glow with a dim crimson glow. Shi Lang radiated pressure like none before. The young general walked over to the side and slide his hand on the edge of the blade. A few drops of his blood fell to the ground and squirmed.

Jill said, "Step back."

They knew Shi Lang was entering kill mode, and even if he will not attack them, it will mess up their state of mind. The blood turned into clones, and suddenly the air around Shi Lang turned cold, he said, "Do your best even if you are on the verge of death."

That said, he dived off the mountain with his four clones. They were in the position of the team that was hiding on the summit of a mountain. Jill took command and said, "Take positions."

The team moved, and the eight volunteers also dived off in pairs of two. They all had the capability to jump a hundred meters in the air with ease, so coming back to the summit was not going to be a problem for them.


Shi Lang swung his sword and deflected the phaser beams aimed at him and his clones rushed into the crowd. It was as if a pride of tigers have come to hunt a herd of sheep. The clones were so furious that they tore through the enemy bare-handed. They did not have any weapons so they began to take one from the dead soldiers and the massacre began.


After half an hour, Harley was shocked to see what was happening in the simulation realm, this was an impossible scenario. No team has ever tried to play it this aggressively. It was like a group of savages trying to survive in a desperate manner. If the weapons they had ran out of ammunition then they would use the one belonging to the enemy.

In half an hour, the entire team has swapped places with each other thrice, and they had been fighting none stop. The record was already long broken. However, what shocked the three people was Shi Lang, Stix had left to grab a meal, but the other three were stunned by the scenes on the screen.

Shi Lang was a reaper, wherever he set foot, he left a trail of blood. The simulated soldiers were created with AI, and they all had the ability to learn and grow, but Shi Lang taught them what fear and retreat were. He was invincible and he had been at it for three days continuously, the toll on his brain could not be imagined, yet here he was.

Harley said, "Check his vitals."

Shan replied, "They are all normal."

Shina shivered and said, "To what limit must one train to reach this endurance? His body is covered in blood, and he looks like a monster, yet his blade is not stopping, even for a blink he has not stopped killing. Also, have you all noticed, as he proceeds, his skills grow stronger."

Harley nodded and said, "He is the strongest person on the team, but look at his team, they are supporting each other and cooperating so well. They all seem slightly tired but their eyes seem to be screaming that they are not reconciled and are pushing themselves past their limits."

Shan sighed and said, "I understand why this guy is the strongest Terran. He is like that Ace of cards that never fails."

Harley nodded and said, "Keep watching, I have a feeling he is not done yet."

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