
Wumei Mountain.

Funiu Village.

As the seventh village in Wumei Mountain, there are thousands of brothers in the village, and many of them are famous people.

"Brother Yang, now that things have come to this, you should not refuse."

"Brothers have seen your ability. This time you are in power, I, Chen, have nothing to say!"

"Yes, Brother Yang, the village owner has been killed, so you should take the position of leader!"

More than a dozen figures gathered in front of Yang Zaixing, with earnest expressions on their faces.

Yang Zaixing glanced around and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, you have said so much, Yang has nothing to say."

"Today, Yang is here to announce that at tomorrow's Heroes Conference, I will ask King Lu for an explanation in person."

"Brothers, please spread the news. I, Funiu Village, will go up the mountain to force the emperor to abdicate tomorrow."

"I, Yang Zaixing, will ask King Lu in person!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was full of excitement. A middle-aged man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks laughed and said: "Brother Yang is really ambitious and so loyal. We brothers didn't make a mistake in him!"

"With your ability, how many people in the entire Wumei Mountain can defeat you?"

"Tomorrow, whether you live or die, our brothers will accompany you!"


Yang Zaixing waved his hand and said loudly: "Pass my order, let the brothers prepare for battle, and at tomorrow's Heroes Conference, we will turn the table over to King Lu."


Feiyan Village!

Wu Xiao and Mu Zhuang strode into the hall, their faces full of excitement.


"Master, guess how many brothers we recruited today!"

"What a great harvest!"

Seeing the excited expressions of the two, Ning Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Five thousand?"


"That's not the case!"

Wu Xiao smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: "How could there be five thousand? The brothers who went up the mountain in the past two days have only been more than ten thousand."

"I heard that the government has taken action recently, providing relief to the victims while supporting spring farming."

"Many people are heading towards Huoyunzhou."


"Tell me more about it."

Wu Xiao nodded and said softly: "According to the brothers who came down the mountain, the court has granted Huainan to King Yong, and now King Yong's team has settled in Huoyunzhou and is gathering victims!"

"As long as you go to Huoyunzhou, you can't miss a bite of food."

"The victims can collect grain and seeds for farming, and only need to pay 10% when the harvest comes."

"You can also work for the government, with daily food and accommodation, and wages."

Ning Fan nodded frequently and said softly: "The world is still peaceful. If you can fill your stomach and support your family, who would be willing to go up the mountain and live a life of blood and knife?"

"Village leader, today we have 3,000 new brothers in our village. I'm afraid the food will only be enough for five days."

"Don't worry, the food will arrive soon."

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Dian Wei strode over: "Sir, the family has delivered 10,000 stones of grain and 5,000 stones of fodder!"


"Put it in the warehouse!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, everyone around him looked at him excitedly, full of admiration.

"Chief, with this batch of food and grass, we can completely get rid of the control of the Lu Palace!"

"Old Four, what do you mean?"

"His Royal Highness Lu is the common master of Wumei Mountain, don't talk nonsense!"

"Humph, if he didn't supply food and grass, why would our brothers work for him? Now that he has done such an unkind and unjust thing, do we have to beg for food from him?"

"As the chief said, are there any kings, princes, generals, or ministers?"

Muzhu looked ambitious. Liu Cheng was silent for a moment and nodded: "Tomorrow, we will act according to the circumstances."

Ning Fan smiled and looked at Muzhu and said: "Brother Mu, send someone to secretly contact the leaders of the major villages who were assassinated. If they are willing to merge into my Feiyan Village, there will be enough food!"

"This... I'm afraid they won't agree!"

"It doesn't matter, The message has been passed on!"


The wooden stake strode away, Ning Fan looked at Liu Cheng and asked: "Do you know where the Huai Wang treasure house mentioned by Lu Wang is?"

"It is more than ten miles behind Lu Wang Palace."

"Since Lu Wang's treasure house is in hand, why doesn't Lu Wang open it himself, but calls on the heroes of the world?"


Liu Cheng seemed to be stumped by the question, and also realized that something was wrong. He pondered for a long time and said in a concentrated voice: "Either Lu Wang has opened the treasure house, or the treasure house is blocked and he can't open it. The last possibility... Huai Wang's treasure house does not exist!"

Ning Fan shook his head, and a trace of deep thought appeared in his eyes. The existence of Huai Wang's treasure house had long been confirmed by Jinyiwei, so which of the first two possibilities was it?

If it is the second one, it's okay, but if it is the first one...

It's not good!


Lu Wang Palace

Lu Yuanshan sat in the empty hall, looking depressed, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "Haven't you found it yet?"

"Your Highness, I have sent people to check, but..."


Lu Yuanshan had a fierce look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Never mind them, how is the situation at the Huai Wang Treasury?"

"Your Highness, there is only one stone wall left, and it will be broken before tomorrow!"

"Speed ​​up."

"As long as the Huai Wang Treasury is opened before the end of the Heroes Conference, I will still have the final say on Wumei Mountain!"


"Go down!"

Lu Yuanshan waved his hand impatiently, and when he saw that the hall was empty, he exhaled deeply.

"We took the wrong path!"

"We shouldn't have listened to Sun Pu. Now, there is no way to retreat!"

"Zhishu Pavilion, I trusted you too much."

Lu Yuanshan slowly stood up and walked down the steps of the palace he built step by step. He sighed sadly: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This is my era. No one can stop me!"

"Your Majesty!"

A figure walked into the hall and bowed respectfully.


"Feiyan Village has recruited soldiers and horses today regardless of the obstruction, and expanded by more than 3,000 people in one day!"

"Feiyan Village?"

Lu Yuanshan frowned slightly, pondered for a moment and asked: "Is it the village of Yang Che?"



"Don't know how to live or die, cut off their food and grass for me."


"Your Highness, there is a letter from home, and the second son seems to be targeted by the Jinyiwei."


Lu Yuanshan's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Tell your family that from now on, you will draw a clear line with me. What I am planning cannot be accomplished overnight."

"If it doesn't work, let Wenshan go up the mountain."

"Yes, Master."




The dull drum sound resounded through the top of the mountain, and teams of soldiers in armor stood in a row, obviously having undergone professional phalanx training.

Groups of people came from the bottom of the mountain, looking at the towering palace, they couldn't help but feel awe.

"Heroes' Conference!"

In front of the palace was a huge royal flag with four characters written in a flamboyant style.

"So impressive."

"I heard that many heroes of the martial arts world went up the mountain today, and some even traveled hundreds of miles to get here."

"King Lu..."

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