Yuwang City.

Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, this year's spring plowing is about to begin. Who are you going to let take charge?"

"Where is King Qi Lin now?"

"Reply to Your Majesty!" Lin Qiushi bowed slightly and said softly: "The Third Prince has been handling the case of Huai Wang's treason these two days. It seems that he has already got some clues?"


"In that case, let him take care of the spring plowing as well!"

"The popularization of the curved plow and the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes will be fully cooperated by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Works."

"Your Majesty..."

Shen Li, who had never spoken, suddenly bowed and stepped out, and said thoughtfully: "The matter of spring plowing is related to the foundation of the country. After all, the Third Prince is young. This old minister suggests that an old minister be sent to assist the Third Prince."

Emperor Yu pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "Yes!"

"In that case, do you have a suitable candidate?"


For a moment, all the important ministers were in trouble. Shen Li was about to speak when a young eunuch outside the palace suddenly walked in with anxious steps.

"Your Majesty."

"His Royal Highness Prince Yong sent someone to deliver a document!"


Emperor Yu was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face: "The second prince must be in charge of Huainan now, but I don't know if he can suppress the local snakes."

"Show it!"


The eunuch presented the document sent by Ning Fan to Emperor Yu, who opened the document and said: "This kid, he is so formal, is he asking for people and money?"

"The second prince has just arrived in Huainan and is in charge of 16 prefectures. It is normal to lack people and money."

"Yes, although the rebellion of Prince Huai was quelled, Huainan has been managed by Prince Huai for more than 20 years after all."

"Even if His Royal Highness has all kinds of means, I am afraid he has no way to start!"

The Minister of Revenue Chen Qinghe and the Minister of War Ji Sui, who are close to Ning Fan, are both speaking for Ning Fan.

Emperor Yu smiled, unfolded the memorial in his hand, and was startled, then laughed: "Hahaha, this kid not only didn't ask for money or people, but sent talents to me."


Several important ministers were stunned when they heard this.

But gradually, Emperor Yu's expression became solemn, and he said softly: "To be able to get such an evaluation from the second brother, this person is not simple!"

"Your Majesty, I wonder who your highness recommended?"

"What is your evaluation?"

Lin Qiushi asked with a gleam in his eyes, and bowed slightly.

"Haha, I'll know when I meet you."

Emperor Yu kept it a secret and looked at Shen Li and said, "Prime Minister Shen, you just said that we need someone to assist us in the spring ploughing. In that case, let's say Wei Zheng!"

"Wei Zheng?"

Shen Li was full of doubts. He didn't know who Wei Zheng was referring to. He asked doubtfully, "Isn't he the person recommended by your Highness?"


"Your Majesty, what position does this person hold now and where is he?"

"Well... I'm a commoner on my way to Beijing now."

"Your Majesty!"

Lin Qiushi's face changed slightly and he bowed and said, "As the right prime minister said, the spring ploughing is related to the foundation of the country. How can we let a commoner do it? Bai Yi is acting as a minister in the court?"

"Isn't there still the King of Qilin?"


Lin Qiushi was about to speak, when Shen Li beside him smiled and said, "Prime Minister Lin, since he is the one recommended by the Second Prince, he must have some real skills."

"After all, the Second Prince is famous for his ability to identify people!"

"There are many talented people in the Prince Yong's Mansion, such as Kong Ming, Chen Gong and other generals, and Yue Fei, Ran Min and other generals among the military generals, who are now the backbone of the army."

"Why not give it a try!"

When Shen Li said this, Lin Qiushi also smiled bitterly. Although he has more power than Shen Li, who is the latter?

He was once the emperor's imperial teacher and the former emperor's tutor. Although he was dismissed later, his reputation in the hearts of the world's scholars and among the civil and military officials was like an unshakable mountain.

So, Lin Qiushi didn't need to refute this person's face.

"Well, when Wei Zheng arrives in Beijing, order him to come and see me!"

"As ordered!"

After the eunuch left, Emperor Yu received news about Ning Fan, and he seemed to be in a good mood. However, when he thought of the assassination of Ning Fan when he left Beijing, his face suddenly darkened again.

"Have you found out anything about the assassination of Prince Yong?"

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall became depressing. Lin Qiushi said in a deep voice: "This matter is being investigated in detail by the Jinyiwei and the Dali Temple. The person behind the scenes has not yet been found."


Emperor Yu snorted angrily and said gloomily: "It's actually some shameful means. This matter must not be left unresolved."

"Tell Jiang Li to present a complete memorial to me within seven days."

"As ordered!"

After the ministers left the hall, Emperor Yu sat on the dragon chair, thinking After a long pause, he whispered, "Jiannan?"

"Your Majesty!"

"Any news about Prince Yong recently?"

"This... yes, there is..."


"Is this kid wielding a butcher's knife again in Huainan?"


Jiannan's cold face forced out an ugly smile, and he stammered, "Your Highness seems to have married into the Huainan Cai family."

"What did you say?"

"Married into the Cai family?"

Yu Huang's expression instantly became very interesting. He stood up suddenly and stared at Jiannan intently, his face like the eve of a storm.

"What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, after Your Highness arrived in Huainan, he happened to meet the Cai family..."

Jiannan recounted what happened to Ning Fan in Huainan. Emperor Yu was breathing heavily, and veins that had not appeared in many days were exposed on his forehead.


"This treacherous son...has simply disgraced my royal dignity!"

"After a hundred years, how can I have the face to meet my ancestors?"

Emperor Yu slapped the dragon case hard and stared at Jiannan coldly: "Continue, what happened next?"

"Later...His Royal Highness King Yong drank and had fun in...the land of fireworks every day."

"Either it's just wandering around and having fun, leaving all the political affairs in Huainan to Guo Jia and Chen Gong."


Emperor Yu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "From now on, every move of King Yong in Huainan will be reported to me, one report every day, so that your people will not need to cover up and monitor him openly."

"I want to see what this guy is selling!"



Lingzhou City.

In the past few days, with the news coming from the capital region, the people of Huainan all knew that the land of the Sixteen Prefectures was granted to King Yong, and the entire Huainan was under his jurisdiction.

For a while, this matter also became a topic of conversation among the people in Lingzhou City before tea and after dinner.

"The land of the sixteen states in Huainan was actually entrusted to His Highness King Yong?"

"King Yong?"

"The one who defeated King Huai in one fell swoop?"

"I heard that this man annihilated hundreds of thousands of Da Yan's troops in the Western Region in one fell swoop!"

The common people gathered together in small groups and discussed the rumors about King Yong's deeds.

"Alas, speaking of the battle in the Western Region, I didn't expect His Highness Prince Sheng to die in the battle."

"He is the eldest son of the dynasty!"

"What a shame."

Talk in the street, that sort of thing.

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