Li Mansion.

Li Xiuning and Li Yan stood side by side on the martial arts training ground, looking at the soldiers forming military formations in front of them.

"Sister, when will we return to the north?"

"Can not go back!"


Li Yan frowned slightly and said doubtfully: "Why did your Majesty call us back to the capital this time?"

"Is it possible to keep us under house arrest in the capital?"

"shut up!"

Li Xiuning looked solemn and said in a serious voice: "How can I allow you to speculate on His Majesty's kindness and power?"


"Yan'er, I sent a message to my father the day before yesterday, planning to let you join the national army. My father has agreed!"

"The national army is entering the town?"

Li Yan was startled, with a look of disbelief on his face. Looking at his eldest sister's determined expression, he asked doubtfully: "Sister, why are you sending me to the Suppressing Army?"

"The imperial court is ready to attack the south!"


There was a look of shock on Li Yan's face, and he murmured softly: "At the beginning of the year, my father defeated the Mobei Bayi tribe!"

"More than half a month ago, Duke Zhen Guo led his army to repel Donghuai, and now he is planning to attack the south again?"

"The imperial court frequently makes big moves. What is your Majesty planning?"

"Don't speculate on the Holy Will!"

Li Xiuning looked very cautious and said in a serious voice: "Yan'er, you only need to remember that we are the ministers of Dayu, that's enough!"

"When you join the Zhenguo Army this time, you must keep a low profile!"

"Protect Your Highness!"

"King Xuan Yong?"


Li Xiuning's eyes gradually darkened, and she murmured: "If my predictions are correct, as His Highness leaves the capital, I'm afraid he will also take away my military power!"


Prince Qin’s Mansion!

In the back garden.

Ning Rulai was sitting in the pavilion, holding the chess piece by himself. Most of the black and white chessboard had been covered. He held a white piece in his hand, which he had not dropped for a long time!

It seemed that every step he took was accompanied by a long pause.

"Sir, there is news from the palace that King Xuan Yong is joining the army!"

A woman with a graceful figure walked up to Ning Rulai and spoke softly.

Ning Rulai's expression froze, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman: "What are the reactions of the major families in the capital?"

"Sir, the second generation in Beijing seems to be interested in entering the camp together, and all parties are moving around each other."

"Even the young master of the Li family is preparing to join the national army!"

"Where is Jin Yiwei?"

There was a deep luster in Ning Rulai's eyes, and the woman spoke softly: "Neither your Majesty nor the courtiers mentioned the Jin Yiwei!"

Ning Rulai pondered for a long time and said softly: "I remember that when I first came of age, my father gave me a set of armor?"


"Go and get it for me!"


Seeing the doubtful look on the maid's face, Ning Rulai said leisurely: "I'm going to join in the fun too.


"Father, I will just fix a letter!"


Prince Xuanyong's Mansion.

The staff of the palace were lined up on both sides. The atmosphere in the hall was unusually formal. Ning Fan was dressed in a python robe and sat at the head of the palace, looking like a prince!

"Kong Ming, in your opinion, will my father take this opportunity to conquer Huainan?"


Zhuge Liang spoke with determination, while Ning Fan frowned, showing a hint of doubt.

"Do you think King Huainan's 300,000-strong army will come out in full force?"

"Never will!"

Zhuge Liang said calmly: "My lord, the imperial edict will be announced to the world tomorrow. Now the three princes are also preparing their troops and are ready to go south at any time!"

"The main force of this southern expedition is the Zhenguo Army, but His Majesty summoned the Marquis of Qingyun in the South to prepare for war!"

"I speculate that this time the army of the Zhennan Hou Mansion may not follow the trend and go south!"

There was a deep look in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and he said in a concentrated voice: "The Zhennan Army of the Zhennan Hou Mansion is no less powerful than the Zhenbei Army under Duke Jingguo!"

"Besides, the Zhennan Army has been fighting bloody battles all year round, and all of his subordinates are elite soldiers. His Majesty deliberately sent the Zhennan Army southward. It must be out of confusion!"

Ning Fan silently thought about Zhuge Liang's words, pondered for a long time, and looked at Jiang Gu: "Jiang Gu, during this time, the king is away from the capital, and the Jin Yiwei is mainly keeping a low profile!"

"If His Majesty sends someone to intervene, please cooperate fully and do not resist!"


"Jia Xu, is the black ice platform available?"

"Reporting to my lord, our power has taken root in the Southern Barbarians, and we can also use it in Huainan!"


"You go to Huainan in advance to make arrangements. From now on, the information about the Huainan Palace will be reported twice a day!"


"Kong Ming!"

"From now on, you will be responsible for all the important affairs of the palace!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhuge Liang bowed respectfully, and Ning Fan looked at Xu Chu and Qin Qiong again, and said softly: "Shu Bao, Zhong Kang, you follow the Duke of Zhen and join his command, and wait for orders!"


"When evil comes, you come with me to the camp!"


Ning Fan finally looked at Chen Gong, pondered for a long time and said: "Gongtai, tomorrow you go to Jingzhao Mansion with my seal and ask Ma Ziyuan to arrange a position for you!"

Chen Gong nodded slightly, looked at Ning Fan and said solemnly: "My lord, this southern expedition must put your own safety first!"

"I don't know how many people in the DPRK are plotting evil against you now. Don't give them the opportunity to take advantage of you!"


Ning Fan said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter how long their hands are, they can't reach the national defense army."

"Kong Ming, after I leave Beijing, let Gao Shun lead the Xianzhen Camp to secretly lurk in Huainan!"

"Send a message to Pengju and let him meet up with Qin Qiong and others!"

"Yes, lord!"

After Ning Fan properly arranged all the matters, he looked at Xu Chu and said: "Zhongkang, can your newly recruited 300 private soldiers form combat power now?"

"Lord, I have been beating every day these days, and now I can fight three or five men with bare hands!"

"Okay, the palace will be handed over to them, and they will obey Mr. Kong Ming's orders!"


As soon as Xu Chu finished speaking, he saw Lin Yong striding over: "Lord, Mr. Shen is back!"

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Fatty Shen ran up panting, and when he saw Ning Fan, he couldn't help grinning.

"Your Highness!"

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you've gained weight again!"


Shen Wansan's smile was as simple and honest as ever, but his eyes were full of shrewdness.

"Your Highness, we've made a fortune!"

"Now the wine shops are all over the capital, and branches in various counties have also opened one after another. It can be said that we are making a fortune every day!"

Shen Wansan lowered his voice and leaned in front of Ning Fan to suppress his joy. After a while of dancing with joy, Ning Fan couldn't help but brighten up.

"Has the salt mine started to be mined?"

"It has already started. Now it can produce thousands of buckets of refined salt every day!"


"The next main task is to store refined salt in large quantities. When I return from the southern border, I will take action against the Hu family!"

"We must ensure the reserve of refined salt!"

"Hey, Your Highness, don't worry!"

"Come over..."

Ning Fan asked Shen Wansan to lean over to his ear, and after whispering, he took out the paper that had been prepared for a long time from his arms and handed it over.

"Give you three months to make Huaxia Commercial Bank the number one commercial bank in Dayu!"


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