"The heart is still beating, you are right!"

Tia looked at Liu Sanqian in surprise. Sure enough, there was a faint heartbeat. Liu Sanqian quickly reached out and pressed her hand on the little demon girl’s chest, but Li Yajing said with red eyes:

"Even if it's rescued, what's the use, her head is already like this, and she will survive a vegetative..."

"Tia, give her another one quickly."

Liu Sanqian’s Tieqing face has stretched a lot. The body structure of the Monster Race is very different from that of the Corpse Race. It seems that the heart is their real key point. Although Chen Lilian just now stabbed the Little Demon Girl’s heart. I took several knives, but failed to pierce through.

"Eating more will not make much difference..."

Although Tia said so, she still fed the little demon girl. At this moment, even breathing formed again. A group of nurses hurried over pushing the stretcher cart. Liu Sanqian hugged the little demon girl and put it on the stretcher. Said:

"You don't need to go to the hospital, just take her back to the room and rub her body."


"Do as he says."

Wang Jingang also came over, Liu Sanqian lowered his head and said again: "Tiya, you will stay by her side every step of the way."


Tia also realized the seriousness of the problem and followed the stretcher car into the room. Liu Sanqian took a cigarette in boredom and came to the **** of Chen Lilian in front of the two people who had awakened Peng Liang who had fainted. , And gave him a tube of strengthening fluid by the way.

"Cough cough cough... Brother Liu, please don't kill Teacher Chen, you also know that her mind is not quite right, she... She may have thought that the little girl made a move on us, so she wanted to kill her, please. Forgive her this time, I...I immediately took her out of the city and will never come back again."

"You are very affectionate and righteous."

Liu Sanqian smiled and said: "What is the difference between your teacher and the monster now, and it is worth protecting her like this? There are not many women who look like her. You are only 18 or 9 years old. As for being framed by her for a lifetime. live?"

"Brother Liu, I really like her."

Peng Liang grinned and covered his abdomen: "Although she has become like this now, she still hasn't forgotten me. No matter what happens, the first thing is to protect me, so..."

"So she almost stabbed you to death just now?"


Peng Liang was speechless, but Liu Sanqian asked seriously: "I ask you, did Chen Lilian have any abnormalities after seeing the illness? Answer honestly, your answer depends on whether your teacher can live."

"Abnormal? You mean..."

Peng Liang was silent for ten seconds, and suddenly said solemnly: "Something was very abnormal. After seeing the illness, Brother Wang's men asked if we should go straight back or come here, but she suddenly said that she wanted to come here, and when she was speaking She seemed so sober. I thought it was the treatment that had the effect, but I didn't take it to heart. You know that she hardly speaks anything. Just now, she suddenly said that she wanted to drink water and went straight to the girl."

"Pharaoh, quickly take someone to bring over the psychiatrist who is in charge of treating Chen Lilian. This doctor definitely has a problem."

Liu Sanqian immediately said to Wang Jingang after listening. Peng Liang's eyes widened in disbelief: "You mean Teacher Chen was framed by the psychiatrist who treated her?"

"Not necessarily, but according to Chen Lilian's previous reaction, she did not dare to ring the bell at all."

"Yes, right, right, I'll just say, it's a good idea, how could Teacher Chen kill someone and set the goal!"

Peng Liang was overjoyed. Liu Sanqian shook his head and said, "Don't be too happy. If you can't save it by ringing the bell, I promise Chen Lilian will not survive."

"I...I understand..."

"What? Give me a blockade of the whole city, no matter how hard it takes, I have to get people back!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jingang walked over and said in a deep voice: "The person ran away. It is estimated that it is impossible to catch the person. This woman made it clear that someone would answer her, and the hospital couldn't find out anything."

"It is basically certain that Chen Lilian was brainwashed and ordered to kill."

Liu Sanqian lowered his voice and said, "I can't tell if it was the Salvation Church or another group of people we haven't contacted. But no matter who it is, they must know the Yaozu very well. Here, it is absolutely impossible for the Demon King to settle accounts after investigating. We don't even have a chance to explain. The people in this city don't even count as a number to him."

"It shouldn't be, even if the corpse king doesn't have to converge outside the black fog area?"

"You don't know the monster clan, they can create clones, which are a little weaker than the main body. Houtu told me that after the demon king clone's death, the main body will be severely damaged, but its daughters are dead. What's the damage?"

"Fuck, fortunately this woman's vitality is tenacious."

Wang Jingang couldn't help screaming, and ordered the guests to leave one after another. Both men and women were very scared today. When they heard that they could leave, they were all relieved, but they had to pay attention to face and could not move forward. Is too big.

"Find someone to check on Chen Lilian, or take her away directly. This is definitely not a simple brainwashing, so that our people around us can't be sure if they have been caught."

"I have it arranged immediately."

