Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 355 General Ji Jiu pays respect to His Majesty King Sheng!

"What a handsome swordsmanship!"

"It seems that this young man has also been on the battlefield, and the techniques he used are all battlefield killing moves."

"Looking at his clothes, he is either rich or noble."

A retired veteran next to Ji Jiu had bright eyes and a stooped body, as if he was on the verge of collapse, but he was holding a broad knife in his hand.

"We can't let them die at the hands of Dangyang Village. Let's go and save them first!"

Ji Jiu pondered for a moment, then drew his sword and stepped forward, clapped his horse and killed a group of thieves. Dozens of old soldiers behind him also followed closely, with solemn expressions.

Nowadays, there are many thieves and they are aware of the danger of this battle, but in Dangyang Village, which is a fish and meat village all year round, many people are even sworn in with them!

Now, after a lot of effort, someone has stepped up to the throne and shouted, they will naturally not miss this opportunity for revenge!


"Watch out!"

"Kill together!"

Ji Jiu reminded him, holding a long spear, and went straight to kill him.


Ning Rulai, who was guarding the carriage in the distance, also noticed this group and couldn't help but look startled.

"The person coming is the Zhenxi King's Army, General Ji?"

Hearing Ning Rulai's question, Ji Jiu, who was about to charge, trembled, clamped his legs, and his horse neighed.

"How did you know me?"

"Ha ha!"

Ning Rulai took advantage of the situation and beheaded a thief off his horse, and said loudly: "Today, Ning comes with the nobles to represent the 100,000 brothers in the Western King's army to congratulate General Ji on his wedding!"


Ji Jiu subconsciously glanced at the carriage. Ning Chen finally couldn't sit still anymore. He supported his body with both hands and kept moving towards the front of the carriage.

"Where did this noble man come from? Can you come out and meet him?"

The car curtain opened, revealing an angular face, but the next moment, Ji Jiu suddenly trembled violently, his lips began to tremble, and he rolled directly off the horse.

"Your Highness?"

Ning Chen looked towards Ji Jiu, nodded slightly, and showed a smile on his face.

"Your Highness!"

Ji Jiu's face was full of shock, and two lines of hot tears fell unconsciously from his cheeks. He ignored the hundreds of thieves in front of him and ran towards the carriage!

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Ji Jiu held a spear in his hand, as if he was the devil incarnate. When the spear swept across him, he was knocked upside down, so that the old soldiers behind him were stunned.

At this moment, he seemed to have no regard at all. No matter life or death, no matter how many people blocked his way, he would rush to the palace.


"Your Highness?"

Hearing Ji Jiu's name, an old soldier was startled and looked in the direction of the carriage with some confusion. The thieves around him looked at Ji Jiu's bravery, and for a moment, they also felt fear.


Dozens of old soldiers were like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep. Three of them formed a formation, holding short blades, daggers and spears, and rushed towards the group of horse thieves brazenly.

"Oh shit!"

"Are these people crazy?"

Scar couldn't help but curse. In the blink of an eye, Ji Jiu's figure had reached the carriage. After seeing Ning Chen's face clearly, his body was shaking even more fiercely!


Under the eyes of everyone in amazement, Ji Jiu strode forward, knelt down in front of the carriage, slammed his head on the ground, and roared: "Commander of the Guards Battalion of the Zhenxi King's Army, Ji Jiu, see Marshal !”

Hearing this roar, not only the old soldiers in the distance were stunned, but also the thieves next to them stood stunned for a while.


"Today is your happy day, don't cry."

"Get up quickly!"

Ning Chen had a gentle smile on his face, seemingly not paying attention to the group of thieves holding swords in front of him. He just glanced lightly and said calmly: "Back off!"

An aura of looking down on the world and looking in all directions swept away from Ning Chen. For some reason, the bandits around him couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a look of fear on their faces.

The young man in front of me is obviously a useless person with no strength to restrain himself!

Why are they afraid?

Is it because of that handsome voice?

Absolutely not!

It's because that young man with a somewhat pale complexion exudes an unruffled and self-confident temperament in his movements. People like him seem to be born as princes. When you stand in front of him, you will not be angry at all. There is no resistance at all, only deep awe!


Looking at Ning Chen's current appearance, Ji Jiu burst into tears and choked with sobs: "How could you become like this?"

"Your Highness, stand up!"

"Where is your horse?"

"Where's the spear?"

Ji Jiu couldn't help but stepped forward, holding Ning Chen's shoulders with both hands, shaking them gently.

Ning Rulai on the side also had red eyes and remained silent.

"You are the invincible God of War Dayu!"

"You are the commander-in-chief of the Zhenxi King's Army, commanding an army of 100,000 tigers and wolves!"

"With your hands, you once held a long bow to take the enemy's head, and once held a long spear to charge through thousands of armies. Who made you become like this?"

Ji Jiu's expression was extremely excited. Seeing his commander like this now made him feel even more uncomfortable than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.


"Xiaojiu, it's quite good for me to be like this now."

"Eat and drink."

Seeing the two people reminiscing in front of the carriage, the hundreds of thieves in the distance did not dare to make the slightest move, especially after hearing the words Dayu, God of War!

Commander-in-chief of the Zhenxi King’s Army!

Are you talking about the young man in front of you who looks very frail?

"But in person to His Highness Prince Sheng?"

One of the dozens of veteran soldiers stepped forward and boldly asked.

Ning Chen nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Thank you all for helping me."

"Zhenbei Army, veterans of the Xiaoqi Battalion, meet His Highness King Sheng!"

"Zhenbei Army, centurion in front of Fengyun Camp, see His Highness King Sheng!"

"Zhenbei Army..."

Dozens of old soldiers all had scarlet eyes and excited faces. They handed over their juniors to the thieves, straightened their upper bodies, knelt on one knee in front of Ning Chen, and respectfully performed a military salute.

"All generals will be exempted from the gift!"

"I am very happy to see you today."

"You have acted arrogantly, blocked roads, robbed, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. When you get back, tell your village master and go to the government to plead guilty."

Ning Chen said this lightly, and Scarface's expression suddenly changed. He looked at him with fear and awe. He waved his hands without saying a word, and the group quickly disappeared.

"Xiaojiu, don't waste time, go pick up the bride quickly!"


Ji Jiu nodded, wiped away his tears, got on his horse again, and shouted: "Let's get married quickly."

"Your Highness, please go to my village to rest first."

"I'll talk to you again when I get back from the wedding."


Ning Chen nodded and, led by several men from Jijiazhuang, walked all the way towards Jijiazhuang.

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