Hearing Guo Jia's words, Ning Fan couldn't help but look stunned. He didn't know what he meant by hiding the truth!

"Sir, what do you mean, change into barbarian clothes?"


Guo Jia nodded slightly and said softly: "There are dozens of tribes, large and small, in the surrounding area of ​​the Barbarian King's City. Let's pretend to be barbarians and occupy the magpie's nest!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Yue Fei nodded in agreement, looked at Ning Fan and said: "My Lord, I think this plan is feasible!"

"No need!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly and chuckled: "We are returning to the north in an upright manner. Every move of the barbarian army is under my supervision!"

After hearing Ning Fan's words, both of them looked startled. Could it be that they were in the barbarian army...

Guo Jia took a deep look at Ning Fan. Yue Fei seemed to have thought of something and said softly: "My lord, those black clothes last night..."

Hearing Yue Fei's question, Ning Fan chuckled and said calmly: "They are all from Heibingtai!"

"Black Ice Platform?"

Guo Jia and Yue Fei both looked puzzled, and Ning Fan said leisurely: "Everyone in the world knows about the Jin Yiwei, but the world doesn't know about the Black Ice Platform!"

"Heibingtai is a military intelligence agency independent from Jinyiwei. It specializes in foreign affairs, including spying on military intelligence, infiltrating foreign countries, etc.!"

"The military situation during this period was all reported by Black Ice Platform!"


As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Guo Jia and Yue Fei both took a deep breath. They didn't expect His Highness to hold such information in his hands!

"I've heard for a long time that the Yanlong Guards of Da Yan, the Man God Temple of the Southern Barbarians, the Phoenix Tower of the Li Kingdom, and the Blood Phoenix of the Dead Zhou Dynasty!"

"These secret organizations are the most mysterious existences in the world, and I, the Secret Guard of Dayu, have only been established for a short time, and my background is slightly inferior to that of other countries!"

"Unexpectedly, my Dayu's military intelligence agency is not a secret guard, but the even more mysterious Black Ice Platform!"

Seeing a wry smile on Guo Jia's face, Ning Fan's lips turned playful.

Those people in black clothes last night were not from Heibingtai, but from the underworld. As early as when they were in the capital, Ning Fan had planned it first!

Let Zhuanzhu send people to sneak into the Man King City first. The most important secret of Heibingtai in Nanman is the Tianzihao secret conversation!

Wuyou and Aguna!

Among the three major forces under Ning Fan, the Jin Yiwei is in the light, the Black Ice Platform is in the dark, and the underworld is the shadow!

Guo Jia pondered for a long time, then raised his eyes slightly and looked at Ning Fan: "My lord, I wonder if this black ice platform is..."

"The Black Ice Platform was built by my own hands. My father knows very little about it. Now only three princes in our Dayu Dynasty know the details!"

"I see!"

The barbarian king’s tent!

A grey-faced figure staggered over and was stopped by the Royal Court's Imperial Guards when they were dozens of meters away!


"The city of Barbarian King...has been lost. Your Majesty, please...mobilize your troops quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, the man fell to the ground. The soldiers guarding the king's tent rushed forward, breathed, and suddenly raised their heads!


"Quickly, submit this battle report in his hand to His Majesty!"

Within the king's tent!

The Barbarian Emperor was sitting at the top with a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood!

"Your Majesty, Surle has also been defeated!"

"Hahaha, not bad!"

"The five generals who are going to fight today are all warriors ranked outside the 20th rank of our great barbarians. Those Yu people must think that there is no one under my command!"

"Actually, this is my arrogant plan!"

As soon as the Barbarian Emperor finished speaking, the surrounding military commanders and princes burst into laughter. In the corner, a thin figure showed a sneer on his lips.

"Your Majesty, our strategy for attacking the camp..."

"Attack the camp..."

The Man Emperor hesitated for a moment. He originally planned to sneak attack the Yu people's camp before setting up camp, but he didn't expect that it happened to be a snowy night.

And tonight, Dayu will win a great battle, which may paralyze the careless. It is indeed a good time!

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead an army to attack Yu's camp!"

"Hahaha, okay, tonight Wuyou will lead 30,000 light cavalry to attack Dayu's military camp. Remember, don't be reluctant to fight!"


Wuyou responded, his eyes shining brightly.


"Your Majesty, the scouts have come to report that the royal city has been captured by Yu's army!"


As soon as the guard finished speaking, everyone in the tent stood up, and the smile on the Barbarian Emperor's face froze for an instant: "Say it again!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

"This is a report from Manwang City!"

The Man Emperor's face was as dark as water, and he walked towards the guard without saying a word, and took the report in person. He just glanced at it twice, and his veins suddenly popped out!

"Damn two-legged sheep!"

"Quite wide!"

"The general is here!"

"I order you to lead five thousand light cavalry and return to the royal city immediately to aid!"

"According to the order!"

After a stern-faced general saluted respectfully, he strode out of the camp with his military talisman in hand!

"His Majesty!"

"Is it possible that the royal city was really... conquered by the Yu people?"

All the civil and military officials looked at the Barbarian Emperor in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, there are thirty thousand barbarian guards in the royal city. When will Dayu be able to send an army of soldiers and horses to bypass our main force without anyone noticing?"

"Could this be a conspiracy of the Yu people?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe. This man was one of the main counselors of the Barbarian Emperor and was deeply trusted by the Barbarian Emperor!

"You mean...this battle report was forged by Dayu?"

"His Majesty!"

"Dayu's main force was stopped by us, and there are 30,000 barbarian guards stationed in the royal city!"

"The walls of our royal city are high and thick, and the Barbarian Emperor's guards are the finest armor of our Southern Barbarians!"

"Dayu would need at least 100,000 troops to break the city!"

The Barbarian Emperor's face gradually fell into deep thought, he nodded in agreement, and continued: "Yes, the royal city is only more than seventy miles away from here!"

"If there is really an enemy attack on the royal city, they will not be able to hold on for even one day!"

"In this case, this matter is a conspiracy of Dayu!"

The Man Emperor's expression softened a lot, he sat back on the dragon throne, pondered for a long time, and said softly: "Dayu wants to take this opportunity to force us to retreat!"


"How could I fall into his scheme?"

"Instruct the three armies to prepare to launch a counterattack tomorrow and drive the Yu people out of the grassland!"

As soon as the Barbarian Emperor finished speaking, he heard a shout from outside the tent: "Your Majesty, the messenger from the Haolian tribe wants to see you!"

"Haolian tribe?"

When the Barbarian Emperor heard this, he couldn't help but look at the silver-haired old man on the side, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes: "Let him in!"


Grand Duke Hao Lian also looked tense and said in a solemn voice: "Could it be about the royal city..."

As soon as these words came out, the Barbarian Emperor, who had just relaxed, immediately tensed up, and some fine beads of sweat were already oozing out on his forehead!

Not long after, I heard the sound of footsteps, and a young man with a tall figure and a delicate face strode into the king's tent!


After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Grand Duke Hao Lian immediately turned his face and said in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"Why is there so much blood on you?"

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