Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 207 Digging potatoes, Emperor Yu’s surprise

"Your Highness!"

"Lin Ding ordered the county soldiers to disguise as thieves, rob caravans, and massacre civilians. His crimes are unforgivable!"

"This man is a wanted criminal personally captured by His Highness King Xuanyong!"

"Please don't make things difficult for me, Your Highness!"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Ning Yu's smile froze instantly, and his tone became cold: "Why, is what I said useless?"

"Release him quickly. If my brother blames me, I will take the blame for you!"

"Your Highness, Lin Ding disregarded the law of the country. I'm sorry I can't obey your order!"

Jiang Lin still refused. Ning Yu's face was gloomy, and he resisted the urge to attack. He nodded heavily: "Very good, since you don't release him, I will go to my brother to ask for him in person!"

"I've made a note of what happened today!"

Ning Yu glared at Jiang Lin coldly, and strode away with several followers!

Jiang Li's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at the Jinyiwei next to him and said, "How is it, did Lin Ding confess?"

"My Lord, he is a tough guy!"

"It will take a while!"



Jingzhao Prefecture!

Zheng Yuan and a group of servants were taken to the county government by the yamen runners. Ma Ziyuan went to the court in person, and Chen Gong sat aside to listen to the trial!

"Do you know who my father is?"

"Ma Ziyuan, come out, do you want to be the Jingzhao prefect?"

"How dare you come to my Zheng Mansion to arrest people!"

Zheng Yuan came to the court cursing, and when he saw Ma Ziyuan's figure, he pointed at his nose and cursed, not taking him seriously at all!

"How dare you!"

Ma Ziyuan's face was also angry when he heard this. Even if he was not as powerful as Zheng Xuan, he was still a serious court official and a top leader in Jingzhao Prefecture!

Now he is just a child, and he dared to insult him in public!

What can a scholar endure!

"Someone come!"


"You insulted the imperial officials, and I will give you thirty lashes!"


Hearing Ma Ziyuan's words, four burly yamen runners rushed up, pinned Ma Ziyuan to the ground, and beat him with sticks!

The screams echoed throughout the hall. Chen Gong's mouth curled up slightly, and he said lightly: "Mr. Zheng, the prince breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people!"

"As the son of Lord Zheng, you not only fail to restrain yourself, but also act arrogantly and aggressively!"

"Today, Lord Ma will teach you a lesson on behalf of Lord Zheng. Don't take it to heart!"

Zheng Yuan screamed miserably, and his buttocks were burning with pain. He looked at Ma Ziyuan with eyes full of resentment.

"Quick, stop it!"

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"


A series of shrill screams came out of the hall, and a man in an official robe strode into the hall. Seeing Zheng Yuan's miserable condition, his face instantly sank!

"Master Ma!"

"I don't know what crime my son committed to be punished so severely?"

"Master Zheng!"

After seeing the face of the man clearly, Ma Ziyuan's face trembled, and he stood up subconsciously with a smile on his face, but he noticed a calm look next to him, and he couldn't help but fall into entanglement!

"Master Zheng, Master Zheng ordered his servants to beat the people in the street for no reason!"

"Your subordinate will punish him according to the law!"

Ma Ziyuan spoke with a stiff face. Now that he has offended the Zheng family, he might as well offend them to death and strive to be completely incorporated into the door of Xuanyong Palace!

Otherwise, I'm afraid that my official hat will be completely lost!

Besides, that person has the leverage over me. If I really approach the Zheng family, I am afraid I will be courting death!

"Since my son has violated the law, it is only right to punish him according to the law!"

"Please handle the case impartially, Lord Ma!"

"Don't let him off the hook just because he is my son!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ma Ziyuan smiled and said, "Lord Zheng is impartial, I admire you!"

"Forget about the flattery!" Zheng Xuan waved his hand, with a calm glow in his eyes, and said lightly, "You don't mind me listening in, right?"

"Of course!"

Ma Ziyuan secretly complained in his heart. This old fox looked impartial, but his words revealed threats!

He was really both a jerk and a jerk!


"In that case, please ask the witness to come to the hall!"

Ma Ziyuan straightened himself, Chen Gong walked out of the hall silently, gave an order to a yamen runner, and sat back quietly.

Not long after, a group of people rushed in, standing outside the hall and pointing and talking. Zheng Xuan couldn't help but frowned: "What are these people doing here?"

"Reply to the lord!" Chen Gong bowed slightly and spoke first: "Master Ma ordered the people to witness the trial in court to prove that you are impartial!"


Zheng Xuan snorted coldly, his eyes swept across Ma Ziyuan, and he didn't say anything anymore!

Ma Ziyuan cursed in his heart, this is simply a disaster from heaven, a fight between gods, no one can afford to provoke it!


Xuanyong Palace!

Main Courtyard!

Ning Fan took Emperor Yu and plunged into the greenhouse, and a wave of hot air hit him in the face.

Emperor Yu looked at the green leaves in front of him and was stunned. He said excitedly: "Green leaves have grown in winter!"

"This is..."

"Father, these are sweet potato leaves. They will be ripe in about half a month!"

"As for potatoes, the leaves are already yellowing. They should be ready to harvest in a few days!"

Emperor Yu was greatly shocked, with a look of expectation on his face. He bent down seriously to check the development of the potatoes!

"Can this potato really produce 30 shi per mu?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that!"

"Both potatoes and sweet potatoes are high-yield crops!"

"30 shi is just a conservative statement. If it is planted in fertile soil and sown in summer, it will produce at least 40 shi per mu!"


After hearing Ning Fan's confirmation again, Emperor Yu also took a deep breath!

"Father, let's dig one out first!"

Ning Fan strode directly to a potato, drew the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist and began to dig!

"Boy, what are you doing!"

"Dig one and see!"

"You... be careful, don't hurt other roots!"

"No problem!"

Ning Fan grinned and looked at Lin Yong next to him and said, "What are you doing? Let me dig it myself?"


Lin Yong smiled foolishly, reached out and took a shovel from outside the greenhouse, and dug it carefully!


"Look, it's a potato!"

"Small potato!"

Seeing the first potato the size of a baby's fist dug out, Emperor Yu couldn't help but be delighted and warned: "Be careful, don't dig up the potato!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Lin Yong waved the shovel vigorously, starting from the surrounding of the rhizome, and kept digging

"Another one!"

"Look, this time there are three!"

"One rhizome can actually produce four potatoes. In this case, the yield per mu can reach at least 20 dan?"

"Hahaha, God bless me, Dayu!"


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