Acting as a Spy in the Zombie Clan

Chapter 325: Appearance (2)

The altar is a peculiar building used to worship the gods and pray for blessing. It is basically available in every country, and its appearance is different. However, this is simple and shabby. It is even reluctant to use gold. The white and impenetrable stone stands immediately. It's out of grade here.


Igor said two words silently, and at the same time pointed to the floating board at the end of the golden ladder. It seemed that this was the activation switch. Except for the altar in the center, there were a dozen large stones on both sides. From a long distance away, it seems that there are still small prints written on it.

"Fuck, this horse...this horse is Chinese!"

Sun Xu said in amazement, only to see a neat line of characters carved with a knife on a flat stone. Although it is not a modern character, it can be recognized by individuals. This square character can only come from ZG.

"This should be Xiaozhuan. I didn't expect that someone had been here in ancient times. This line of characters should have written his name, so it's no different from visiting here."

Tong Wenwen said inaccurately, and Rick Welsh and others also found other words on other stones, which means that there are not many people who came to the high platform, and they can continue to find names of people one after another. Like a tourist attraction.

"Well, the copper stove would not have been taken away by these people long ago, is there no other place?"

Zhao Sweden said with a worried look, if the copper stove is not here, they don't expect to go out, the big guy quickly finds a partner to give birth to a child, don't delay a minute.

"Look for it carefully, don't let go of any corner. The text on the stone may be a reminder, and I will recognize it and look at it carefully."

Liu Sanqian said loudly, those who can come up to the floating platform are all the cronies of the three of them, but one hundred does not appear to be crowded, and the other survivors can only wait eagerly on the golden ladder.

"Brother Liu, come and have a look, foreigners have encountered a problem!"

Dongzi beckoned to Liu Sanqian suddenly, and saw a dozen or so two big characters on a rock with serious faces, and Morros even spoke:

"Mr. Liu, I have studied Chinese, but I really don’t understand the meaning of these two words, nor do your brothers. I think these two words appear here, they must have special meanings, or they are The author used to remind us."

"Two insects?"

Liu Sanqian smiled as soon as he saw the words on the stone. Seeing that a group of Chinese couldn't see it, he smiled at Zhao Sweden: "Old Zhao, you should always know this."

"This, it's simple. When we were in college, our teacher told us about it. I guess we don't know much now."

"There is an apostrophe in the character insect, and the two characters also represent the elevated platform we are on now."

Sun Xu guessed: "Is it said that the mechanism is on the head of the insect, or in the head, when the mechanism is opened, the copper stove will appear, I guess it is correct."

"Actually, it's normal for you foreigners not to know, because even if we Chinese have never heard of it, it is difficult to guess it."

Unexpectedly, Liu Sanqian ignored him at all, and continued: "I won't sell it. In fact, this is a dumb riddle. Look at what the word is."

Speaking of Liu Sanqian, he used the crystal's ability to gather water at his fingertips and added a border to the two words.

"Feng, Yue, what does this mean?"

Moros still asked in confusion, Liu Sanqian smiled faintly: "He deliberately didn't add a border, which means that the moon is boundless. I don't need to explain this idiom. In fact, this is the compulsion of the writing person, but it is relatively It's a bit more advanced than most people pretend to be."

"Fengyue is boundless...Interesting, ZG has a broad and profound culture, and I learnt and live to grow old."

Moross exclaimed sincerely. Looking down from this high platform, the splendor of the entire Golden City can be seen. You can also see the huge stone maze standing in the distance, and the black vortex in the sky. All kinds of fantasy scenes come together, seriously. Worthy of wind and moon boundless.

"Okay, a little Chinese charm, no need to waste time anymore. It's okay to travel more, read more books, and you will learn the knowledge."

Liu Sanqian waved his hand, and the crowd dispersed, but some people found a small hole on the side of the altar, the same color as the white stone of the altar. It would be difficult to find if it weren't for groping around the altar.

"It's a bit deep!"

Sun Xu probed in with his fingers, but failed to reach the bottom, but brought out a little mucus.

"Get out of the way, you pulled it out of the water when you stepped on a horse."

Zhao Weiwen said irritably, Sun Xu cursed, Dongzi hurriedly took out an iron flower and stabbed it in. Only then did they realize that it was not water, but was used for lubrication like oil on the machine. .

"Brother Liu, try your gun."

"Fuck, this quality is so bad?"

Liu Sanqian gently stabbed in with the dragon spear. He unexpectedly pierced a piece of the altar. He simply increased his strength. He only heard a "boom", the high platform shook suddenly, and there was also a survivor on the stairs. Each stretched its neck like a big goose.


A thing rose from the center of the altar, and the lazy Dongzi who was sitting there was immediately jumped up. The back of his buttocks was bloody, the painful veins appeared, and the skin swallow was so fierce that he didn't dare to relax. It feels a little better to be stretched like the levator ani. Other people who are watching have a feeling of empathy, subconsciously tightening.

