Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 135 The imperial edict for the southern expedition, my lord, join the army!

Xuanyong Palace.

The dusk fell silently on the earth, a cold moon hung in the sky, accompanied by the cold wind outside the window, shaking the treetops.

"Meet the Lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan waved slightly, Zhuan Zhu stood up from the ground and said softly: "Lord, you called me here, why?"

"Zhuan Zhu, how is the headquarters established?"

"Reporting to your Highness, the underworld has all moved to the barren mountains east of the city!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, and pondered: "From now on, the focus of the underworld will be on the ancient country of Nanman and Huainan!"

"Infiltration, rebellion, disguise, coercion, no matter what means you use, I want to gain a certain degree of control in Huainan and the ancient country within three months!"


Zhuan Zhu bowed respectfully and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, my lord. We have people in Huainan and Guguo!"

"No need for three months, one month is enough to master some power!"

"This matter must be kept secret!"


Zhuan Zhu bowed respectfully, and his figure disappeared directly in front of Ning Fan. A melodious voice came from the dark night: "My lord, four of the Ten Kings of Hell have returned!"

"Just wait for good news!"


Ning Fan stood in front of the window, looking in one direction. They should be here too...

In an attic in the side courtyard, several black-clothed people appeared silently in the Xuanyong Palace without alarming any guards!

"Woo woo..."

A sharp whistle sounded, and Qu Hongxiu in the attic suddenly opened her eyes, looked out the window, and was absent-minded: "They...are really here?"


Qing Wan'er and Ling Xiu'er came to Qu Hongxiu's front as soon as possible, both with a look of joy on their faces!

"Is this our people?"

"Indeed...our people..."

"Great, the court still hasn't given up on us!"

Both women were surprised, but Qu Hongxiu's expression was complicated. This 'we' was not what they thought it was after all.

"Let's go!"

Qu Hongxiu seemed to have been prepared. She looked far in the direction of the main courtyard and strode out of the attic!


"Who dares to trespass into my Xuanyong Palace!"

"Catch him!"

There were shouts and screams outside. Qu Hongxiu walked out of the attic step by step like an outsider!

Figures fell in the courtyard one after another. Those in black were all masters. For a moment, the guards of Xuanyong Palace were unable to resist!

"Let's go!"

A black-clothed figure came directly in front of Qu Hongxiu and covered her as she rushed out of the palace.

"Stop them!"

A loud shout sounded, and Xu Chu, holding Chiyou Waterfall Fragments, flashed and rushed into the black-clothed people, starting a life-and-death fight!

In the corner, Ning Fan showed a tearful and laughing expression, this reckless man must not ruin his plan!

However, the group of black-clothed people were obviously not easy to deal with. The leading black-clothed man saw that this man had extraordinary martial arts and immediately shouted.

"Don't fight!"

"Take people and retreat directly!"

The black-clothed man received the order and immediately stopped entangled with the palace guards. He fought and retreated, and left the sight of the palace guards in just a moment!

"Xu Chu!"

Seeing Xu Chu holding a weapon and about to chase him, Ning Fan walked out of the corner and said in a deep voice: "Don't chase a desperate enemy!"

"My Lord, it's my fault for not protecting me well. Please punish me!"

"Forget it. These people are very powerful and have extraordinary origins. It's understandable that your guards can't defeat them!"

Ning Fan glanced into the distance and said in a stern voice: "What happened tonight must not be leaked at all. The brothers who died in the battle will be buried with honor!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"


For three consecutive days, the atmosphere of the entire Yuwang City seemed particularly solemn, with a sense of oppression that a storm was about to come!

Until an imperial edict was issued again in the palace, and since then, the world was shocked!

"Your Majesty has an order to order Zhao Changying, the Duke of Zhenguo, to lead the Zhenguo Army to march south today!"

"Appoint the King of Huai as the General of the Southern Expedition, lead his 300,000 troops, and immediately march south to attack the ancient kingdom of the Southern Barbarians!"

As soon as the news came out, the people of the world were in an uproar!

"The court is preparing to march south in this cold winter?"

"Oh my God, I, Dayu, have been stationed in the four borders for many years and have never taken the initiative to use foreign troops!"

"I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to march south today!"

"The current emperor is wise and powerful, something must have happened to the southern barbarians!"

On this day, the major families in the capital were surprisingly calm, until young men in armor walked out of the major mansions!

"Oh my God, this is... Young Master Zhao of the Zhenguo Mansion, he he he... is actually wearing armor?"

"And Young Master Liu..."

"I heard that Young Master Ning of the Qin Palace seems to have joined the army, what's going on?"

Looking at the heroic men riding tall horses with armor on their bodies, many people were stunned!

"Brother Liu, Brother Zhao, Brother Su!"

As soon as Zhao Changying and the other two met, they saw a young man in white armor riding a horse and nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Ning?"

"Hello, young prince!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Rulai had a smile on his face that made people feel like spring breeze, and said softly, "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to be with the three of you!"

"Young prince, are you... also going to join the army?"

"That's right!"

Ning Rulai said with a smile: "Now is the time for the imperial court to hire people. As we have become famous in the dynasty, we should devote ourselves to serving the country!"

"Hahaha, the young prince said it well!"

Zhao Changying smiled heartily, and immediately stretched out his hand. The four people pressed their palms against each other, their eyes full of youthful spirit!

"This southern expedition is bound to make a name for itself!"


The four of them were about to leave when they saw another cavalry approaching. It was the only son of the Xie family, Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Thank you!

Seeing the figures of Zhao Changying and the others, his eyes immediately lit up and he immediately rode forward: "Brother Zhao, Brother Su, Brother Liu!"

"You are also going to join the army?"


"That's great. I didn't expect that my little brother would be able to join you. Hahaha. Where is the second master?"

Zhao Changying chuckled: "You are the only child of the Xie family. How can Mr. Xie be willing to let you join the army?"

"Hey, don't mention it!"

"I was forced to come here by the old man!"

"However, now that all the eldest brothers and the young prince are joining the army, I am really lucky to be able to join you!"


Zhao Changying and the other three laughed, and Ning Rulai also smiled and said: "Everyone, it's getting late, let's set off directly!"


Several people nodded to each other and rode away from Beijing together!

Not long after, two more figures appeared at the south gate together. It was Ji Wuyi, the eldest son of Ji, and Li Yan, the Duke of Jingguo!

"Brother Ji?"

"General Lee?"

"But going to Jiangnan?"


Seeing Ji Wuyi nod, Li Yan had a look of surprise on his face. Su heard that Ji's eldest son was fond of martial arts since he was a child. He knew the art of war and knew strategies, but he had never enlisted in the army!

I didn't expect that today, I would actually come out of the mountain...

"Can we join together?"


The two looked at each other, nodded, and rode away from the capital together. From then on, the heroes of the world gathered together, and when the storm happened, they transformed into dragons!

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