Looking at Ji Jiu's earnest expression, Bai Qi was not moved at all. He shook his head gently and said lightly: "Go back. You can borrow the military book to study. If you have any questions, you can also come to ask. Don't mention the matter of becoming a disciple again."

"Thank you, sir!"

Although Ji Jiu felt a little regretful, he still bowed respectfully.

"Xiaojiu, your wedding is in two days, and you still have the energy to study military books!"


Ji Jiu looked at Ning Yao with a complicated expression, and said softly: "The marriage was arranged by my family, and I heard that it is a rich girl."


Ning Yao became interested and asked with a gossipy face: "You still don't know the family background of your wife and children?"

"The Li family in the county."

"The Li family!"

Ning Yao was not familiar with the wealthy families in this area, but just congratulated: "It seems that you will get the beauty this time."

"Congratulations in advance!"

"Thank you Miss Ning."

Ji Jiu bowed slightly, and saw a figure running over quickly, and said anxiously: "Xiaojiu, something happened, your bride who has not yet married has been favored by the strong man in Caopo."


Ji Jiu frowned slightly, stepped forward and asked: "Second uncle, what's going on?"

"Just now someone from the Li family came to cancel the engagement!"

"Asked the reason, it was said that the owner of Dangyang Village in Caopo had taken a fancy to Li "The young lady of the Li family threatened to marry her as his wife."

"How unreasonable!"

Before Ji Jiu opened his mouth, Ning Yao said angrily: "In broad daylight, a bandit dared to act so tyrannically. Is there any law?"

"Alas, the Li family is also helpless. Their caravan was detained by the Dangyang Village."

"Dangyang Village!"

Ji Jiu's face was also full of coldness. He looked at his second uncle and said: "Second uncle, have the people of the Li family left?"

"Not yet!"

" Take me to see him."



"Xiaojiu, your uncle is helpless. Your grandfather saved my father's life. This marriage was arranged by the old man."

"My Li family has never regretted it. Even if your Ji family is poor, I don't mind marrying my daughter to you."

"But now, my Li family's caravan has been detained by thieves!"

A middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes looked dejected, and looked at Ji Jiu with a bit of shame.

"Uncle Li, are you going to send Miss Li to Dangyang Village?"

"My daughter, of course I won't send her. I found a beautiful maid to go up the mountain for Yuan'er!"

"But your marriage, I'm afraid, will be..."

Li Chen sighed with regret. He didn't expect to suffer such a disaster. A happy event turned into a sad event.

"My dear relatives, why don't we report to the authorities?"

"Report to the authorities?"

"How can the authorities take care of this kind of thing?"

"Dangyang Village has gathered hundreds of strong men, robbing houses near Caopo. How dare the authorities offend them?"


Looking at Li Chen's helpless look, everyone in the Ji family also showed regret. Ji Jiu's eyes were filled with coldness, and he said in a deep voice: "Uncle Li, I agree to cancel the engagement."

"However, the person that Dangyang Village wants, even if it is a maid, cannot be given."

"A group of thieves who prey on the people of the village, this world cannot tolerate them being so rampant!"


Li Chen wanted to speak, but was beaten by Ji Jiu. He said with a firm face: "I have heard of this group of thieves for a long time. They often bully the villagers."

"This marriage cannot be cancelled!"

Just as Ji Jiu opened his mouth, several young men strode in and bowed slightly, saying: "Brother Jiu, our brothers have also gathered hundreds of brothers in the nearby neighborhood."

"They have been holding a grudge against Dangyang Village for a long time."

"Now they have bullied our Jijia Village. Although our Ji family is not a big family, we will not tolerate such bullying!"

"Master Li, the marriage will go on as usual. We will find a way to deal with your caravan!"

Figures walked into the courtyard of Ji Jiu's house one after another, and almost all the strong men in the village came to express their opinions.

Ji Jiu's face was full of emotion, but he showed a hint of hesitation: "Thank you for your kindness, brothers and uncles, but the thieves from Dangyang Village..."

While talking, a child of seven or eight years old rushed over and shouted anxiously: "Oh no, the thieves are coming!"

"The thieves from Dangyang Village are coming."

"Nian Wazi, what's going on?"

"Third Grandpa, more than a dozen thieves from Dangyang Village are coming, and now they are at the entrance of the village."

Ji Jiu's expression was slightly cold, he walked into his bedroom, took out a longbow, a pot of arrows, and picked up the broadsword, and bowed slightly to everyone: "Everyone, you take a rest first, I'll go and take a look."

"Jiu Wazi, don't be impulsive!"

Everyone hurriedly picked up hoes and shovels to chase Ji Jiu's figure.



A cloud of dust rose up, and more than ten riders came on flying horses, rushing directly into the village, shouting in a low voice: "Who is Ji Jiu? I, the leader of Dangyang Village, invite you."

"I'm asking you, who is Ji Jiu?"

A horse thief waved his whip and hit a villager, accompanied by a scream, and an arrow flew in the distance.


The horse thief was shot and fell off his horse, and a low voice came from a distance: "Ji Jiu is here."

"How dare you!"

"How dare you kill my brothers in Dangyang Village!"

"Brothers, take him down for me."

More than ten men galloped towards Ji Jiu. A cold murderous intent flashed in Ji Jiu's eyes. With the murderous aura sweeping over him, he raised his broadsword and rushed forward to meet the galloping horse.


Blood spurted out, sword shadows crisscrossed, Ji Jiu, one man and one sword, faced the slashing of more than ten horse thieves!



"He's a tough guy, brothers, retreat first!"

After four or five brothers fell in succession, the leading horse thief saw that Ji Jiu was not easy to mess with, and immediately galloped back and wanted to retreat first.

"Want to leave!?"

Ji Jiu turned on the horse, slashed the horse's butt with a sword, and rushed towards the fleeing horse thieves. The horse screamed in pain and galloped as hard as it could!




Arrows flew one after another, and Ji Jiu shot nine arrows in a row, killing all the people who rushed up!


The villagers who came late from afar looked at the tragic scene at the entrance of the village and all took a breath of cold air.


"This... is all done by you?"

"Brother Jiu is awesome!"

A series of exclamations rang out, Ji Jiu turned over and dismounted, collected the weapons and horses of more than ten horse thieves, and said in a deep voice.

"Today I killed more than ten horse thieves, and the thieves in Dangyang Village will definitely not give up."

"Uncles, please go to the nearby villages to ask the veterans who came down from the battlefield and the hunters with excellent archery skills to come to help."

"We have a good relationship with several nearby villages in Jijiazhuang, and many of them are veterans who retired from the northern border. If we can gather them together, Dangyang Village will not be a threat!"



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