Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 392 Going to Cai's house for important business!

"It's so stupid!"

Ning Fan scolded him mercilessly. This time, even Lin Yong on the side couldn't help but frown slightly. Wu Xiaowu clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Your Highness, although you have the blood of both the Yu and Zhou dynasties, the eldest princess married Yu the Great, and now you are the only royal orphan of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"This sentence should not come from your mouth."

"Even if you don't want to return to the country, you shouldn't say such words."

Looking at Wu Xiaowu's secretly clenched fists, Ning Fan shook his head with a serious look on his face. He looked at Wu Xiaowu and said solemnly: "You just said that it was Dayu who took away your Zhou Dynasty." territory!”

"But more than a hundred years ago, didn't the Zhou Dynasty seize the power of the Sui Dynasty?"

"The various princes split the land, and then the Central Plains countries came into being. Over the past hundred years, dozens of princes, big and small, perished in the chaos. How long did this world belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty?"


"The world has never been the world of Zhou, nor the world of Dayu, nor the world of Zhou and Ning, but the world of the people of the world!"

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Wu Xiaowu's expression was startled, and then it was replaced by a complicated expression. Lin Yong also looked at Ning Fan deeply.

With such a pattern, the overlords of the Central Plains countries are no better!

"So, His Highness has no intention of rebelling against Yu Fuzhou?"


Ning Fan shook his head directly and said solemnly: "If I want something in this world, I will get it, but not for the sake of my family!"

"If I want to take it, no one can stop me, not even the court of Yu the Great, nor the remnants of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"The times are like this. In great battles, the king becomes the king and the bandits lose. If the Zhou Dynasty loses, it means it loses."

"Now, barbarians from all directions are invading our Central Plains, and the countries in the Western Region are watching with eager eyes. If it were not blocked by the western desert, I am afraid that the iron cavalry of the Western Region would have opened the door to our Central Plains."

"The rise and fall of the world is just a struggle between two surnames, but in the end it is the people who suffer."

"The Central Plains has been in chaos for more than a hundred years, and it's time to end this chaos."

"This king once talked with my mother. If I want to fight, my mother will help me. Although my mother has been living in seclusion in the palace for these years, her talents will not be without any back-ups."

"This king is fighting for this world, not for the Great Zhou Dynasty, but for the people of the world, in order to end these more than a hundred years of disputes."

Ning Fan's righteous and righteous words directly stunned Wu Xiaowu, and even Lin Yong on the side showed a strong sense of surprise.

After following his second master for many years, this was the first time he heard such domineering words coming from his mouth, and it was also the first time he saw his second master display such a pattern.

For the sake of the world, listen to this pattern!

"My king's ambition is not about the rise and fall of a dynasty, but for the honor and disgrace of our people in the Central Plains. The barbarian countries from all directions have been causing chaos in our Central Plains for a long time."

"One day, my Dayu's iron hooves will flatten the Northern Desert, push across the southern grasslands, cross the Guanshan Mountains, cross the East China Sea, and clean up the Western Regions. I will be the only one in the world!"

"Wherever the rivers reach and where the sun and moon shine are all my territory, Yu the Great."

Ning Fan slowly put his hands behind his back. There was a hint of pretense in these words, but most of them came from the bottom of his heart!

Nowadays, not to mention the heroes of China who have not yet entered the world, the hundreds of schools of thought, the saints and sages, and the outstanding figures who have already entered the world alone are enough to sweep across a country!

This is his confidence.

It is also the support for the future, and it is never a person behind him, but the foundation accumulated by me over the past five thousand years!

"Your Highness!"

"I am willing to join the Iron Smelting Workshop."

Wu Laogui knelt down directly in front of Ning Fan with a sincere look on his face, and Lin Yong also had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Chen Kuan on the side burst out with a desire for survival in his eyes, and he threw himself into the ground and said: "Chen Kuan is willing to die for His Highness, go through fire and water, no matter what!"

"Get up!"

Ning Fan's body has already surged with a hint of power. In just one year, he has completely transformed from an ordinary ordinary person to Prince Dayu who exudes endless power with every move he makes!

I dare not say that I have seen the world, but I have experienced ups and downs. I dare not say that I am talented, but I am also versatile. I dare not say that I am rich in the world, but I still have hundreds of millions of dollars.

I dare not say that I have millions of armors, but I can tell you that I have the confidence to compete with all the major dynasties.

"Xiaowu, you are from the Zhou Dynasty. I have the blood of the Zhou Dynasty, so I will definitely not kill my mother's family. But I would like to inform you that the Great Zhou Dynasty is dead."

"The wheel of history will not turn back because of you, and the huge waves of the times will not become calm because of you."

"The little power you have in your hands is not enough to overthrow the state of Zuo. If you really think about it for the Great Zhou Dynasty and the people left behind by the Great Zhou Dynasty, then don't break their peaceful life."

After hearing Ning Fan's advice, Wu Xiaowu was also deeply impressed by his resonant words.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Okay, that's all. See you later!"

Ning Fan turned around and was about to leave. Lin Yong on the side also gave Wu Xiaowu a complicated look and said softly: "Xiaowu, His Highness lacks someone who can lead the way, why not stay with His Highness?"

"No matter what, the blood of our Zhou royal family is always flowing in His Highness's body, isn't it?"

After saying that, he followed Ning Fan closely. Only then did Wu Xiaowu react and said quickly: "Your Highness, Wu Xiaowu is willing to serve His Highness. Please take him under his wing."

Ning Fan paused, looked at Wu Xiaowu, turned on the system, glanced at it, and then showed a gentle smile: "In that case, let's go!"

After walking out of Wu's weapons store, Ning Fan suddenly stopped and said with a playful expression: "Old Wu, you just said that there is someone above you, who is it?"


A sneer appeared on Wu Laogui's face, and he said softly: "Your Highness, my son serves in the Supervisory Yuan and can talk to people in the government..."


Ning Fan smiled, stepped onto the carriage, glanced at the plainclothes man next to him, and the carriage slowly drove towards the palace!

"System, sign in!"

"Congratulations, master, for getting 10 sets of fancy clothes~"

"Fancy costumes!"

After Ning Fan took a look at the system space, his face suddenly flushed with embarrassment. This was so embarrassing (exciting)!


"Uncle Lin, change the route to Cai Mansion."

"The king has important matters to discuss."

After the sound came from the carriage, Lin Yong turned the horse's head with a look of confusion on his face.

"Master, the weather is very sunny today, why don't we go to Goulan to listen to some music?"

"Don't go!"

"It's business!"

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