Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 1239 I got Bai Yang’s thirteen-page illustration and transplanted the morning dew flower!

When Hao Shuai and the two came to the big igloo, they saw two-foot-long little people in front of the house, dancing and performing.

These little people are only the size of a one-year-old baby, but their muscles and bones are strong, their skin and flesh are much firmer, and their facial features are the same as those of ordinary people, as if they were a normal person shrunk.

This strange scene immediately shocked the little girl, and after Hao Shuai saw this villain, he suddenly remembered that it was mentioned in the book "Shu Mountain" that there was a group of villains living near Baiyang Cliff.

The villains here are originally adults, not of the Jingren clan, but remnants of the ancient Huangxia Kingdom. Because tens of thousands of years ago, when we had a vast land and a large number of people, they were crazy and ignorant, they were insatiable and incompetent, cunning and greedy, and even became promiscuous and selfish. The country was destroyed and almost all species were wiped out.

Only a few villains who had not been killed by the aliens fled into the depths of the mountain, living among trees and rocks, wandering with deer and hogs, and suffering the harm of birds, beasts, insects and snakes.

The physique is the most delicate and fragile, yet such outstanding people are born. I think it is inevitable to recover after being stripped to the extreme. The recent generations of monarchs and people have awakened to their past mistakes and recalled the pain of their ancestors' subjugation. This is the turning point.

Later, these villains were unlucky enough to meet a deviant demon. Hao Shuai couldn't remember his name. Anyway, it was the deviant demon who kept many slaves in captivity until Ling Yunfeng rescued them.

Thinking of this, Hao Shuai, who was still lacking in interest, suddenly narrowed his eyes and became slightly interested in the evil demon.

After all, if the guess is correct, the demon should have a suicide note from Master Bai Yang with thirteen pages of illustrations on it.

Although Hao Shuai didn't understand the relationship between the thirteen pages of illustrations and Bai Yang's illustrations, it didn't stop him from getting it in his hands.

At this moment, when all the villains suddenly saw a stranger, they were startled for a moment, then screamed and ran away.

Hao Shuai, who had made a decision in his heart, ignored the chaos of the little people, took the little girl, kicked open the door of the big igloo, and walked in carelessly.

I saw a lot of flags in the igloo, and more than twenty little people, each holding a demon flag, standing there with their eyes closed and following the Bagua pattern. The two little men holding small triangular flags had their eyes open, and each held a long whip in one hand. They looked around at the little men around them. If they moved even slightly, they would strike them away without making a sound without making a sound.

It seems that this whip is only three feet long with its handle, but it can hit no matter how far away it is. The villains were so frightened that they were like clay and wooden sculptures. They were hit with long whips and could not even breathe.

A demon sat among them. The demon is dressed in Taoist attire, with a stooped figure, a big head and a narrow neck, pointed eyes with green pupils, thick eyebrows and a concave face, with gapped lips. There is a gold hoop on the top of the head, and the hair is as messy as a rope, flowing down to the shoulders. This is exactly the person Hao Shuai is looking for.

"who is it?"

The violent noise woke up the demon who was practicing. The furious demon picked up a strange weapon that was about five feet long and looked like a weapon, and glared at anyone who dared to disturb his practice.

But Hao Shuai didn't bother to talk nonsense with a scum like him. He raised the Xuanyuan Sword and beheaded him with a sword light.

With a snap of his fingers, a burst of fire erupted, burning the corpse, the spiritual altar and the main banner sitting on it into ashes.

When a group of villains saw that their master, whom they worshiped as a god, was burned to ashes, they all thought that the demon had been punished by the gods because of his evil deeds.

Just as he was about to cheer, unexpectedly, two more people appeared out of thin air, and then he realized that the master had been killed.

The villain was too frightened to move and stood there dumbly.

Hao Shuai was too lazy to pay attention to these villains. With a sweep of his mind, he quickly discovered the thirteen-page illustration of Baiyang Zhenren hidden by the demon on the roof.

He opened the heavenly book and saw that the whole book only had thirteen pages, and there was a picture on each page. These illustrations are different from the illustrations of bears stretching out bird sutras in the Huayu Cave, which depict natural celestial phenomena such as the rising sun in the east and the frozen river.

After flipping through it carefully, Hao Shuai had a basic idea of ​​the thirteen pages of illustrations.

If the three hundred and sixty-four Baiyang diagrams he found before were basic Xuanmen exercises that could be practiced to the level of Earth Immortal at most, then these thirteen pages of diagrams were advanced or enhanced versions of the exercises.

With these thirteen pages of illustrations, there is no problem in cultivating yourself to the level of immortality step by step.

? After putting away the thirteen pages of illustrations with satisfaction, Hao Shuai walked out of the igloo, and then flew away while the little people were stunned.

He did not leave here immediately, but took the little girl to Tianjing Cliff.

This Tianjing Cliff is a cliff, about a hundred feet high and several feet wide, like a mirror screen, hanging in the middle of the cliff more than thirty feet above the ground. Surrounded by strange moss-covered rocks, they are very abrupt and not difficult to find.

