Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 359: Your Highness, please reorganize the Zhenxi King Army!



The sound of footsteps sounded. Ning Chen put down the book in his hand and raised his eyes to look out the door. He saw a familiar face appearing in his field of vision. The two looked at each other with trembling expressions!


Ning Fan immediately stepped forward with a look of excitement on his face: "You are really... still alive."


Ning Chen smiled and nodded, holding Ning Fan's big hand: "Why are you here?"

"Jia Xu sent me the news that the king's army in Zhenxi left a spark. After I heard about it, I was very happy."

"I didn't expect to meet my brother!"


Ning Chen smiled intriguingly and said softly: "Brother, I didn't expect our brothers to meet again here."

"Brother, what exactly happened?"

"I received the final message from the front line. You fought alone against the seven great ministers of Da Yan and died of exhaustion."

"But since you are alive, why haven't you told my father and me yet?"

Seeing the excited look on Ning Fan's face, Ning Chen shook his head slightly and sighed sadly: "I was rescued by Uncle Qin that day and has been recuperating in the Northern Territory of Dali."

"Uncle King Qin!"

A look of surprise appeared on Ning Fan's face. After being silent for a long time, he nodded slightly.

There were only two brothers in the entire hall, and the atmosphere was very depressing. For some reason, Ning Fan always felt that there was a little gap between them.

"Brother, does Father know the news about you?"

"I don't know!"

Ning Chen shook his head slightly and said softly: "Today, I am a useless person. I can neither contribute to the court nor be in charge!"

"Xianyun Yehe is also good."

"Away from the right and wrong of the court, I am happy to focus on the mountains and rivers, and take a look at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains of my Dayu!"

Ning Chen smiled self-deprecatingly, but Ning Fan's expression changed slightly. Only then did he notice the thin quilt on Ning Chen's legs, and his expression condensed: "Brother, what's wrong with your legs?"

"No problem!"

Ning Chen smiled, but his expression suddenly changed when he saw Ning Fan step forward and put his hand on Ning Chen's leg.

"How could this be?"

"The meridians are blocked and the blood doesn't circulate?"

"Brother, you..."

Ning Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw the sincere look on Ning Fan's face, and then said with a smile: "I am very good for you, and you are also very good for me, little brother. That's very good."

Seeing Ning Chen's relieved look, Ning Fan was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Dian Wei and his entourage striding in.

"Your Highness, any bandits in Dangyang Village will be killed."


Ning Fan nodded. With Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry taking action, all the thieves and bandits would have no chance of survival.

"Ning Rulai!"

"Your Highness!"

"Take this military talisman. Starting immediately, Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry will be at your disposal. They must deliver the emperor's brother safely to Prince Sheng's Mansion."

"As you command!"

Ning Fan looked at Ning Chen and said, "Brother, Huainan is troubled by many things. I can't return to the capital with you for the time being. I will return to the capital when the new year is over."

After speaking, he took out a jade bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Ning Chen. He said in a deep voice: "There is a pill in it, which can bring the dead back to life, treat all internal and external injuries, and can greatly increase the internal strength. After you return to Beijing, , if the imperial doctor is helpless, just take this pill."

"The Great Returning Pill is the only one left in the world. Brother, I will definitely give you an explanation for the matter in the Western Region."

"Little brother!"

Ning Chen looked solemn and said in a serious voice: "The matter in the Western Region is a national hatred, not a personal hatred!"


"This elixir has a life-saving effect, but it is too expensive. If you use it on me, it will be wasted. You should keep it!"


Ning Fan couldn't help but raise his voice a little higher, and said in a deep voice: "No matter how valuable this elixir is, it can't be compared to half a hair of my brother's hair."

"Besides, after taking this elixir, not only will your legs be healed, but your strength may be even stronger than before!"

"Don't let me down."

When Ning Chen heard this, his expression froze, then he smiled and nodded.

"In that case, thank you brother."

Ning Yao, who was on the side, heard the conversation between the two, and then she reacted and stared straight at Ning Chen's face.

"Brother, you..."

"What happened to your leg?"

"Girl, don't cry."

Seeing Ning Yao rushing up, Ning Chen patted her head lovingly and said with a smile: "It's just a loss of one leg."


After coughing violently, Ning Chen quickly covered his mouth and nose, but he couldn't hide the blush.

"Brother Royal!"

Ning Fan's expression finally changed. Ning Chen wiped his hands with a handkerchief calmly and said calmly: "It's okay. I suffered some internal injuries. It will take a while to recover."

"Go and call Ji Jiu back."


Not long after, Ji Jiu, whose face had changed from childish to green, strode in, knelt down on one knee, and saluted successively: "Ji Jiu, see His Highness King Sheng, His Highness King Yong, and Your Highness the Princess!"

"Okay, there are no outsiders here, no need to be polite!"


"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Ji Jiu cupped his fists and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"You are the last seed of our Zhenxi King's Army and the inheritance of our Zhenxi King's Army."

"I'll give you three choices, you decide for yourself."

"Please give me your orders, Your Highness!"

"First, enjoy glory and wealth. After I return to the capital, I will personally celebrate my victory to my father. I will use the supreme glory of my army to ensure that you will be safe and prosperous throughout your life."

"Secondly, I will send you into the official career. Once you serve as an official, my connections in the court will become your backers. How far you can go depends on your luck."

"Your Highness, I will announce the third one!"

Before Ning Chen could say the third option, Ji Jiu said in a sonorous and powerful manner: "Ji Jiu's life is not in Jijiazhuang, nor in the court. Please help me!"


Ning Chen also sighed leisurely, with a little more regret in his expression: "Brothers will not blame you. With your achievements, no one will say anything bad about you."

"You don't need to tie the mission of the Zhenxi King's Army to yourself. The king is still alive, this is not your responsibility. "

"Your Highness!"

"I am entrusted by the four generals to ask the court and His Majesty to reorganize the Zhenxi King Army!"

"If the wishes of the four generals are not fulfilled, Ji Jiu will have nothing to live for!"


Ning Chen's expression turned cold, and he said in a low voice: "You are talking like this, where do you put your parents, wife and children?"

"Your Highness!"

Ji Jiu also did not give in, and tears could not help but slide down his cheeks. I don't know why, the young man who used to be strong and never frowned under the swords and swords, now like a crying child, crying at every turn.

"Ji Jiu, on behalf of the 100,000 brothers and 100,000 heroic souls of the Zhenxi King Army, begs Your Highness to ask the court to reorganize the Zhenxi King Army!"

After saying that, he knelt on one knee and smashed his head heavily on the ground.


Ning Fan, who had not spoken before, spoke up, with a serious face: "The King of Zhenxi Army has made great military achievements for my Dayu. The battle in the western border cost the lives of 100,000 men!"

"I think that the King of Zhenxi Army is the military soul of my Dayu. The inheritance cannot be broken!"


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