"This is the copper furnace?"

A group of people looked at the copper furnace in the center with shining eyes, and they were stunned for a while. Only you can look at me and I will look at you. The copper furnace is a showcase in the shape of thorns, but Liu Sanqian points to it. Copper furnace:

"This horse is a copper furnace? I thought it was a furnace for smelting iron. Who knew it was an incense burner!"

The copper stove is about the size of a stool, round and three-legged, and the surface is also carved with an unrecognizable monster with a big mouth. Liu Sanqian looked at everyone:

"How many brothers? Who wants to go? Everyone has seen the bronze cauldron. Wu Xiangyu took the bronze cauldron and flew over the corpse king. This thing is definitely not simple.


However, after more than ten seconds, no one dared to touch it, just walked forward a few steps invariably.

"No one wants it? Does it mean that nobody wants it? No one wants it, so I just carried it away."

Liu Sanqian went on the cigarette and said with a smile, but Moros nodded: "The copper tripod should be yours. After all, you have contributed the most, and the two corpse kings have become your subordinates. I don't think other people will have it. Any opinions, anyway, are all research."

"All right, come over and take a look."

With Liu Sanqian taking the lead, everyone gathered in front of the copper furnace. After Dongzi touched it, they all touched the surface of the copper furnace as if seeing black silk legs.

"How on earth do you use this thing, let's not be scammed, how on earth should we get out?"

"Malle Gobi, if you can't get out, you will smash this broken thing!"

A group of people talked about it again, and all kinds of languages ​​made this place seem to be a grocery store, but Shankui pulled Liu Sanqian out, and Liu Sanqian cursed his mother with great strength.

"Sorry Brother Liu."

Shankui rubbed his hands and quickly apologized, then lowered his voice and said, "I'm going out soon. I just heard talking with the kid, and I suddenly thought of a very serious problem. People here know that I am the only one who is looking forward to you now. You can guarantee If you don’t talk nonsense, others can’t tell. The corpse king has always been cautious and very suspicion. Besides, the strength of me and Houtu has been greatly reduced. As long as it reaches the ears of other corpse kings, if we kill them by mistake, we will kill them. I mean, or..."

Shankui made a gesture of wiping his neck, but Liu Sanqian cursed badly: "You really are a stupid stepping on a horse. You didn't know that the other corpse kings also surrendered to me? It’s not difficult. It’s a matter of chasing after the wind and shadows. What are you worried about? As long as the photos and videos don’t get posted, you won’t be a shit, okay?"

"Understood, I really understand this time."

"Learn hard, remember, what you have to do is tie all the other corpse kings to your boat, so that you have a chance to build the corpse king!"

After that, Liu Sanqian returned to the front of Tongluo. Others couldn't find out the reason after studying for a long time. Zhao Weiwen squinted his eyes and said:

"Old Liu, I guess this thing must be recognized by the Lord. We have tried various methods in Xialu, and we can't get Tongding to recognize the Lord, but the master of Dianping did it, indicating that there is definitely one of them. What special method? You have dealt with Dian Chuanshi, and you know a lot about him. Among us, you are most likely to let Tongluo recognize the master!"

"I know everything..."

Liu Sanqian stared at the copper furnace, simulating Wu Xiangyu’s thinking in his mind. Wu Xiangyu was definitely able to recognize the master of Tongding with the help of the Demon King. At the same time, if conditions permit, he is likely to use modern technology to learn from Tongding. Material starts.

"Chen Wanlou..."

He closed his eyes and continued thinking. Chen Wanlou is just a small character who makes a mistake, and his IQ is not much higher, but the bronze mirror can also be handy in his hands, and there is no help for this dog day. It is really somewhat Confusing.

"Walkers, get out of me!"

Suddenly he held the dragon spear and said viciously. Everyone hurriedly retreated a dozen steps. He didn't expect that he actually picked up the dragon spear and stabbed it viciously into the furnace. This blow used all the power of the whole body, it was huge. The destructive power was actually sparked.

"Fuck, what are you doing, Lao Liu? Take your time, don't be anxious!"

Zhao Sweden's face turned pale, but after careful consideration, this copper furnace must not be that fragile, and he simply retreated.


The copper furnace suddenly began to vibrate violently, and Liu Sanqian couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that even the thorny base was shaken to pieces by the copper furnace, and his three legs seemed to come alive.

"Look there!"

Lao Zang suddenly reminded him that black smoke appeared inside the copper furnace. Liu Sanqian reached out without thinking about it and threw an electric cannon over, but the black smoke came towards him without being affected. , Revenge usually invaded his body, causing severe pain in his internal organs, and his head was about to explode, even the old stiff didn't respond.

"not good!"

Zhao Sweden feels cold, a majestic gravitational pull pulls their bodies from all directions, seemingly unbroken. Everyone's expressions are extremely painful. Everyone on the stairs fled frantically when they saw it, but immediately followed by a dazzling white light. Flooded the whole world...

(End of Volume Two)

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