Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 152: Ning Fan's hidden man, the whereabouts of the Qihuo Army!

Above the snowfield, the setting sun is like blood, and the cold wind is blowing the scattered snowflakes, adding a bit of desolation to the vast grassland.

Zhao Changying personally led an army southward from the east. Next to him was a cold-faced general holding a halberd. He was holding a sheepskin map at the moment!

"Commander, the Guyang tribe is ahead!"

"A tribe of ten thousand people!"

"Should we kill them easily?"

Zhao Changying's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said calmly: "Since we bumped into it, we flattened it easily!"

"Send my command and prepare the entire army for war!"

"Prepare to replenish the water supply. We will capture this tribe today and camp here..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw a man and a rider holding an order flag, flying on horseback. They walked in front of Zhao Changying and other generals, turned over and dismounted, saluted, and said loudly: "Report to the commander, the last general is three miles ahead." Found a tribe!”

"But the Guyang tribe?"


The scout nodded heavily, and Zhao Changying showed a look of awe on his face, and immediately shouted: "Xu Yang, you lead a light cavalry, march quickly, and flatten the Guyang tribe!"

"This commander personally leads the army and will arrive soon!"


Xu Yang responded respectfully and was about to leave, but saw the scout suddenly say: "Wait a minute!"

"Commander, the general has not finished speaking yet!"


Zhao Changying's eyes were like sharp swords, staring straight at the scout with a displeased look on his face: "Tell me, what else can you do?"

"Reply to the commander-in-chief!"

"The Guyang tribe...has..."

"Being destroyed!"

"Nearly 10,000 barbarians had their heads cut off and built a temple, leaving stone monuments behind!"

As soon as the scout finished speaking, not only Zhao Changying's expression trembled, but he looked horrified: "What did you say?"

"Built a Jingguan?"


The scout looked dazed, as if he was trying to recall the scene just now, with a deep look of shock in his eyes, and murmured: "It is written on the stone tablet that all the people of my Dayu are like dragons, and foreigners should not be taken lightly. disgrace!"

"Those who bully my people, Dayu, will surely perish their country, destroy their species, and exterminate their descendants!"

"The Guyang tribe has turned into a dead land at this time, the water source has been polluted, the corpses have been burned, and all the vegetation for miles around has been burned!"


Zhao Changying took a deep breath and kept murmuring: "Anyone who bullies my people, Dayu, will surely perish their country, destroy their clan, and exterminate their descendants!"

"I, the people of Yu the Great, are all like dragons and barbarians!"

"Don't take it lightly!"

As he spoke, Zhao Changying's words became sonorous and powerful, and his voice became more and more high-pitched. The generals around him trembled, feeling a surge of blood, and shouted lowly.

"Those who bully my people, Dayu, will surely perish their country, destroy their species, and exterminate their descendants!"

"Those who bully my people, Dayu, will surely perish their country..."

A series of roars resounded across the vast snowfield, and the sound continued for miles!

Zhao Changying's expression showed a hint of trance, and he said to himself: "This stone tablet must have been left by His Highness and his entourage!"

"What happened that made His Highness so angry that he even risked the disapproval of the world and built a Jingguan?"

"Command the three armies to speed up the march!"


Nanman King City!

A magnificent mansion.

Sitting in the main hall was a young man dressed in rich clothes. His expression was solemn, his eyes were slightly closed, and he had not made any movement for a long time.


"Something big happened!"

A figure hurriedly rushed in. He glanced at the young man in gorgeous clothes with some awe and said in a low voice: "There is news from the palace. Your Majesty summons warriors from all tribes to prepare for a decisive battle with Dayu!"


The young man opened his eyes, with a sparkle in his eyes, and said calmly: "What did grandpa say?"

"Back to you, young master. Your Excellency is preparing to apply for the conscription in person. We have already assembled 50,000 warriors from our Haolian tribe to join your majesty in fighting against Dayu!"

"There is news that this time His Majesty will not only annihilate all this Yu army, but also launch a counterattack and directly attack the capital of Dayu!"

"What are your plans?"

The corners of the young man's mouth curled up slightly, and a look of disdain flashed through his eyes. He thought for a moment and said softly: "Go and tell me that I am going to stay in the royal city and take charge of the tribe!"


The man bowed respectfully, took two steps back, then turned back and whispered: "Young Master, I heard that this time the Third Young Master and the Fifth Young Master are preparing to go on an expedition with you!"

"Oh, I see!"

After the waiter left, the young man sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, quietly looking at the white snow outside the hall, as if waiting for something.



A slight sound of footsteps sounded from behind. The young man stood up slowly and whispered: "The Barbarian Emperor is preparing to conquer in person!"

"This has nothing to do with you!"

"What is my mission?"

"Completely master the Haolian tribe!"


The young man bowed respectfully, and the man in black stepped forward slowly, lowering his voice and saying: "My family has sent some helpers for you, and they will arrive in the royal city in three days!"

"Very good. Now Grand Duke Hao Lian is about to go on an expedition. This period of time is crucial to me!"

"Don't let your family down!"

"rest assured!"

"One more thing!" The man in black slowly took out a secret letter from his arms and handed it over, "This is the Lord's handwriting. Let me forward it to you directly!"


Aguna instantly became extremely excited. He immediately opened it, quickly read through it, and took a deep breath.

"Tell the master for me that I will complete the task!"




Southeast border.

A group of young and strong men like homeless people mixed into Huainan in groups of three or five.

In just a few days, no less than 10,000 people entered Huainan from the southeast border. After entering Huainan, these people instantly broke into pieces, as if they disappeared out of thin air!

The appearance of these people also attracted the attention of the Huaiwang Mansion. After sending people to investigate, they found nothing!

In a hidden valley, nearly 10,000 figures formed a neat square formation, with tall bodies standing straight, looking at a figure on the hillside in front of them with fiery eyes!

"Greetings, Commander!"

"No need to be polite, generals!"

The man on the hillside waved his hand, his armor shining with scales, his face solemn, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, my Qihuo Army will take root here!"

"By the king's order, we will lie dormant here and wait for the opportunity!"

"Yes, sir!"

Dozens of Qihuo Army's core generals saluted respectfully, looking at the commander in front of them with fiery eyes!

"Take action tonight, strike the state capital, and seize the armory and granary!"

"Recruit refugees and accumulate power in the name of bandits!"

"We must control Huoyunzhou with the force of thunder!"

"Do you understand?"

Dozens of armored generals below all clasped their fists and shouted in unison: "Yes, sir!"


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