Watching the generals walk up to the platform aggressively, Dian Wei took off all the armor on his body and put on a serious attitude!

"Shubao, how long do you think they can last in the hands of E Lai?"

"My lord, at most eighty rounds!"


Ning Fan showed a look of surprise on his face. Although he knew that Dian Wei was a half-step peerless with a force value of nearly 100, the average force value of these generals in the army was about 70 or 80. Forty to one can't even last eighty rounds?

Thinking of this, Ning Fan looked at Qin Qiong and said, "What if it's you?"

"If it's a fist fight, within a hundred rounds, if it's a horse fight, at most fifty rounds!"


Nie Feng and the other two looked at each other, and couldn't help but secretly put themselves in the situation. If the people in the field were replaced by themselves, could they resist forty people?


As Ning Fan gave the order, the fighting arena suddenly became a mess. Forty people rushed towards Dian Wei in unison. Dian Wei fought and retreated along the edge of one side, always keeping himself in the initiative.

Some generals tried to cut off Dian Wei's retreat and completely surround him at the edge, but Dian Wei's fist suddenly turned and attacked the middle of the fighting arena. In just three or five rounds, he knocked seven or eight people to the ground!


Ning Fan couldn't help but exclaimed, the foot battle is unparalleled, it really lives up to its reputation!

"Now E Lai has gained an advantage. If these generals cannot form an effective offensive and advance and retreat as one, it may be difficult for them to even last fifty rounds!"


"That's good, let's sharpen their spirit!"

"The Imperial Army has not been in war for many years. They have been pampered in the capital for many years. They are all fat and big-eared. It's time to train them well!"

"There are many people with high martial arts skills in the new army. I'm afraid that most of these people will be replaced in a month!"

"Your virtue is not worthy of your position!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Nie Feng and the other two on the side also looked thoughtful. His Highness's words were a warning to them. With the current military system, the soldiers must work hard and practice hard!

At that time, the capable will be promoted and the mediocre will be demoted. If they want to keep their current positions, they can only double their training!

In the long run, a virtuous cycle will be formed among the 100,000 troops. How terrible will the combat power be?

"Nie Feng!"

"I'm here!"

"Do you have the confidence to lead an army of soldiers?"

Hearing Ning Fan's question, Nie Feng trembled all over and said excitedly: "Your Highness, I can!"

"What about you two?"

Ning Fan looked at Qiu Tianlu and Chai Yu again. They also nodded heavily and looked at Ning Fan with awe. They had heard of this famous playboy in the capital!

But through this half-day contact, it was found that His Highness did not seem to be as rumored, ignorant and unskilled, but had an indescribable charm, as if standing here quietly like this could make people feel awe.

Now, the entire new army camp has been taken over by this person. Whether it will rise to the top or be lost in the crowd depends on this person's thoughts. The eyes of the two people also became hot.

"Your Highness, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Ning Fan did not rush to express his opinion, but looked at the fighting stage below and said with a smile: "It's about to end!"

Dian Wei jumped up and kicked a burly man off the fighting stage. Only the last 21 people were left on the stage!

"The third round of fighting is over!"

Ning Fan smiled slightly and said softly: "From now on, the 20 generals on the stage are all military captains, each commanding a large camp with 5,000 people under their command!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

The 20 people were all excited, and they bowed to Ning Fan on the stage, with a look of awe on their faces.

"How do you feel?"

Ning Fan showed a playful look on his face, silently watching the captains on the stage.

"Hahaha, of course it's exciting!"

"I didn't expect that I could command 5,000 people!"

"Your Highness, how can I compete for the position of general?"

"Yes, if I can beat the general, can I become a general?"

A series of noisy discussions rang out, and the twenty lieutenants on the stage were all excited. Someone observed Ning Fan's expression, and the smile on his face gradually froze, and the discussion in the crowd gradually disappeared!

"Why, are you all excited?"

"Very happy?"

"You are very proud that you can fight out of 200 people and take this lieutenant position!"

Ning Fan's face no longer had any smile, and all the lieutenants on the stage lowered their heads silently, not daring to look at him.

"Haha, a bunch of trash, forty people against one person, fifty rounds, not only did they not gain the upper hand, but they were defeated by half!"

"Not only do you have no sense of shame, but you are complacent here!"

"Competing for the position of general?"

"Okay!" Ning Fan pointed to Dian Wei not far away and said, "Who of you can knock him down? Not to mention the general, even if you want to command these 100,000 new troops, I have no objection!"

"But can you?"


Ning Fan scolded mercilessly, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, and said lightly: "It's not that I look down on you, I'm afraid that none of you here has the courage to stand up!"

Twenty lieutenants said nothing and lowered their heads silently. Ning Fan continued: "Do you believe it or not? In a month, there will be dark horses in the new army that will break out from the thousands of troops and replace you!"

"Even among the twenty of you, at least half of you will be squeezed out!"

"By then, the subordinates who once let you boss them around will ride on your heads and show off their power. What can you do?"

"Perhaps some of you have obtained your current position by virtue of your family background or backing, but I tell you that from now on, in my new army camp, no matter what your identity is, everything will be based on strength!"

"You are of noble status, who can be more noble than me? You have a strong backing and are all-powerful, but in this new army camp, everything is decided by me!"

Ning Fan poured a basin of cold water on them mercilessly. Among the twenty people, some secretly clenched their fists, some showed shame, and some looked disdainful!

"Qin Qiong, Nie Feng, Qiu Tianlu, Chai Yu, step out!"

"I am here!"

"From now on, each of you will command 20,000 people and call yourself an army, named after the Four Symbols. I will also personally command 20,000 people and name them Qilin. Three months later, the whole army will conduct a confrontation exercise!"

"Yes, sir!"

Ning Fan showed a hint of amusement on his face, and said lightly: "Don't be happy too early. At that time, the five armies will face each other. The loser, all the generals above the rank of lieutenant, will run around the military camp naked!"


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