Wang Jingang nodded and left. Liu Sanqian sat there still, eating the fruits cultivated from the soil contaminated by corpse poison. Although the taste was a little abnormal, under current conditions Next, I don’t need any bicycles.


Suddenly a gunshot broke the silence, and Liu Sanqian slowly went upstairs and walked into the room where the little demon girl was placed. A nurse had been subdued, and a delicate pistol was on the table.

"Yeah, it's amazing. Didn't you search your body when you came in? How did you bring this gun in?"

Liu Sanqian picked up the gun and played with it, and it seemed to be sticky with blood.

"Don't touch it!"

"What's wrong?"

He looked at Tia who was speaking in wonder, but a male doctor on the side said embarrassingly:

"She... She brought the gun in by hiding it under..."

"Fuck! Pass me that bottle of mineral water!"

Liu Sanqian quickly let go of her hand, and Tiya's face turned red. It is estimated that she had lived so much, and she had never seen such an operation.

"I know that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, but I didn't expect that you can hide a gun under you. It's very powerful, female killer?"

After washing his hands, Liu Sanqian smiled and said to the female nurse, but the female nurse was indifferent and didn't say a word, but then she rolled her eyes and twitched, and the foam in her mouth went out.

"Tia, save her!"

"It's too late, it's dead..."

Tia checked and pierced the woman's head, "She is just an ordinary person. She should have put a concentrated poison between her teeth. With the corpse poison, she turned into a zombie in an instant, and it was too late to save."

"The horseman, it was hard to catch a living one. I didn't expect that he was also a dead man."

"I left for a while as you pretended to be, and she took out the gun from......to prepare to kill. It's a pity that she didn't want to live at all."

"She is your colleague, isn't she, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Liu Sanqian squinted his eyes and looked at the male doctor on the side. The doctor's face turned green immediately, and he said hurriedly:

"It's wrong, we don't know her at all, and we didn't expect her to suddenly take a gun, oh oh oh, I remembered, originally this time it was not her turn to come, she changed shifts specially. !"

"Is there anyone in her family?"

"Yes, she also has a younger sister, about twenty-three or four. She was going to introduce her to me last time, but I know that she is usually unscrupulous, sometimes messing with patients in the ward, and she was discovered by others. I guess she My sister is not much better, so I didn't agree."

The male doctor swallowed and said quickly without thinking, “In addition, she has relatives who live close to them. It should be her cousin and aunt. I know where she lives. I can take it. You go over."

"No, just write down the specific location."

"Good, good, I will write right away."

The male doctor nodded like garlic, took a pen and paper, and wrote a long list from memory, and then dictated to a subordinate who knew Lu for a long time.

"Pharaoh, take these people to check, including the dead woman, to see if she has taken any medication before."

Liu Sanqian said solemnly: "Find a few more people for me. I'll take a look at it. It's impossible for this woman's family to pick it clean."

"It just so happened that the soldier called and said, I asked him to accompany you."

"Okay, the soldier is also more reliable. Tia, you stay here to protect her. If it doesn't work, please protect my wife."

Liu Sanqian repeatedly confessed that just after leaving the house, a green-skinned off-road vehicle also stopped at the door of the villa. Song Jun stood up straight, with a few scars on his forehead at some point.

"Isn't it about eating? Why are people all gone?"

"You two will talk about it on the way, it won't be easy to explain for a while."

Wang Jingang waved his hand, and Liu Sanqian laughed and said: "You are quite big now, the finale is on stage, let's go, go out with me to do something."


Song Jun's original style was his usual style. He spoke few words but was reliable. There was absolutely no extra effort to solve things with a single word. The execution ability of this product was extremely strong, but management was still lacking in management.

Sitting on the off-road vehicle, Liu Sanqian briefly said the whole story. At this time, the sky was also dark. The address given by the male doctor was not too biased, but it took 30 to 40 minutes to find the place, the alley inside. Too narrow, can only park and walk.

"When is the time, come back quickly, be careful of being caught to **** your blood, and pierce your eyeballs to make bullets!"

A woman was berating a few children playing in the alley, and at the same time poured a basin of sewage into the alley and let it flow down the **** into the sewer.

After seeing Liu Sanqian and others, he hurriedly pulled his children back to the house. Although they changed into civilian clothes, the military temperament of Song Jun couldn't be covered.

"Wait, aren't you Liu Sanqian?"

Suddenly, a girl was holding her mobile phone and looking at Liu Sanqian dumbfoundedly compared to the photo, and then excitedly rushed into the phone and said:

"Yaoyao, I just saw Liu Sanqian, yes, exactly the same as in the photo!"

"Go around."

Liu Sanqian put on his sunglasses depressed and tightened the neckline of his windbreaker. Originally, he thought that the newspaper hadn't been published and most people didn't know him, but he ignored the speed of the Internet.

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