Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 213: Conferring titles on the prince and enthroning ministers!


Emperor Yu narrowed his eyes instantly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and whispered: "Huaxia Liquor Store has nothing to do with you. In this case, it is Cheng Aiqing who framed me?"

"Father, I don't know what the intention of this censor is!"

"However, I and the owner of Huaxia Liquor Store are close friends!"

"If this censor doesn't believe it, father will know it after checking!"

Looking at Ning Fan's desperate appearance, Emperor Yu had a faint smile on his face and whispered: "Let's discuss this matter later!"

"My dear ministers, this time my Dayu's southern expedition was a great victory!"

"The King of the South Barbarians The court was destroyed, and the soldiers worked together to annihilate more than 400,000 Nanman troops and dozens of tribes of all sizes! "

"This great victory is the first complete victory in more than a hundred years since the founding of Dayu!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Yu looked at Ning Fan, paused for a moment, and then said: "In this battle, the Nanman emperor and more than a hundred royal family members were captured!"

"Ning Fan, the king of Xuanyong, was the first to bear the brunt!"

"According to the ancestral system of my Dayu country, military merits will be awarded as princes!"

"Wei Ying, pass the order!"

As soon as Emperor Yu finished speaking, many court officials changed their expressions, looked deeply at the one at the top, and a wave of waves rose in their hearts!

I didn't expect that this time His Majesty did not discuss with the court officials, but directly issued the decree of enthronement!

You must know that enthroning a prince is a major event of the dynasty. According to the process, the elders of the clan office should first submit a petition, and then the Imperial College and others will test the prince's character and talent, and finally it will be handed over to the emperor for decision!

Unexpectedly, His Majesty bypassed the Ministry of Clan and the Ministry of Rites and directly conferred the title of Prince!

"Your Majesty!"

Just as the ministers were lost in thought, they saw the left prime minister Lin Qiushi step out and bowed slightly, saying: "The conferment of the title of Prince is a serious matter. Should we first ask the elders of the Ministry of Clan?"

"I have already discussed it with the elders of the clan, and there is no need to discuss it again!"

"Wei Ying, announce the decree!"

Emperor Yu's face was calm and he spoke calmly. Lin Qiushi's face froze, bowed slightly, and silently stepped aside!


Wei Ying shouted loudly, and all the ministers looked solemn, knelt respectfully on the ground, and listened to the imperial decree!

"The Emperor, in compliance with the Will of Heaven, proclaims:"

"Benevolence, filial piety, and virtue, the heir of the clan is a capable person. I respectfully follow the ancestral system and carry the destiny of Heaven. Now there is the prince Ning Fan, who is diligent and conscientious, has a dignified character, is talented and strategic, and is outstanding in the world. In all military and national affairs, personnel management, and foreign conquests, he is good at coming up with extraordinary plans and has repeatedly achieved extraordinary feats. He is not tired and does not dare to rest!"

"Now, I follow the will of Heaven and respond to the will of the people. I strictly follow the system of Taizu and confer him the title of Prince Yong. According to the ceremonies and public opinion, I respectfully inform the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the country that I will grant him the crown of the prince and the five treasures!"

"I decree this!"

With As Wei Ying finished speaking, Ning Fan strode forward, bowed respectfully, and said solemnly: "Son, I thank my father for his grace!"

"No need to bow!"

Emperor Yu smiled and looked at Ning Fan and said: "My son, from now on, you should work harder, share my worries, and care for the people!"

"Remember your father's teachings!"


Emperor Yu nodded with satisfaction. Almost all the civil and military officials in the court focused their attention on Ning Fan, especially the princes. Ning Chen's eyes were filled with a hint of relief, and he nodded to Ning Fan with approval!

King Qi Lin looked at Ning Fan and nodded slightly, with a congratulatory smile on his face, but Ning Fan saw a high spirit in his eyes, as if he was very confident in himself!

Prince Changyang's eyes were slightly gloomy, and he looked at Ning Fan with undisguised envy and a hint of hostility, but his face did not show much, and he was obviously quite cunning!

The fifth prince has not returned to the court yet, and the sixth prince is still the good guy as always, nodding to Ning Fan with a kind smile on his face.

Ning Fan looked at the seventh prince Ning Yu, who was full of jealousy. Seeing Ning Fan's gaze, he deliberately turned his head away, snorted, and pretended to be disdainful!

"Greetings to His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"No need to be polite!" Ning Fan nodded with a smile, releasing all the elegant aura on his body, and said with a smile: "This king is favored by my father today and taken care of by all the adults. Please give me more advice in the future!"

"I dare not!"

"I will!"

"Your Highness is too modest."

The court officials began to greet Ning Fan, and the Minister of Rites Zhao Rui bowed slightly and said: "Your Majesty, how about setting the enthronement ceremony in three days?"

"No need!" Emperor Yu shook his head slightly and said softly: "The end of the year is approaching, I am going to hold a ceremony to worship the sky, and report my victory to the heaven and earth and the ancestral temples, and then the enthronement will be carried out together!"


Many court officials were all stunned. Performing the enthronement ceremony at the ceremony of worshiping the sky?

What is the deep meaning of His Majesty's move?

Many people looked at the eldest prince Ning Chen, but saw that his face was calm, with a faint smile, and there was no more ripples. His Royal Highness Prince Yong, who had just been canonized as a prince, also had a calm face and calm eyes!

Many court officials looked at the two of them with a tangled face. The eldest prince was very dazzling since he was a child, and he had made great military achievements for Dayu over the years. The second prince had only been around for more than half a year, and he had become a mainstay in the court today!

It can be said that both of them were extremely talented and unparalleled. Unexpectedly, they were born in the same generation. Is it Dayu's luck or misfortune?

The canonization started with Ning Fan, and Emperor Yu ordered Wei Ying to issue several imperial edicts. It was obvious that he had prepared in advance. Ning Fan heard that the two prime ministers stayed in the palace for half a night last night, and Emperor Yu also had dark circles under his eyes, and his expression could not hide his fatigue!

As expected, the three dukes were rewarded with some land and property. There was no more to be given above the title, and they were all symbolic rewards!

However, Emperor Yu was also a smart person. Although the rewards for the three dukes were a little thin, Zhao Huaiyuan, Liu Yuan and Su Chi were the three boys who were rewarded heavily.

"Zhao Huaiyuan!"

"I am here!"

"I heard that you are brave and good at fighting in the southern border, and you are brave and take the lead. You have the style of your father. I grant you the title of the seventh-rank county man and the title of the fifth-rank Hu Lie general!"

"Give you a hundred pieces of brocade, a hundred taels of gold, and ten pieces of jade and jewelry!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Huaiyuan bowed and thanked him with excitement, and Zhao Changying next to him was also stunned and looked deeply at Emperor Yu at the top.

"Where is Liu Yuan?"

"I am here!"

"You followed Prince Yong all the way to the south. Although you were born in a famous family, you never forgot to serve the court. You are brave and good at fighting, and your military strength is amazing. I grant you the title of seventh-rank county man, the title of the fifth-rank Tiger Power General, and gold, silver and treasures from above!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Su Chi!"

"I am here!"

"Grant you the title of seventh-rank baron, the title of the fifth-rank Tiger Fang General, and gold, silver and treasures from above!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three of them bowed respectfully, accepted the reward and thanked the grace and quietly retreated to the side. For a moment, all the ministers turned their eyes to the group of people behind Ning Fan!


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