Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 1008: Manipulating food prices, economic warfare

Shen's Trading Company.

As the war on the front line intensified, the Ministry of Revenue personally went out to purchase grain and grass, and the grain price in the entire Zijing City began to rise slightly.

A long queue formed in front of the door, and a waiter ran out in a hurry: "Dear guests, I'm really sorry, the grain is sold out today, please come again tomorrow!"


When this was said, everyone in the crowd was shocked. Shen's Grain Store, as one of the largest grain stores in Zijing City, had never run out of grain.

Some people also realized that something was wrong and ran to a grain store not far away.

"Chen's Grain Store is also sold out!"

"My goodness, what happened? Why are all the grains sold out today?"

"I heard that the Ministry of Revenue is raising grain for the front line."

"Let's go to the West Market."

A group of people crowded towards the West Market. Along the way, someone noticed the movement and hurried forward to ask.

More and more people fell into panic after learning that the grains of the major grain stores were sold out.

"Everyone, don't panic, Li's grain store has grain, and the supply is sufficient!"

A shout suddenly came from the crowd, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said, how could the grain be sold out!"

"In the past hundred years, I have been short of everything in Dayan, but I have never been short of grain!"

"Haha, let's go and buy a few buckets together."

When the group arrived at Li's business, there was already a servant in front of the door to close the stall.

"What's going on?"

"Is even Li's business sold out?"

"It's over!"


In the small courtyard.

Shen Wansan was reporting the situation to Ning Fan: "My Lord, all the grains in the 19 grain stores in the West Market have been sold out, and all the 23 grain stores in the East Market have closed down."


Ning Fan said calmly: "Go, transport another batch of grain into the city to raise the grain price."


After noon, Shen's grain store reopened, but the grain price rose from 13 wen per dou to 18 wen per dou. It was only an incense stick of time after opening, and the grain was sold out again.

Other grain stores also transported a large amount of grain from the granary, but they were all sold out in just one afternoon.

Most of them were bought by people sent by Shen Wansan. In just one day, many people began to panic.

Some merchants even went to other cities to buy grain overnight.

The next day.

Shen's business had 500 carts of grain entering the city. After opening, the price per dou had risen to 20 wen.

Even so, there was still a long queue in front of the door.

Other businesses all brought in large quantities of grain and grass from outside, but under Shen Wansan's secret purchases, coupled with the spread of panic among some people, the purchase volume increased sharply. In just half a day, the entire Zijing City was already in a state of food shortage.

"My lord, the price of grain in Zijing City has risen to 25 wen per dou!"

"It's still a long way off!"

Ning Fan smiled faintly. He had been planning for a year and was waiting for today.

If the court of Dayan did not force him with force, he could directly drag down the huge economy of Dayan with the grain war.

Shen Wansan had a lot of capital in his hands. Even if the court of Dayan personally took action, as long as he did not use force, he was really not afraid.

After all, the economy of this era was mainly supported by grain.

I'm afraid Dayan can't afford it!

"Continue to send people to secretly purchase grain and grass, and other cities will start together!"


On the second day, the price of grain began to rise wildly again, from 25 wen to 35 wen, and this trend continued to spread to the surrounding cities.

By the third day, the grain prices in the entire capital area had been affected.

On the fourth day, the grain price had risen to 50 wen per dou, and some grain merchants and retail investors in the city began to hoard grain. Under the massive hoarding of grain merchants, the grain price continued to rise wildly.

On the fifth day, the grain supply in Zijing City was completely cut off, and all the major grain merchants, led by Shen's Grain Bank, had no grain to sell.

And the grain price was also hyped up to a sky-high price of 80 wen per dou.

"My Lord, in the past five days, we have purchased a total of 3 million shi of grain from various grain stores in the capital area, with an average price of 35 wen per dou!"

"I'm afraid it has attracted the attention of the Dayan court!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Has the grain been shipped out?"

"The grain in Zijing City may be difficult to ship out. The court has ordered that grain is not allowed to leave the city!"

"In that case, just sell it in small quantities!"

"The grain in other cities must be shipped out of the city as quickly as possible."


On the sixth day, Shen's Business opened again, and a large amount of grain began to be sold at a price of 70 wen per dou. Once it was sold, it was snapped up by everyone. In just one morning, 50,000 shi of grain had been sold.

In the afternoon, Shen's Grain Store closed again. Many grain merchants in the city were still hoarding. Even among the 50,000 shi in the morning, many were secretly purchased by friendly merchants.

On the seventh day, the grain was cut off, and the price of grain rose sharply, breaking through the 80 wen mark.

On the eighth day, Shen's grain store sold a small amount of grain at a price of 85 coins per stone.

During these eight days, the people of the entire capital were affected by the grain price. Dayan Jingzhao Prefecture directly posted a notice, strictly ordering major grain merchants not to hoard grain, and all grain in the warehouse should be sold, and the grain in the official warehouse also began to be sold at a fair price.

Shen Wansan once again came to the small courtyard where Ning Fan temporarily lived.

"My lord, the official warehouse of Jingzhao Prefecture has begun to release grain."


"Send more people, purchase in batches, don't attract attention!"

"Also, store the purchased grain in another place."

"Notify your friendly merchants to eat this batch of official grain together."

Shen Wansan smiled and said, "There is no need for us to notify, all the major grain stores in Zijing City have already started sending people to purchase secretly!"


"My lord, Mr. Li Ru is here."

"Let him in!"


Not long after, Li Ru appeared in the courtyard and bowed respectfully.

"My lord!"

"Please sit down."

The two sat down in the pavilion in the courtyard. Li Ru couldn't help asking, "The grain prices in Zijing City have risen sharply in the past few days. Is it the lord who is manipulating it behind the scenes?"

"I guess so!"

Ning Fan did not deny it, but Li Ru frowned and said, "My lord, I'm afraid you have been targeted by the Yanlong Guard now."


Ning Fan was also slightly surprised: "What's going on?"

"Our people reported that the Yanlong Guard has targeted Shen Wansan."

"I have ordered people to deal with the five tails!"

"It seems that I underestimated the Yanlong Guard!"

"This grain price turmoil was personally organized by Dayan Prime Minister Quan Ji behind the scenes. I'm afraid that new measures will be taken in a few days!"

"Please make plans early, my lord!"

Ning Fan also nodded and said in a deep voice, "In this case, let Shen Wansan start releasing grain tomorrow!"


Li Ru shook his head and said in a deep voice, "My lord, this batch of grain cannot be released!"



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