Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 321 Uncle Cai is still strong despite his old age!


"Brother-in-law admires you so much. This is the first time I heard that you have to pay for rebellion!"

"It's a precedent. If your father knew about it, he would be very pleased."

"Brother-in-law, don't let my father know about this!"

Hearing Ning Fan mention his father, Cai Yi seemed to sober up all of a sudden and grabbed Ning Fan's arm.

"If my father knew about this, I'm afraid that even my five legs wouldn't be enough to fight, let alone my two legs!"


Ning Fan smiled, and looked at Cai Yi with a playful look: "So, you will also participate in this Heroes Conference?"

"Of course!"

"I am a veteran of the Qilin Society. Although I am not a direct descendant of Lu Yuanshan, I am also a backbone force."


Ning Fan couldn't help but raise a thumb and whispered: "How many members are there in this Qilin Society, and which second-generation ancestors are they?"

"Qilin Society... Although it has been established for less than half a month, more than 30 disciples from aristocratic families have joined it, including disciples from my three families of Cai, Lu and Du, and Cai..."

Cai Yi began to call out the names of people, and Ning Fan winked at Lin Yong and Shen Wansan on the side, and the two of them each wrote down a few names.

"Anything else to add?"

After Cai Yi finished speaking, Ning Fan looked at him with some interest.

"I need to add..."

"Brother-in-law, why do you look like you're interrogating a prisoner!"

"Yes, I'm interrogating you!"


Cai Yi rolled her eyes, but saw Ning Fan seriously took out a sign from his sleeve and handed it to Cai Yi.

"What is this?"


Cai Yi shuddered, stood up suddenly, and pointed at Ning Fan with trembling arms: "Sister...Brother-in-law, don't joke with me!"


"What do you mean you, sit down!"

Ning Fan had a stern look on his face, and Cai Yi sat down again tremblingly, like a plucked quail, sitting in front of Ning Fan nervously.

"Brother-in-law... we are a family!"

"You can't kill your relatives for the sake of justice!"

"Brother, I just drank a little and was talking nonsense. Brother-in-law, don't take it seriously!"

Cai Yi's words were incoherent. Looking at Ning Fan's playful eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. There was no way. The reputation of Jinyiwei was too big.

Although there has been no substantial action in Huainan, what they did in the capital and Jiangnan has long been spread all over the country!

It is said that once you enter the Jinyiwei's prison, no matter what your identity is, you will never get out.

"Sit down!"

"Don't smile at me. I ask you questions and you answer them. If you hide anything, I will take you back to the government office!"

"Yes, yes... Brother-in-law, if you ask, I will confess and be lenient!"

The atmosphere in the whole box suddenly became heavy, and the Qinggonger who was singing and dancing also looked at Ning Fan with a face full of fear.

"Keep playing the music, keep dancing!"

"Yes, sir!"

The song and dance started again, but Cai Yi had no intention of watching. She sat in front of Ning Fan with a nervous look.

"How many people has Lu Yuanshan gathered?"

"How many bandits are there near Lingzhou?"


"Call me sir!"

"Yes, yes... My lord, I don't know about this!"

"I heard from Lu Wenshan that there are no less than a thousand volunteers under Lu Yuanshan alone, and many people have come here in the past few days. I really don't know how many people have gathered so far."


"You just said that many martial arts sects have entered the world. Does this have anything to do with it?"

"I don't know!"

"Answer honestly, for the sake of For the sake of our family, I will try to forgive you. Otherwise, if the master of the Jinyiwei really punishes you, not only you, but even the Cai family will be implicated by you! "

"Brother-in-law...sir, I really don't know!"

"Recently, many martial arts sects have entered the world. I heard that Lu Yuanshan has many strange people assisting him."

"I also heard that Tianji Pavilion is also going to enter the world!"

"Tianji Pavilion!"

Ning Fan's face showed a solemn expression. Speaking of the name of Tianji Pavilion, it may be a little unfamiliar, but the list of famous generals is known to everyone in the world!

Tianji Pavilion is not famous for its martial arts, but it is famous for its ingenious strategies.

"Don't tell anyone about what happened today. I'll try to get you off the hook!"

"Remember, don't reveal my identity."

"My boss may ask you to investigate the whole incident. Please cooperate fully!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Thank you, brother-in-law!"

Cai Yi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Ning Fan opened his mouth and ate the peeled grapes handed to him by Xin'er. While chewing, he said, "Go back and find out about the Huaiwang treasury and the hero conference in Luyuanshan!"

"Brother-in-law wants to join in the fun, too."

"Sister... brother-in-law!"

"What's the point of talking? Just do whatever I tell you to do!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Cai Yi didn't have the arrogance he had when he came in at all. He just nodded repeatedly, and the whole person exuded a sense of pleasure after surviving a disaster.

"Eleven, twelve!"

"I'm here."

"Would you like to go back with me?"

The two girls were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and nodded gratefully: "I am willing to follow you, sir."


"Xin'er, what about you?"

Ning Fan looked at the girl who was quietly serving beside him, and the latter nodded heavily: "Sir... can you please not send me out!"

"Hahaha, OK!"

"Uncle Lin, go and redeem the three girls!"


Lin Yong grinned and walked out of the box. After a while, he walked in front of Ning Fan and nodded slightly: "Master, it's all done."

"It's done, let's go."


The group strode out of Yihong Courtyard. Just after taking two steps, they saw an old man in gorgeous clothes walking out of the corridor next to them.

For a moment, Ning Fan was also stunned, and the two of them stared at each other.



" guys..."

"Uncle Cai, what are you doing..."

Lin Yong's expression was extremely amused, and he kept clicking his tongue. Cai Si's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously straightened his clothes: "Hehe, I'm here to discuss business, why are you here too?"

"Uh...Uncle, my brother-in-law and I are here to discuss business too!"

"Oh! So that's it!"

"Did you agree?"


"Then...let's go back together?"

"Well, uncle, you go first, My brother-in-law and I have a few more words to say!"

"Hey, OK!"

Cai Si held up his pants tightly and walked away quickly. A series of sweet laughter came from upstairs: "Master Cai, we agreed to come and play tomorrow!"


"Grandpa Cai is really strong and healthy!"

"Uncle, you are really a role model for our generation!"

Cai Yi also looked at the figure who fled in panic with admiration. Ning Fan said slowly: "I just don't know if what happened today will be heard by your father!"

"It should... not be!"

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