On the grassland, in late autumn, tribes migrated, the autumn wind rustled, and the barbarian army stretching for dozens of miles carried their luggage and drove cattle and sheep on the grassland.

This kind of nomadic people migrates several times every spring and autumn.



Above the edge, a group of black cavalry galloped towards them, like a group of fast-moving black clouds. A figure at the head could be vaguely seen, riding a tall horse, wearing a red cloak at the waist, and holding a Fangtian painted halberd.

The cavalry behind him was possessed by black armor and holding a spear in his hand. Even though he was several miles away, he could feel a killing aura coming towards his face!


"This is...the black cavalry...is Dayu's cavalry!"

Several leaders of the barbarians looked away, suddenly frightened. In this short period of half a year, countless tribesmen were killed by this iron cavalry. They were like the gods of death crawling out of hell and became the heroes of the grassland herdsmen. Nightmare!

"The ghost army brought a catastrophe to our grassland back then. Now, a new god of death has arrived!"

"O Lord of Eternal Heaven, save your suffering believers!"

"Great Lord Barbarian God, please save the children who are deeply lost!"

Many older herdsmen knelt on the ground devoutly, and figures rode forward on their horses to guard the tribal leader.

"Defend the enemy!"

The leading general gave an order, and thousands of barbarians rode forward, slowly raising their scimitars and looking solemnly at the galloping Dayu cavalry.

"Wolf flag!"

"Why did Dayu's troops and horses rear up their wolf cavalry?"

"It's actually a heavy cavalry..."

The faces of many barbarian soldiers sank, and a look of sadness rose in their hearts, but it was replaced by a look of determination in an instant. Now that their wives, children, and children were all behind them, they could not retreat, but had to fight to the death!


The cavalry galloped on the grassland, and the distance of several miles was only the time of a stick of incense. Lu Bu held the halberd in his hand, shouted low, the red rabbit horse neighed, and fearlessly took the lead, charging towards the barbarian cavalry!

"Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, charge!"

Lu Bu's face was grim. In half a year, he regained his glory as a "flying general" on the grassland. He had ten thousand men under his command. When he left the border, he was fully equipped. Now he has lost more than a thousand, but his murderous spirit is getting stronger. pressing.

The riding skills of the barbarians are unparalleled in the world. Every barbarian grew up on a horse and was proficient in bow and horse since childhood. But now, they are facing the most elite Bingzhou wolf cavalry in the Xiliang army!

More barbaric?

More brutal?

Riding competition?

No matter from any aspect, it is enough to be completely crushed, not to mention, there is a ten thousand enemy Lu Bu!

"The Yu people are rushing over."

"How brave! This leader dares to ride into the battle alone. All the generals obey the order and capture him for me!"

"As long as the general of this cavalry dies, we can still reverse..."

Before the tribal leader finished speaking, the man wearing the animal-faced head-swallowing chain armor shook his arms. He picked up the long bow from his waist, bent the bow and set the arrow, and moved smoothly, all in one go!




A series of arrows struck directly at the barbarian leader. In an instant, they seemed to be wrapped in the power of thunder and passed directly through the chest.

A bleak autumn wind blew gently, and on the vast grassland, except for the galloping sound of horse hooves, there was no other noise.


"Leave no one behind!"

Lu Bu's face showed sharp edges and coldness. In his previous life, he had considered thieves as his father several times and became the laughing stock of the world. He was also ridiculed by the "Yan Thief" as a domestic slave with three surnames.

Now, with the opportunity to live a new life, he, Lu Bu, is going to counterattack!

Half an hour later, only messy corpses and scattered horses were left on the grassland.


In front of the Commerce Bureau Yamen.

Cai Yi took out a command talisman in her hand, walked to the guard, and slightly raised her hand: "Cai Yi of the Cai family, the deacon in front of the Overwatch Council, would like to see Bureau Shen!"

While talking, Cai Yi also had a look of apprehension on his face. If he were an ordinary person, with his name as the Supervisory Yuan, he would meet him as soon as he could, but this person is the top leader of the Commerce Bureau!

The famous people in the palace, I heard that you don’t need to apply for admission to the Yongwang Palace.

"People from the Overwatch Council?"

When the guard heard this, there was a look of surprise on his face. He hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll report it to you, but Bureau Shen is busy with business, can I see you..."

"No problem, please tell me. By the way, it was Mr. Zhao Yun and Zhao from Jin Yiwei who asked me to come!"



The guard walked into the commerce bureau with a look of anxiety on Cai Yi's face.

Is the title of brother-in-law really useful?

Not long after, a middle-aged man in rich clothes and fat head walked out of the Yamen. When he saw Cai Yi, he showed a kind smile: "But Mr. Cai Yi?"

"Shen Bureau!"

Seeing the legendary Director Shen, Cai Yi immediately showed excitement and stepped forward and bowed: "Director Shen, I have admired you for a long time!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Cai, you're welcome. If you want to come to our commercial bureau, just go in directly. Why do you need to report?"

"You all must remember this. Whenever Mr. Cai comes to my business bureau in the future, you must not stop him."


Hearing Shen Wansan's words, the guards on the side nodded like chickens, secretly afraid in their hearts. Fortunately, they did not offend this man!

"Master Cai, please come inside!"

"Yeah, please!"

Cai Yi followed Shen Wansan a little stiffly, and sighed in his heart. His brother-in-law's connections were really amazing!

I didn't expect that a person like Director Shen could meet him at any time. If he could get close to him, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in Lingzhou City in the future?

The two came to the hall of the Commercial Bureau. Many merchants gathered here. Seeing Shen Wansan, they bowed and saluted.

"Sir Shen!"

"Yes!" Shen Wansan nodded with a smile and said softly: "Everyone, Shen is entertaining guests today. Please wait a moment!"

"Sir Shen, please go first!"

Looking at the flattering faces of the merchants, Cai Yi became even more embarrassed. How could he be so virtuous that Director Shen could put down his business to entertain him?

"Brother Cai, come and try the new tea that my company has just roasted. It's not on the market yet!"

"Come on, good tea!"

Seeing Shen Wansan being so polite, Cai Yi felt uncomfortable all over. After sitting down, he went straight to the point.

"Director Shen..."

"Why Director Shen? Master Cai, you and I are of similar age. If you don't mind, call me Brother Shen!"


"What?" Shen Wansan looked at Cai Yi's hesitant face and said with a straight face, "Could it be that Brother Cai still despises me, Brother Shen?"

Cai Yi was immediately ashamed and thought to himself, "A difference of more than ten years is considered similar in age?"

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Wansan smiled and said, "That's right, come on Brother Cai, if you have anything, just ask me."

"Today, as long as my Commercial Bureau can help you, I will definitely get it done for you."


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