Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 311 Mission accomplished, designated summons!

"Mountain birds and fish?"

Xiao Cui murmured half-knowledgeably, looking at her young lady's face full of sorrow, and said softly: "It can be seen that Mr. Zhao also has feelings for you."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Cai Wenji's face was flushed, and it seemed that she could blush easily.

Now thinking about the words she said in Wangjiang Tower, she couldn't help but feel ashamed. Is this really what she can say?

"Zhao Ji."

A voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them. Cai Wenji turned around suddenly, but saw a figure in white standing quietly not far away, with a smile on his lips.

"Mr. Zhao."

Cai Wenji walked towards Ning Fan quickly, but felt something was wrong, so she deliberately slowed down her pace.

"Why are you here?"

"Did father and the others embarrass you?"

"Have you finished eating?"

Ning Fan smiled and nodded, and said softly: "Don't worry, I came here specially to talk to you."

Xiao Cui left the courtyard tactfully, and only two people were left in front of the pond. Their shadows were stretched very long under the reflection of the water waves.

"You... did you come to Huainan this time by chance or... did you come specifically for me?"

"Is there any difference?"


"What if I came specifically for you, and what if I happened to catch up?"

Ning Fan asked back, looking at the woman in front of him who was wearing a plain long dress and was quiet and elegant, and his heart was throbbing.

"If you came specifically for me, I would be very happy."

"If you happened to catch up... then it means that you and I are destined."

"No matter what, Zhao Ji is very happy to meet you here."

Cai Wenji mustered up her courage and looked at him straight, the blush on her face had spread to her ears, and the two of them seemed to have nothing to do, as long as they looked at each other quietly, their ears would be red.

Ning Fan is an old driver, and even more so a veteran in the world of romance. He has been in the flower garden for many years and has seen countless women, but he has never felt as awkward as today.

"I heard that the Cai family is mainly engaged in the cloth business?"


"Silk and cloth, and some clothing business!"

Ning Fan's face showed a hint of contemplation, and he said softly: "What else?"


"When we went to the capital a few years ago, we got in touch with the Huaxia Wine Shop. Now the Huaxia Wine Shop has not expanded to Huainan, so the merchants in Huainan all get wine from the Huaxia Wine Shop in the capital to sell."

"So that's it!"

Ning Fan pondered for a moment and said softly: "This time I came to Huainan, entrusted by my family, wanting to expand the business route, I didn't expect to meet you here again!"

"The word fate is really wonderful!"

Ning Fan talked nonsense seriously, and his expression was calm when he lied, as if everything was destined as he said!


"You are also from a merchant family?"

"Not really!"

Ning Fan gave her an ambiguous answer and said with a smile: "I heard that Zhao Ji is a business genius of the Cai family. In just a few years, she has expanded the Cai family's business several times!"

"You are too kind, it's just a rumor, don't take it seriously!"


Ning Fan smiled, and the two of them walked into the pavilion together to enjoy the flowers and scenery.

"Does the Cai family intend to intervene in the salt trade?"


Cai Wenji's expression froze, and she looked at Ning Fan and said, "Young Master, are you planning to sell salt?"


"This time I went to Huainan to expand the salt trade."

"My family has several salt mines in the capital, and can produce fine salt with extremely high purity. Unfortunately, the salt trade in Dayu is controlled by the Hu family on the border, so we can only think of ways to start from Huainan."

Cai Wenji's face showed a trace of hesitation, and after a long time, she whispered, "Salt trade requires government permission, and the Hu family monopolizes the salt trade in the world. Although they have never set foot in Huainan, Huainan has now returned to the court."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the Hu family's salt trade will expand to Huainan."

"Yes, so I plan to use the hands of your Cai family."

Ning Fan said bluntly.

"I need to discuss this matter with my father and the elders before making a decision."

"The Hu family is one of the four great names of Dayu, and it is not an ordinary merchant family."



Ning Fan smiled and nodded, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the master, you have completed the task and infiltrated the Cai family! ]

[Task reward: Wenhou Lu Bu, Overlord Xiang Yu, Military Immortal Han Xin, Treacherous Hero Cao Cao, Killing God Bai Qi, Veteran General Lian Po will be summoned randomly]

[According to the system evaluation, the task completion degree is S-level, and the reward is a god-level lottery! ]

Hearing the system prompt sound, Ning Fan's expression showed a touch of joy, and he took the beauty in front of him into his arms and laughed out loud.

This summoning is definitely the most exciting one since his rebirth.

Wenhou Lu Bu, Overlord Xiang Yu, Military Immortal Han Xin, Treacherous Hero Cao Cao, Killing God Bai Qi, Veteran General Lian Po, any one of them can suppress the country for a dynasty!

What's more, he still has 2,000 merit points, enough to summon two peerless civil and military officials.

His reputation value has even exceeded one million.

He also has 20 Hercules Pills, 50 Tianyuan Pills, and one Guiyuan Pill!

It can be said that he has a deep foundation!

But I don't know which sage will come into the world this time.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Cai Wenji was embraced by Ning Fan. Seeing him laughing for no reason, she seemed to be startled. She stretched out her hand to push him away, but she was reluctant to let him go. Her face was blushing and she buried her head deeply in Ning Fan's shoulder.


Ning Fan also came back to his senses, and quickly let go of the beauty in his arms, and bowed slightly: "Zhao Ji, please don't blame me, I just suddenly thought that Uncle Cai agreed to our relationship, and I was a little overjoyed."

"How rude!"


Cai Wenji looked at Ning Fan with resentment, seemed a little shy, and whispered: "You sit here for a while, I'll go up and tidy up my appearance."


Ning Fan smiled, and couldn't wait to open the system and check his task section!

[Task]: Seize the throne (in progress) Become a vassal (in progress) Cai Family (Task completed, reward issued)

"System, can I specify a person to summon?"

"Reply to the master, the task reward is to summon immediately. If you specify a summon, you need to spend 100,000 reputation points!"

"One hundred thousand..."

Ning Fan couldn't help but hesitate. You know, 100,000 reputation points are enough to exchange for a unit summoning card.

In other words, a million reputation points can summon at least ten special units!

Now, it takes 100,000 merit points to perform a direct summon!

"System, can you give me a lower price?"

"How about 10,000 points?"

"Master, system data cannot be changed."


"It is detected that the master's reputation value has exceeded one million. Do you want to use 500,000 points to upgrade?"



Ning Fan's face showed a trace of speechlessness. This is to make him a sucker!

"Use 10 points of reputation value for me first, and perform a designated summon!"


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