Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 362 Emperor Yu’s warning, requesting the power of regent!

"Your son pays respects to the emperor!"

"Stand up!"

King Qi Lin stood up and secretly glanced at Emperor Yu. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that his face was calm, and glared at Wei Zheng beside him.

This old man was so hateful. In just half a month, he repeatedly contradicted him and meddled in his affairs.

But he was appointed by his father, and he could do nothing about him.

"Father, why did you summon me?"


Emperor Yu hummed lightly and said indifferently: "Wei Aiqing impeached you, excluded dissidents, deceived superiors and subordinates, what do you have to say?"

"Father, it's unjust!"

Ning An knelt on the ground at once, with a somewhat aggrieved tone: "Since Lord Wei was conferred the title by you, I have been strict with myself and set an example, and I dare not slack off in the slightest."

"As for excluding dissidents and appointing people based on personal connections, it is even more nonsense!"

"If you don't believe it, please investigate it in detail."

Looking at Ning An's aggrieved expression, Emperor Yu's expression gradually became colder, and he said in a deep voice: "Wei Zheng, King Qi Lin said he was wronged."

"Your Majesty, I have evidence. In the capital area, more than 12,300 acres of potatoes have been cultivated since the day before. There are many people who lie and make false reports. Some landlords even let the people take their place in order to enjoy the tax reduction policy of the court!"

"More than 7,400 acres of sweet potatoes have been cultivated, but the number reported by King Qi Lin is more than 9,700 acres!"

"Moreover, since the spring plowing, Your Highness has never been to the farmland, never met the people, but has accepted bribes and gifts and met with officials at all levels."

"Please investigate clearly, Your Majesty."

Wei Zheng also cupped his hands, but King Qi Lin on the side was sweating profusely. How could this old man know so much about these things?

Knowing that Wei Zheng was the man of King Yong, he had long been on guard against him, but he did not expect...

"Father... lied about the cultivated area, I really did not know, and Lord Wei never mentioned it to me."

"This matter was handled by subordinates and the Ministry of Revenue. I will definitely investigate it thoroughly and give you an explanation."

"As for accepting bribes, personal relationships, and the matter of spring plowing, it is inevitable that the local government will cooperate, so I cannot stay out of it."

"But no matter what, I know the law and break it. Please let me die!"

Ning An removed the responsibility of deceiving and lying in a few words, but he took the initiative to ask for punishment after making a sophistry about accepting bribes.


Emperor Yu listened to the sophistry of his third son, who was well-known among the people, and smiled a little.

"So, you don't admit to lying about the data, but you do admit to taking bribes?"

"Yes!" Ning An's face was honest: "I did accept some gifts from subordinates, but I always kept a bottom line!"

"Hahaha, what a bottom line!"

Emperor Yu had a bit of sarcasm on his face, and said coldly: "The ways of the world really opened my eyes."

"It's ridiculous!"

Ning An knelt on the ground, silent, and no longer quibbled. Emperor Yu looked at Wei Zheng on the side and said softly: "Xuan "Accepted, from now on, you will be in charge of all matters related to spring ploughing."

"You will inspect Jiangbei on my behalf. All the arable land in the counties will be planted with sweet potatoes and potatoes first."

"As ordered!"

"All right, you can leave first!"

"I'm leaving!"

After Wei Zheng left, Emperor Yu slowly stood up, walked to Ning An, and said calmly: "Look up and look at me."

"Father...I dare not..."


Hearing Emperor Yu's cold snort, Ning An raised his head slightly, but still dared not look directly at him.

Emperor Yu pulled his clothes, slowly squatted down, looked straight at Ning An, and said lightly: "I ask you, do you want to be the emperor?"


Ning An's expression changed drastically. Even though he was very intelligent and cunning, he felt a chill in his heart when he heard Emperor Yu ask such a straightforward question.

"Father, I dare not!"

"Father, your majesty is above me. I will do my best to assist you and protect the country and the people."


Emperor Yu's expression was full of disappointment, and he sighed softly: "In your opinion, how does your talent compare to King Sheng and King Yong?"

"I am a person of limited talent and learning. My talent and virtue are not even one tenth of that of my brother King Sheng, and my ability is far from comparable to that of His Royal Highness King Yong."


"In my opinion, you are a complete idiot!"

"Short-sighted, narrow-minded, and without any foresight!"

Emperor Yu suddenly pointed at Ning An's nose burst into a curse: "In your eyes, there are only some petty gains and losses of daily life."

"I let you participate in politics, and even handed over the important matter of spring plowing to you, but what about you?"

"You took advantage of the situation to eliminate dissidents and cultivate confidants. Do you think I am gone?"

"You are the prince of the current dynasty. I have high hopes for you, but for a mere yellow and white thing, you don't hesitate to leave a stain on yourself."

"How stupid!"

Hearing Emperor Yu's reprimand, Ning An was a little flustered, but as if struck by lightning, his face was full of regret.

"Do you have any complaints about me letting Zhuge Liang take over Qi Lin?"

"Your son dare not!"

"I dare not!" Emperor Yu kicked Ning An to the ground: "Then there is?"


"Forget it... Go down and reflect on it!"

"I will give you another chance to do the spring plowing for me, do it well, and do it safely."

"Get out!"

"Thank you, father... Your son will leave!"

After Ning An left, the anger on Emperor Yu's face disappeared instantly, and he said calmly: "From now on, every move of King Qi Lin will be reported every day!"




Imperial capital.

Donghuang Palace.

The skinny old emperor sat on the dragon chair, half leaning on the armrest, looking at the ministers below, with a gloomy face.

"Your Majesty, Dayu's troops are less than thirty miles away from my imperial city."

"I ask your Majesty to move the capital."

An old minister at the bottom knelt on the ground to advise, and all the court officials knelt on the ground.

"Report, Your Majesty, the third princess wants to see you."


A graceful figure walked in, and all the ministers bowed their heads deeply.

In just half a year, this delicate and unpopular third princess stepped into the power core of Donghuai step by step with her own skills.

Even Donghuang had to abolish the legacy of his ancestors that "the harem should not interfere in politics".

It's not that the Emperor Dong is stupid, there is really no other way!

"Son, I pay my respects to the Emperor!"

"Stand up!"

"Thank you, Father!"

The old emperor's eyes fell on Qu Hongxiu, and he whispered, "Any news about Dayu?"

"Our envoys are about to enter the capital, and Dayu's court is still wavering."

"Your son begs the Emperor to grant me the power to govern the country."

As soon as Qu Hongxiu finished speaking, all the court officials in Donghuai changed color, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, you can't!"

"Since the founding of Donghuai, there has never been a precedent of a woman governing the country!"

"Absolutely not."


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