"Today, I, King Yu's army, directly attack the Man King's city. This is an unprecedented feat!"

"This success report can be announced to the world!"

"According to the order!"

Ji Sui bowed respectfully. After hearing this, all the officials looked excited and congratulated him!

A satisfied smile appeared on Emperor Yu's face. He looked at Ji Sui and said softly: "Send a message to the Duke of Zhen. Before the end of the year, no matter what the result of the battle, we must teach you!"

"According to the order!"

Ji Sui responded, and in the morning the court started another round of verbal and verbal attacks. If you criticize me, I will criticize you, and with a cry of retreat!

Emperor Yu summoned all the important officials to the imperial study room.

"Your Majesty, a letter from Jin Yiwei, the south has already begun!"

Jia Xu slightly arched his hands, with a look of respect on his face, and spoke silently.

"Tell me the specific situation!"

"Your Majesty, His Highness King Huai led his army to go on an expedition. Unexpectedly, the thieves from Huoyun State took advantage of the situation and invaded the county and plundered the treasury!"

"Nowadays, the rebel army is strong and the border troops of Prince Huai's Palace need to guard the border. I suggest that the imperial court send troops to help Prince Huai's Palace suppress the rebellion!"

As soon as Jia Xu finished speaking, all the officials looked at him with concentration, looked at him deeply, and secretly wrote down this person's voice and appearance!

It won't be long before the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard will officially enter the imperial court!

"This is happening!"

When Emperor Yu heard this, he flew into a rage and said in a solemn voice: "Under the bright sky and the world, I, Yu the Great, have peace all over the world, but there are still thieves plotting rebellion!"

"This is simply unreasonable!"

"Now the King of Huai is fighting for me, Yu the Great, and these thieves dare to take advantage of the situation to cause trouble!"

"Ji Sui!"

"I'm here!"

"I order you to personally lead one hundred thousand new troops to Huainan and go to Huoyun Prefecture to put down the rebellion!"

"My lord, I obey the order!"

Ji Sui bowed respectfully, and the monarch and his ministers looked at each other with brilliant eyes!

"Let Princess Changning accompany the army, I will never allow any unrest in Huainan!"

"I obey the decree!"

Ji Sui responded again, and the emperor and his ministers all had deep expressions on their faces, looking at the figure sitting above them with different expressions!

Your Majesty, you have finally decided to take action against Huainan!


Sheriff's Mansion.

Qian Zhengyang was sitting at the top, listening to his subordinates report!

"Sir, during this period, that rebel army was fighting everywhere, and all the hundreds of bandits in the surrounding area of ​​our Fire Cloud State were wiped out by that rebel army!"

"He even made wild claims that he would level the county governor's mansion within seven days. Please send troops to suppress it!"

A bitter smile appeared on Qian Zhengyang's face, and his eyes glanced at the middle-aged scribe sitting next to him from time to time!

"Sir, what do you think?"

"Sir, now that the prince is leading his army to march south, I am afraid that he will not be able to suppress the bandits!"

"Now that the bandit army is strong, why not ask the imperial court for help?"

Qian Zhengyang's expression was stern. At this moment, he finally understood the plan of the man in front of him and smiled bitterly again!

"Just as Sir said, we can send people to Beijing to ask for help from the imperial court!"

“Please ask the imperial court to send troops to suppress it!”


Southern snowfield!

Dozens of miles of joint camp were stationed in the middle of nowhere, and the creek next to the camp was trickling with water, mixed with ice and snow!

There was a huge tent wrapped in the wind and snow, and the arguments in the tent could be heard from a distance!

"Commander Zhao, the barbarian army attacked my camp last night and the soldiers suffered heavy losses. In my opinion, why don't we retreat temporarily?"

"King Huai, the soldiers of the three armies are meeting here now. It is only more than eighty miles away from the Nanman King's City!"

"If you retreat at this time, your success will be in vain!"

"Hmph, the ancient Southern Barbarian country's 400,000-strong army blocked our way. Our officers and men fought continuously and traveled long distances to attack. We are not acclimated to the environment!"

"Besides, on this vast grassland, how can we resist the barbarian army?"

Lu Kan's face was calm and his tone was unhurried. He held a cup of hot tea in his hand and kept blowing on it!


"Commander Qi, the Southern Barbarians are calling for formation in front of the camp!"


Zhao Changying narrowed his eyes, glanced around, and said calmly: "Everyone, now that the barbarians are shouting outside the tent, who dares to go and fight?"

"Commander, the general is willing to go!"

A burly figure behind Su Xuan stepped out boldly and bowed respectfully. Zhao Changying glanced at Lu Kan lightly and said softly: "Who else is willing to fight the barbarian?"

Lu Kan turned a deaf ear to Zhao Changying's words and just sipped hot tea by himself, as if an old monk was in trance!

"Okay, in that case, General Wang goes to fight!"

"This is the first battle between me, Dayu, and the Southern Barbarian King's army. I will win but not lose!"


The burly man responded and walked towards the outside of the tent holding a spear. Lu Kan put down the hot tea in his hand and said with a smile: "Shuai Zhao, Shuai Su, since this is my first battle with Dayu!"

"How about going out and taking a look?"


Zhao Changying was also unambiguous. This old fox stood still and stepped forward at this time, obviously with ulterior motives!

The group of people left the hall in a mighty manner, and saw a strong barbarian general holding a long whip, and his body was filled with evil energy!

"I'm going to suffer!"

Zhao Changying's face immediately darkened. Looking at the aura of this man, he knew that he would never be weak in force!

"Wang Han may be in trouble this time!"

"Commander, let me go!"

A young general beside Zhao Changying spoke calmly, looking at the barbarian below, filled with high fighting spirit!

"Old Su, is there any news about His Highness?"


Su Xuan shook his head slightly, with a hint of worry in his eyes: "Your Highness is now alone in the depths, with no supplies or reinforcements, with a tiger in front and pursuers behind, I'm afraid..."

Su Xuan did not continue speaking, Liu Fengping said solemnly: "Your Highness has always been steady, and there are good generals such as Yue Fei and Qin Qiong beside him!"

"Now that the main forces of the Nanman have gathered here, I think there is nothing serious!"

Zhao Changying glanced in the direction of Lu Kan and said lightly: "The southwest should start!"

The three of them all looked deep, and saw a white shadow flying in the air, flying straight towards Zhao Changying.

"Spiritual pigeon!"

"It's your Highness's spiritual pigeon!"

Zhao Changying's eyes condensed, and he stretched out his hand, and the spiritual pigeon landed lightly in his palm.

"Is your Highness in danger?"

"Quick, Lao Zhao, take a look!"

Liu Fengping and Su Xuan both looked worried, and Zhao Changying took a bamboo tube from the foot of the spiritual pigeon.

There was only a piece of paper in the bamboo tube. Zhao Changying glanced at it and trembled all over in an instant, with a hint of surprise in his eyes!

"Old Zhao, what happened?"

Su Xuan looked over impatiently. Zhao Changying laughed and tore the paper into pieces. He said lightly: "It seems that the fate of the Southern Barbarians has come to an end this time!"


"Damn, Old Zhao, what happened?"

"Could it be that Your Highness can still kill the old boy, the Barbarian King?"

Su Xuan looked at Zhao Changying and kept silent, and couldn't help but make a joke!


"The Barbarian King is now in the front camp!"

"Your Highness... led the army to burn the Barbarian King City!"


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