The capital!

The Jinyiwei's office was also moved from the temporary residence to the newly built government office. After Jia Xu returned to the capital, he placed the son of Qian Zhengyang, the governor of Huoyunzhou, in the Imperial College.

All the matters that had accumulated in the Black Ice Terrace during this period were dealt with by him in half a day!

"Sir, the carriage is ready!"


Jia Xu nodded with a smile, a trace of fatigue in his eyes, and slowly stood up: "I wanted to leave the capital after the New Year, but I didn't expect the war in the south to end so quickly!"

"Go to the palace to invite Mr. Kong Ming and Mr. Gongtai out of the city for a chat!"


The carriage slowly drove out of the capital and stopped in a pavilion in the south of the city. Two figures seemed to have been waiting for a long time!

"Kong Ming, Gongtai!"

"Brother Wenhe!"

The three of them sat down in front of the stone table in the pavilion one after another. Jia Xu's groom and Zhuge Liang's book boy were talking in a low voice not far away.

"Wenhe, now that everything in the south has been settled, the next step is to plan Huainan!"

"Yes!" Jia Xu nodded slightly and said, "Your Highness has set up the game, just waiting for it to blossom in all directions and wait for the net to be closed!"

"However, what I care about most is Kyoto!"

"Struggle for the throne!"

Chen Gong also showed a gleam in his eyes, and whispered, "Your Majesty summoned the kings back to Beijing, and they should It's time to make an investigation!"

"His Royal Highness Prince Sheng has been gifted since childhood, and is good at both civil and military affairs, but he disagrees with your majesty's political views!"

"The lord has just shown his talent, and has overwhelmed the ministers with thunderous power. Your majesty must be hesitant!"

Jia Xu's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance, and he said thoughtfully: "Your Highness's martial arts and strategies, there is no need to say more. Your majesty must be relieved about this trip to the southern border!"

"However, to become a qualified emperor, the most important thing is not to decide the fate immediately, but to rule the world with culture!"

"Now, for your highness, the most lacking is It is the experience of governing the court!"

"Perhaps, after the New Year, it's time to surrender!"

Chen Gong looked at the tea stove on the stone table, lost in thought for a long time, and whispered: "Whether it is surrender or seizing the throne, with your talent and strategy, you can handle it calmly!"

"Wenhe, after you arrive in Huainan, you must be careful and cautious!"

"The King of Huai is a great leader. You must not be careless when playing against him!"

"Yes!" Jia Xu nodded with a smile, "Your Highness sent a message, intending to force the King of Huai to come to the capital. If this plan succeeds, Huainan will not be a threat. !"

"The policy of extending favor has already begun!"

Zhuge Liang poured tea for the three people and said with a smile: "Now that Lord Ji and Princess Changning have 100,000 troops stationed in Lingzhou, even if the King of Huai returns to Huainan, he will feel uncomfortable!"

"Besides, Wenhe has always been good at keeping himself safe. He will never put himself in danger at any time. You don't need to worry about his safety!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Jia Xu smiled peacefully, but his eyes became extremely profound: "Kong Ming, can you tell me about what will happen after you die?"


Southern border!

The more than ten-li joint camp was withdrawn within half a day, and the army returned to the court in a mighty manner, with flags flying, stretching on the ancient road of the grassland.

Ning Fan led the soldiers to collect the bodies of the dead soldiers, loaded them one by one on the carriages, and slowly drove towards the direction of the capital!

"Shubao, have the fallen soldiers been registered?"

"My Lord, the bodies have all been collected, and the dead soldiers have all been recorded!"


"After returning to Beijing, I will build a cemetery to house the heroic souls of the soldiers!"

Ning Fan's face showed a trance. In the era of cold weapons, hand-to-hand combat involving hundreds of thousands of people was quite cruel for this era!

He has been traveling for several months and has gradually integrated into this era!

But even so, looking at the corpses all over the ground and the bloodstains all over the sky, he couldn't help but tremble!

"Your Highness, it's inevitable that you have some emotional waves when you first go to the battlefield!"

"But wars have been like this since ancient times, you fight to the death, don't think too much!"

Hearing Li Yan's consolation, Ning Fan shook his head slightly. What he thought about and what he was attached to was not this!

"System, check my attribute page!"

[Name]: Ning Fan

[Merit]: 1520

[Reputation]: 210900

[Mission]: None

[Identity]: One of the most powerful heirs of Dayu Kingdom, Snowfield Butcher, Ghost Army Commander, Underworld Ruler, Jinyiwei Killing Star, Aphrodisiac Collector, Black-bellied Strategist

[Power]: Jinyiwei (directly subordinate) Underworld (under the command) Eighteen Riders of Yanyun (personal attendants) Ghost Army (command) Hundred Thousand New Army (command) Yihua Palace (follower)

[Military Strength]: 95

[Intelligence]: 86

[Command]: 80

[Politics]: 71

[Divine Weapon] : Fierce Dragon Soul-breaking Spear, Xuanyuan Sword

[Mount]: Purple Lightning Flying Dragon, White Tiger

[Skills]: Photographic Memory, Calligraphy (Master Level), Hidden Weapons (Grandmaster Level), Gentle and Elegant (Temperament), Cooking (Master Level)

[Items]: Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Suoyang Gujing Pills, Jinkui Shenqi Pills, Wuzi Yanzong Pills, Ancient Body Tempering Recipes, Refined Salt Purification Method, Ancient Winemaking Technology, Sunzi's Art of War, Thirty-Six Stratagems, Potato Seeds*1000, Sweet Potato Seeds*1000, Quyuan Plow Manufacturing Drawings, Taotie Baoxuan Armor, Nine Dragons Creation Sutra (Volume 1), Golden Wound Medicine, Ma Fei Powder

[Unique Skills]: Thirteen Deadly Spears, Leaf-Picking Flying Flowers (Entry Level), Swift Wind Sword Shadow (Minor Success)

[Summon heroes]: Dian Wei, Shen Wansan, Qin Qiong, Zhuan Zhu*, Jia Xu*, Zhuge Liang*, Yue Fei*, Gao Shun, Chen Gong, Xu Chu, Ran Min, Guo Jia*, Guan Yu, Xiao Longnu

[Summon troops]: Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, Xianzhen Camp, Qihuo Army, Beiwei Army

“According to the system evaluation, in the big event [Southern Expedition], the host performed excellently and was rated as B-level. A special reward of a god-level lottery, +5 command value, and 3 gold treasure chests”


Ning Fan showed a look of surprise on his face and asked quickly: “System, what’s going on?”

“Replying to the master, this southern expedition triggered a big event. After the event, the system Will evaluate the host's performance and give corresponding rewards! "


Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, and asked again: "How to trigger a major event, how many levels of rating are there?"

"Major events are triggered by system evaluation, generally referring to major events that have an impact on the fate of a dynasty, not limited to Dayu!"

"If the host participates in major events in other countries, after system evaluation, he can also get corresponding rewards. The rating is the same as the task rating, and the best rating is S-level!"

"Is that so!"

Ning Fan's face showed a look of realization. He didn't expect that the rating of the major event was only B-level, and there would be such a generous reward!

What if it is A-level or even S-level?

"System, open..."

Ning Fan was about to open the three gold treasure chests, but heard the system prompt sound again: "According to the system evaluation, in the major event [Da Li Rebellion], the host performed extremely well and was rated A-level. Special rewards are the Empress's favorability +50, diamond treasure chest*1, and the Da Li King (the title is self-made and conferred by the Da Li court)"


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