Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 482: 483: Such a neuropathy is a genius

Richie sighed: "My teacher told me that the hacker profession can only be called a hacker when others don't know. You know, you are a failed hacker, because you have no way to have self-protection ability in reality. He made me take the ring.? August 1 Chinese W? W? W?.? 8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight).? COM"

Xu Cheng: "Have you seen the strength of your teacher?"

Ricky: "No, but I know that he can teach me enough to prove his strength. It's a pity that he can only transfer the code he wants to me through the things in his mind, but I always do not. He is on his rhythm, but he can see how much he is eager to touch the keyboard again and feel the touch. He said that he will never forget the feeling of touching the keyboard, just like the first love."

Xu Cheng screamed: "How do I feel that you are talking about keyboard man? The keyboard man in our summer country is also very terrible, enough to influence public opinion, and the hurricane can be ignorant. We call them the cancer of the network."

Rich frowned: "Keyboard man? What the **** is that?"

Xu Cheng smiled and said: "Nothing, can you recommend your teacher for me?"

Ricky shook his head: "He won't see you. If I take my life as a price to sell him, I would rather die."

After that, Rich turned and left.

It's hard to imagine that he was so thirsty for treatment when he came, but turned and let go, and it seems that his teacher is a good teacher and he is also a good student.

Just as Rich went to the door, Xu Cheng shouted: "If I can let him grow a pair of hands, do you believe?"

Ricky's body slammed!

Then he turned his head and looked at Xu Cheng: "Are you teasing me? He is not breaking his finger or breaking half of the wall. It is the whole arm that has been broken. Even with a prosthetic limb, there is no way to pass the broken nerve. The veins make the operation, how much money I gave him to visit the world, how much is the best at the surgeon, there is no way, do you know what the doctor's advice is? Let him use the foot!"

Ricky sneered: "The system and scandal of this hospital were all tampered with by my teacher and then exposed. You guess how he did it? Just use your feet!"

Xu Cheng: "..."

Rick turned and left.

Xu Cheng said again: "I have never been joking!"

Ritchie turned his face and looked at Xu Cheng. He looked at him straight away. For a long time, he asked seriously: "Are you serious?"

Xu Cheng nodded. "I have a dream. I want to bring together the madmen in this world. I want to play a game. The game is too big. I need a lot of people to come in and play together. I used to be from a mental hospital ( The dragon group) came out, but to be honest, the people in the mental hospital there are not serious enough, not crazy enough, not outstanding enough! So I am not afraid of how abnormal your teacher is, I am afraid that he will not dare to play!"

Ritchie was determined to look at Xu Chengdao at this time: "Are you a politician?"

Xu Cheng shook his head: "No, do you think a Chinese can be a politician in the United States?"

Richie grinned: "Then you are a businessman? Capitalist?"

Xu Cheng shook his head again: "Not too much."

Richie disdain: "What do you play? I tell you, small capitalists can't play politicians, big politicians can't play capital giants! You don't have one, what do you play? Want to shake the world to change some patterns? Oh, this world neuropathy Too many, they think that their chaotic brain thinking is normal, only normal people are neuropathy."

Xu Cheng nodded: "I think it's right. Sometimes I think about another layer of material thinking that neuropathy can see. Maybe their world is normal. You can see this world, better than the world of neurosis. Where is the difference?"

"It seems that I am in the wrong place." Ritchie said, no longer turned back and left.

Only he did not notice that Lin Dong is already following him.

Ritchie put the fake on his head again. He knew that his time was not long, so he went to see the teacher as goodbye.

His teacher is a middle-aged man without arms. He is thirty years old. There is no mobile phone at home, no computer or broadband, no IFI.

When Ricky went in, he saw that the teacher was doing sit-ups. His teacher likes to exercise. Many people encounter such things. The first choice is to give up or live passively, but he is very optimistic because he feels nothing. It is more painful and desperate than the betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing that the student Ricky came in, the middle-aged man said: "You have not been active online for half a year."

Ritchie said with a wry smile: "Teacher, saying that you don't touch the Internet, you can't help but supervise me."

The man joked: "I didn't want to touch it. The resident who moved in next door installed a large-scale ifi. I accidentally played with the old Nokia ap Saipan system."

At this time, Lin Dong came over and knocked on the door with a few of the four guys.

"Who?" Richie asked curiously.

Lin Dong thought about it later: "We are a disabled association to send warmth."

When Rich opened the door, he was cheated.

Seeing the few guys behind Lin Dong, his face changed slightly: "You are?"

"Don't be nervous about Mr. Richie, we just came over and talked to your teacher."

"You follow me!" Richie blinked and his tone became very unfriendly.

"We are not malicious." Lin Dongdao, he turned to the armless man and said: "Your student has cancer, do you know?"

The unarmed man’s face changed instantly, and he looked at his student Ricky and said, “You didn’t tell me about it?”

"Because he said it was useless, late." Lin Dong walked in and said: "My master appreciates him, but I appreciate the teacher who can teach him such a student, but you are very stubborn and do not want to shake you. Come out, I would rather not have the opportunity to be treated."

Rich: "My teacher is no longer asking about the hacker world. Don't come to persecute people!"

The armless man nodded: "I have no hands, it is a golden basin to wash my hands."

Lin Dong: "My Master said, as long as you are still in your head."

Ricky angered and walked over and pushed Lin Dongdao: "Don't come to quarrel with my teacher's peaceful life."

Armless man: "You just said... Can you heal the disease?"

Lin Dong nodded slightly: "My master can do it."

Armless man: "Save him, need what I do, say it directly."

Rich: "Teacher, his master is a crazy neuropathy, don't you mess with him, remember how you came from this end? Do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

Ritchie’s teacher gave him a quick look: “I only know that if you are dead, I am a guy who can’t take care of myself to find someone?”

After that, he looked to Lin Dong and said: "Lead the way, I will see which neuropathy can cure cancer! This kind of neuropathy is not called a neuropathy, called a genius!"

(End of this chapter)

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