Flying closer, I saw that the cliff suddenly broke off, and a cave that could accommodate three or four adults appeared on the side of the mountain.

Suddenly, I smelled the fragrance in the cave. When I looked out, I saw that the wall of the cave was cracked and there was a strange flower that I had never seen before growing in the crevice of the stone.

There is only one flower, shaped like a peony, with green edges and white petals, slightly revealing a red heart. It is about to open, but the buds are ready to spit out, with hidden brilliance and a strange fragrance. Before it was opened, it was about a foot in size. It was estimated that it was fully opened, about two feet at least.

Hao Shuai was overjoyed. He knew that the flower was called Morning Dew Flower. It was born from the harmony of the essence of the mountain hardware and the extreme cold energy of thousands of years of black ice. The fairy fruit in the flower was the most precious. If eaten raw, it could be worth as much as The result of hundreds of years of Taoist practice.

Even the petals, pulp, and peel are all miraculous elixirs.

Just when Hao Shuai was happy, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound, and dozens of half-foot-long yellow crystal flying centipedes flew out of a honeycomb-shaped nest on the top of the cave.

Only then did Hao Shuai remember that the so-called treasures of heaven and earth seemed to be guarded by poisonous snakes and fierce beasts. Could it be that the flying centipede is the monster guarding the morning dew flower?

At this time, the flying centipede was approaching, but Hao Shuai just gave a simple mental shock and killed all the flying centipedes in a moment. Hao Shuai shot out another sword light, destroying the nest.

After getting rid of the flying centipede, I looked again and found that the strange blue-white flower had fully opened. The red heart in the middle was gone, and a golden five-color fruit appeared.

Hao Shuai knew that in all fairy medicines, the flower would disappear soon after it bloomed, so he did not dare to delay and looked for the slightly upward curved side, and then folded it and fell.

Pick it with your hand, then suck it from the broken part, and the fairy dew from the fruit will reach your mouth. Instantly, your cheeks will be filled with sweet fragrance, and your heart will be refreshed with coolness.

Eat it all in one breath, and immediately feel refreshed, light, comfortable, and ecstatic.

After silently practicing mystical skills for several times, I refined the medicinal power of the fruit. I felt that my skills had increased by at least two to three hundred years.

Of course, the reason why the medicinal properties are so high is also due to the fact that Hao Shuai is now an innate Taoist body and has a high affinity with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

When someone else takes an elixir, it is normal for them to absorb 30% to 40% of the potency. If they can absorb 50% to 60%, it would be a blessing.

Hao Shuai is not the case. He can absorb at least seven or eight layers, and even if he cannot absorb it completely, the potency of the medicine will not be lost and will only accumulate in the body.

Hao Shuai looked at the little girl next to him with an expression of enjoyment, but she didn't bother to eat.

She knew that Hao Shuai was not a stingy person, and he must have a reason for not giving her food.

In fact, the little girl guessed it right!

After all, the little girl now is still an ordinary person. She is delicate and frail and cannot bear the explosive power of Tiancai Dibao.

If eaten rashly, it is easy to die violently.

Anyway, as his apprentice, Hao Shuai would never forget her share of any good things he had.

As for why Hao Shuai didn't take the elixir back to make the medicine, it was mainly because of the characteristics of the morning dew flower.

There are specific gestures for picking the fruits of the morning dew flower. If the gestures are slightly off and the fruit is folded repeatedly, it will be difficult to fold again.

In particular, it cannot be cut with a knife. All gold and iron will be assimilated with the gold and iron, making them generally hard and the juice will wither.

At the same time, the fruit needs to be eaten immediately after being picked, otherwise as time passes, the fairy fruit will turn into a golden fruit and its effectiveness will be lost.

After explaining to the little girl, Hao Shuai looked at the stone wall and saw that the place where he had just picked flowers and fruits was smooth without any traces.

This is unscientific!

That's not right~~

This fucking world is originally the world of immortals and warriors, so there is nothing scientific or unscientific about it!

Hao Shuai touched his chin and thought about it carefully. The morning dew flower is the essence of hardware and the extremely cold energy of thousands of years of black ice. Doesn't that mean that behind the stone wall is~~

Thinking of this, Hao Shuai immediately looked at the stone wall with his clairvoyant eyes. The stone wall was suddenly as clear and transparent as crystal. Search carefully.

Sure enough, just a few feet deep behind the stone wall, there was a mass of essence wrapped around something.

"Is this the essence of hardware wrapped in Xuan Bing's extremely cold energy?!" Hao Shuai said to himself.

Although the essence of hardware and the extremely cold Qi of Xuan Bing are both rare weapon refining materials, Hao Shuai did not dig through the stone wall to take them out.

There are plenty of materials for refining weapons, but the rare morning dew flower is even more rare.

After weighing the pros and cons, Hao Shuai took out the Xuanyuan Sword and started digging the ground and walls.

When an entire stone wall was completely cut off by Hao Shuai and retracted into the space, Hao Shuai's treasure hunting journey in Fengdong Mountain came to an end.

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