Hearing that I have a plan, Ning Fan smiled knowingly and gradually felt relieved.

Now, although he has not arrived in Huainan, he knows that this trip will be extremely difficult.

First of all, the local administration. The sixteen states have been ruled by the King of Huai for many years, and all the officials under his jurisdiction are from the King of Huai and are his confidants.

Now, although the King of Huai has been executed and all the main party members have been wiped out, the remaining forces should not be underestimated.

"My lord, the three great powers are all famous in the local area, and their influence is spread throughout the business, politics and army!"

"Since the lord is going to take action against the four great families, why not drive away the wolves and kill the tigers, and kill people with borrowed knives?"

"Drive away the wolves and kill the tigers?"

Ning Fan's face showed a hint of doubt. He had heard of the strategy of driving the tiger to swallow the wolf, but now, the words of driving away the wolf and killing the tiger came from Guo Jia's mouth, and his face showed a bit of confusion.

"My lord!" Guo Jia said with a smile: "The four great families are stronger than the three great powers, they are tigers, and if you want to destroy the tigers, you have to control the wolves."

"The Cai, Lu, and Du families are the three wolves!"

"One of the four great families has been destroyed. Now, the Changyanshui family and the Lu family, as well as the border Hu family, although they are all among the four great families, are not a monolithic entity!"

"Now that the Chen family has been destroyed, the lord is ready to take action against the Hu family and take back the salt road in the world. The border Hu family is far away in the north, and its power in Huainan is negligible. You might as well start with the three great powers in Huainan, from south to north, and take them by surprise. The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark!"

"In my opinion, it is better to start with the Cai family!"

[Dong, issue a system task to break into the Cai family! ]

[Task requirements: Please break into the Cai family and use the power of the Cai family to defeat the Hu family! 】

[Task time limit: None]

[Task reward: Wenhou Lu Bu, Overlord Xiang Yu, Military Genius Han Xin, Treacherous Hero Cao Cao, Killer God Bai Qi, Veteran General Lian Po randomly summon one of them]

Hearing the task prompt sound suddenly in his mind, Ning Fan was stunned.


It was so weird. I didn't expect the system to release a task specifically, and the reward was so amazing. It can even be said that he had no resistance!

Wenhou Lu Bu, Overlord Xiang Yu, Military Genius Han Xin, Treacherous Hero Cao Cao, Killer God Bai Qi, Veteran General Lian Po, any one of them can promote an era!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the above-mentioned people enter the world, they can change the fate of a dynasty and affect the country of a dynasty!

For example, Wenhou Lu Bu enters the world, Ning Fan sends him to Dayan. With his martial arts, it should not be difficult for him to step into the vision of Dayan's court?

If you are lucky enough to be appreciated by Emperor Yan and recognize him as your adoptive father, then I ask you if you are afraid?

Overlord Xiang Yu was a person who could fight a country alone, the ceiling of military power in history!

The military god Han Xin, his command ability is almost included in the ceiling of China's 5,000 years. The treacherous hero Cao Cao, a great leader, was no less talented than several emperors of the time.

The killing god Bai Qi is needless to say, he killed hundreds of thousands of people at will, and his name Wu'an Jun shocked the world.

The last one, to use a poem, Lian Po is old, can he still eat?

Of course he can!

The characters of that era were brilliant, and under that background, it can be said that there were hundreds of schools of thought and heroes emerged.

"System, if you want to use the power of the three great powers to fight against the Hu family, there are obviously many ways, why do you want me to infiltrate the Cai family?"

"Master, this is a test. To become a qualified emperor, you must not only learn how to govern the country, but also learn how to be cunning, forbearing, and infiltrating..."

"System, you are talking nonsense to me seriously."

"The mission has been issued, the master can refuse, no punishment!"

"Uh... only a fool would refuse!"

"Isn't it just to infiltrate the Cai family...Cai family!"

"Cai Wenji?"

Ning Fan suddenly realized and was stunned for a moment, and the system was silent.

Unexpectedly, the system was so well-intentioned that it actually had the idea of ​​​​Cai Wenji, a talented woman in the Three Kingdoms.

But he is obviously not interested in women!

"Fengxiao, you and Gongtai will lead the Xianzhen Camp to Huoyunzhou directly. My father has granted me the right to recruit soldiers, so I will start with recruiting soldiers!"

"I will go to Lingzhou to meet these three powerful men."

"Now that Qin Qiong has recovered from his injury, the matter of recruiting soldiers can be handed over to him!"

"Su Shi, Xin Qiji, and Du Fu all have certain talents and can be trained to take charge of a region."

"My lord, you won't go with us?"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and said softly: "I have already thought about this matter. Now the entire sixteen states of Huainan are all revived. After you arrive at Huoyunzhou, you can come to Lingzhou to find me after handling government affairs. "

"The matter of merging states and counties should also be put on the agenda. Let's leave this matter to Gongtai!"

"Dian Wei, Xu Chu!"

Ning Fan lifted the curtain of the carriage and shouted to the two people in front. The two hurriedly reined in their horses and turned back, slightly bowing: "My lord!"

"I leave the two gentlemen to you. Remember, their lives are more important than yours. You must protect them and arrive at Huoyunzhou safely."


"Uncle Lin, let's go first!"

Ning Fan shouted to the coachman, and his figure soared into the air. With a neigh, the purple flying dragon horse raised its hooves and took Ning Fan away.


"Wait for me!"

Lin Yong shouted from behind and chased after him with his legs. Although he didn't have a horse under his crotch, his speed was not slower than Ning Fan at all.


Dian Wei and Xu Chu both looked at the thin figure blankly: "Butler Lin is actually a master?"

"Haha, how could there be no masters around His Highness?"

Guo Jia took off the kettle, took a sip, and said with a smile.


Beyond the mountain pass.

This is a land without a master, or in other words, a chaotic land.

Various forces are entrenched here, and it is complicated. There are all kinds of people, as well as the Jianghu sects, and the separatist princes, and the people are displaced.


A white shadow swept across the peaks, looking at the opposing figure, took off the wine pot on his waist and drank wildly.

"No more running away!"

"You have been chasing me for more than a month. You obviously had several opportunities to kill me, why didn't you kill me?"

"You tease me?"

Seng Lin's image at this moment is extremely embarrassed. Thinking back to this month, he is simply in agony!

He hadn't slept well for more than a month, fearing that he would be killed by the sword of the man in green in his sleep. He finally escaped into the mountains and thought he had gotten rid of him, but in a few hours, the man in green appeared in front of him.


Hearing Seng Lin's question, Li Bai shook his head slightly, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he exhaled a little bit of alcohol, laughing: "For more than a month, I have been chasing you all the way, but I didn't expect to travel around the beautiful mountains and rivers of this world inadvertently."

"If it weren't for chasing you, I'm afraid I might not be able to see so many beautiful scenery in three to five years."

"Today, I give you a chance. Take my sword. If you can survive, it will be your good fortune!"



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