"It seems that the effect of this ancient body-tempering formula is extraordinary!"

"Maybe I have not used it for long and have not seen the real effect!"

"After returning, I should pay attention to it!"

Ning Fan secretly paid attention and looked at Yue Fei. Tian Mangxun, who was so aggressive just now, was now beaten by Yue Fei without any chance to fight back!

The formation of the Barbarian King's Guards has become scattered under the charge of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun.

On the high platform, seeing that two generals were buried in the hands of the young General Yu one after another, even Tian Mangxun has fallen into a disadvantage.

The face of the Little Barbarian King was unprecedentedly gloomy, and the formation of the Barbarian King's Guards had become a little scattered!

Under the fierce attack of those generals of Dayu, there was already a hint of defeat, and the Little Barbarian King suddenly felt a little more terrified!

He really couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if the palace was breached!

"Quick, call out all the imperial guards in the palace!"

"We must stop these Yu people!"

"My Great Barbarian Palace must not be broken!"

The Little Barbarian King roared at the platform, and a barbarian general hurriedly ran towards the palace!


In the crowd, Dian Wei held a pair of halberds and killed all the way to Ning Fan, with a look of concern on his face!

"My Lord, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just some skin injuries!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly. His shoulder was pierced by Tian Mangxun's spear. Although it was not pierced, it left a bloody wound!

Fortunately, he had learned some simple bandaging techniques in his previous life, and now the bleeding has slowed down a lot!

But it still needs to be treated in time!

Otherwise, it is easy to lose too much blood and faint!

"Dian Wei, Xu Chu, you lead the way in front and lead the soldiers to kill the barbarian army directly!"


Ride on the purple lightning flying dragon, look at the white tiger guarding in front of him, and whisper: "Little tiger, help Yue Fei kill that barbarian!"


The white tiger responded to Ning Fan, as if he understood what he said, and jumped and ran towards Yue Fei!

"This tiger cub is really smart!"

"I haven't told you yet, how did he know who Yue Fei is!"

"Congratulations to the master, complete the task [Surprise Attack on the Barbarian King City]"

"Congratulations to the master, get the dynamic military sand table (intermediate), memory beads * 3, Nine Dragons Creation Sutra (Volume 1)"

Hearing the task reward sounded by the system, Ning Fan followed Dian Wei closely, and after confirming safety, clicked on the details page!

"I didn't expect that the intermediate dynamic military sand table would expand the detection range to thirty miles!"


"Three memory beads, not bad!"

"It would be great if the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra was a method for cultivating immortals!"

Ning Fan's face showed a hint of disappointment. This world has martial arts temples, martial arts masters, and peerless generals!

But it seems that cultivating immortals is still illusory. If he guessed correctly, this world is a low-level martial arts world!

It may be possible to smash boulders with your palms and cut rivers with your swords, but if you want to fly into the sky and hide in the ground, and hold the stars in your hands, it's probably a fool's dream!

However, this Nine Dragons Creation Sutra seems to be extremely extraordinary. According to the system, it can prolong life and nourish the spirit!

After practicing to perfection, you may be able to reach the level of a master of internal strength!

In other words, from now on, Ning Fan has embarked on a path of physical and martial arts dual cultivation!

Practice kung fu outside and cultivate the mind inside!

However, now on the battlefield, the most urgent task is to break through the Nanman Palace and completely control the Barbarian King City!


Shouts of killing swept through the entire palace. Among the pavilions and terraces, there sat a beautiful figure with a charming and seductive temperament!

She sat quietly in front of the window, looking at the fire in the sky not far away, with a trance in her eyes!

Will the palace be broken tonight?

If the palace is broken, where will she go?

Yao Ji is the eldest daughter of the Barbarian Emperor. She grew up in the palace since she was a child. When she was a child, the great shaman often said that she carried the salvation of the Barbarian God!

She is the hope of the ancient country!

Because of this, the Barbarian Emperor doted on her. Gradually, her face became more and more beautiful, and her temperament became more and more charming!

Many people developed a love for her, and even the eyes of her father and brother were no longer so pure when they looked at her!

Her heart became extremely sensitive. She had been living in the secluded palace for many years, and she had long been accustomed to intrigues!

But now, the palace, which has always been peaceful, has suddenly become precarious, and the fate of the ancient country will become uncertain with the fall of the royal city!

She also had a little more panic in her heart!

"The palace is broken!"

"Run away, the Yu people are coming in!"

"It's over..."

A loud shout suddenly sounded, Yao Ji looked into the distance, and saw a line of Yu soldiers holding weapons breaking into the palace!

The leader was a young man wrapped in white cloth, with regular features and extraordinary demeanor. Even now he was wearing armor and holding a gun, he was still elegant!

Yao Ji's expression was stunned for a long time. This was the first time she saw someone other than the barbarians.

It turned out that the Yu people did not have those weird hairstyles, no sallow skin, and no rough breath!

For some reason, at this moment she did not have too much fear in her heart, but instead had a strange idea!

I want to go to see Dayu, whom I have never met!

The figure with the gun seemed to notice her gaze, raised his eyes slightly, and the two looked at each other.

“What a beautiful woman!”

Ning Fan looked slightly surprised, with a wicked smile on his lips. The woman's attire showed that she was obviously of high status!

Could she be the Barbarian Emperor's concubine?


"My Lord!"

"You take a team of men to surround the palace, restrain your soldiers, and don't act barbarically!"


Ning Fan looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the distance. Tian Mangxun had several more blood marks on his body, and he was obviously seriously injured!

Accompanied by Yue Fei's low roar, he was shot to the ground, and Ning Fan suddenly had a strange thought in his eyes!

"System, if Yue Fei takes that man down, I will kill him, will the treasure chest drop?"

"Dong, system bug detected..."

Hearing the words of the system, Ning Fan hurriedly shouted to Yue Fei: "Pengju, catch him alive!"

Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, and the tip of the gun turned and stabbed Tian Mangxun's shoulder. Ning Fan quickly turned his horse's head, and a hidden weapon appeared in his hand.


A dart flew straight into Tian Mangxun's throat, killing him instantly!

"System bug detected, repairing now!"

"Congratulations, Master, for killing a peerless enemy general, system error..."

"Congratulations, Master, a diamond treasure chest dropped... system error!"

Hearing the mechanical sound of the system, Ning Fan quickly opened the system space, and saw an extra diamond treasure chest in the system's nine-square grid, with a slight smile on his face!

"System, open the diamond treasure chest!"

"Opening... system error..."


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