The next moment, Wolf Warrior rushed out and knocked the man unconscious before he could react. ♡♢  ♦♦

Before knocking him unconscious, he happened to hear him mention the words "knife girl, bitch, etc.".

Ye Jiujiu then came out, tied up his hands and feet with ropes, blocked his mouth with rags, and then carried his body into the wooden house.

Behind him, seeing Ye Jiujiu's response, Carol agreed with him in her heart.

Beth didn't care, she just felt that whatever her lover did was right.

Tyrese's eyes were a little unhappy, after all, it was a bit too much to treat a stranger like this.

After everyone entered the wooden house, when they were about to start interrogating this man, they heard "killed eight people" from the intercom.

After waking up the man, Ye Jiujiu squatted in front of him, looked at him and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you from the rescue station? Why are you here? Why do you want to kill people?"

The man stretched his neck hard and made a "woohoo" sound, signaling Ye Jiujiu to take off the rag blocking his mouth.

Ye Jiujiu pulled out the rag from his mouth and waited for the man to justify himself.

Sure enough, the man immediately explained:

"Hello, I am from the rescue station in front. You are here to seek refuge in the rescue station! Let me go, I will take you back immediately!"

Ye Jiujiu naturally knew that this was a delaying tactic, the purpose was to trick them into the rescue station and then deal with them.

He curled his lips and said disdainfully:

"Tell me, what's the matter with the knife girl? What's the matter with killing eight people?"

Hearing this, the man's face froze, and he became hesitant to speak, and he couldn't explain what was going on for a long time.

Seeing this, Ye Jiujiu turned back to look at Carol and Beth and said:

"It seems that this so-called rescue station has a lot of problems. They are not an organization that rescues the living. It is very likely that they are specialized in killing people! For such people, my principle has always been direct, that is... Kill him! So as not to continue to harm the living!"

"Kill him" As soon as he said it, Ye Jiujiu pulled out the dog-leg knife on the side of the big push and cut his neck with a "swish".

This scene immediately shocked Beth and the other two. Beth did not expect Ye Jiujiu to kill so cleanly;

In Carol's eyes, there was an indescribable admiration for Ye Jiujiu's decisive killing;

Tyersi was incredulous. He could never have imagined that Ye Jiujiu would be so cruel and kill people without any hesitation.

Ye Jiujiu looked at the man lying on the ground, and calmly stabbed him in the head, and continued to say:

"In the end times, there are not many living people, and it is not easy to live! But these people still talk about killing people as if they were killing pigs. I think these people don't deserve to continue living!"

After that, he stood up, turned around and looked at Carol and Beth and said:

"Beth, I think your sister and Glenn have been controlled by them, but don't worry, I will rescue them! You, Tyrese, Carol and others just need to wait here!"

Hearing Ye Jiujiu's words, Beth immediately became worried. Although she was also worried about the safety of her sister and Helen, she was more worried about Ye Jiujiu's safety.

Carol admired Ye Jiujiu more and more, and saw the worry in Beth's eyes, so she stood up and said:

"Ye is right, so let's do this! Ye and I will rescue everyone together, Beth, you and Tyrese just need to wait here! Remember, as long as they are not our people, kill them and don't hold back, remember that there is Judith who needs your care!"

After that, Carol and Ye Jiujiu looked at each other and walked out of the wooden house, picked up the fireworks on the ground and walked towards the rescue station in front.

At this time, in the slaughterhouse of the rescue station, Rick, Bob, Daryl, Glenn and three others were tied with their hands, kneeling in front of a large iron trough, waiting to be cut and dismembered.

Ye Jiujiu and Carol had already climbed a small hill outside the rescue station.

Looking at the rescue station surrounded by barbed wire below, Ye Jiujiu put down the telescope and said:

"Carol, this place is indeed abnormal. Since it is a rescue station, there should be a lot of people here! But look, there are only a few dozen people here! So, where did all those people who went to the rescue station go?

Combined with the words on the intercom just now, I guess those people were killed by these people! Or something worse! What do you think?"

Hearing this, Carol nodded in agreement. Thinking of people as a little worse is her advantage, otherwise she would not have killed Tyrese's girlfriend and another person who were infected with the disease.

Then, from the telescope, I saw that many zombies gathered outside the barbed wire one after another, and several women with weapons were killing these zombies behind the barbed wire.

Finally, Ye Jiujiu saw a place where there were fewer zombies, and decided to enter the rescue station from there and kill those cannibal demons one by one.

So, Ye Jiujiu pointed at that place and said to Carol:

"Well, Carol, you are responsible for meeting us here! I will sneak in, kill those people and rescue Beth's sister and your family!"

After that, Ye Jiujiu and War Wolf slid down the hillside carefully.

Carol saw that Ye Jiujiu went to rescue alone, and she couldn't help but worry about Ye Jiujiu, but she also placed her hopes on Ye Jiujiu.

Although she had thought of a way to break into the rescue station, her method was extremely dangerous.

She didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

In the telescope, Ye Jiujiu and Zhanlang moved very carefully, killing many zombies along the way without alarming too many zombies, and sneaked into the outside of the barbed wire.

Without any tools such as wire cutters, Zhanlang's tail was bent over, and he just used the sharp tip of the sword at the end of the tail to easily cut the barbed wire, revealing a hole that was large enough for Ye Jiujiu and Zhanlang to pass through.

Without caring whether leaving a hole would let zombies in, Ye Jiujiu and Zhanlang carefully moved towards the rescue station.

When they met patrolmen on the road, Ye Jiujiu and Zhanlang would cooperate with each other, either attacking from the front and back or attracting the enemy's attention and killing the enemy, and quickly and quietly solved no less than ten armed personnel.

After killing these people, Ye Jiujiu was not afraid of exposing his ability, and put all their weapons into the space.

Naturally, the first place Ye Jiujiu went to was the slaughterhouse. Whether he could rescue Rick and the others in time was another matter. If he could, everyone would be happy. If he couldn't, it didn't matter.

Ye Jiujiu was not a saint. The mission was just to kill the cannibal demons, but there was no rule that they had to be rescued.

He was sneaking around and killing people. What Carol saw through the telescope was:

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