
The generals were also inspired to fight by Ning Fan's words, and their blood surged up. Everyone showed a passionate expression, and their eyes were filled with fighting intent.

Lu Bu and Yang Zaixing seemed to be competing with each other as they both sped up and guarded Ning Fan on the left and right.

"Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, follow me to kill!"


The white-robed army under Chen Qingzhi was the fastest, like a sharp sword, piercing directly into the enemy's prepared battle formation!

"Xuanjia Army, charge!"

Ran Min, Lu Bu and Yang Zaixing directly formed the first echelon, following closely behind Ning Fan. Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Huo Qubing, Guan Yu and others formed the second echelon. The generals directly left the army behind them far away. !

"Ghost and God Halberd Technique - Unparalleled!"

"King of Heaven's Cross - Shadow Spear Soldier!"

"The Raptor Spear Technique—Dragon Roaring to the Sky!"

Seeing thousands of troops and horses lying in front, the general charging at the front did not show any fear. He turned on the gun without saying anything, Lu Bu's body flashed with purple electricity, Ran Min was swept by evil energy, and Yang Zaixing The powerful energy even let out a dragon roar!


With a roar, the three peerless military generals rushed directly into the enemy's formation. The terrifying Gang Qi frenzy tore a hole in the army in front of them. The figures were involved in the Gang Qi and were directly knocked away.

Screams, calls to kill, the sound of horse hooves, and the sounds of fighting were intertwined.


The 10,000 white-robed troops directly detoured from the left wing and strangled the flank of the coalition of princes. Chen Qingzhi's force was mediocre, but in terms of tactics, he was definitely at the top level. He held a long spear in his hand and seemed to be integrated with the army behind him.


"Your Majesty, the front army has been breached!"

"Saw it!"

King Qi also had a look of solemnity on his face. He looked at the figures standing side by side and took a deep breath: "Everyone, we have underestimated Dali's combat power!"

"Heavy Cavalry!"

"Damn it, Dali is not a powerful country in the Central Plains, how could it have such a powerful cavalry!"

"King Xu, your formation has been dispersed."

The middle-aged man known as King Xu also looked livid, and his eyes contained monstrous anger: "Why did this damn white-robed cavalry only attack my king's phalanx?"

"Everyone, please send troops for reinforcements quickly!"

King Xu looked at the other princes. Except for King Qi, who had a solemn look on his face, the others all looked at him with gloating, seemingly enjoying this scene.

"Why panic!"

"Look at the enemy's battle, they only have 30,000 cavalry to hold them to death!"

"We have an army of 300,000 men under our command. Even if we stand still and let them kill them, we will still have to kill them for two days and nights."

King Chu, who had always been at odds with King Xu, almost smiled. He even asked the attendant next to him to hand him a cup of tea. He stood on the high platform and looked into the distance, and said calmly: "King Xu, your soldiers and horses are not good enough. I have made preparations to meet the enemy, but I still can’t stop the Central Plains people from charging!”

"Tsk, tsk, you didn't deliberately bring out a bunch of rabble to embarrass yourself, did you?"

"King Chu, are you looking for death?"


King Chu laughed loudly, knowing that King Xu was furious at this moment, so he stopped irritating him with words.

"Okay, you don't have to watch the excitement."

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If King Xu's formation is broken up, it will be of no benefit to us."

"King Lu, go and help King Xu resist the white-robed cavalry!"

Finally, King Qi spoke and looked at King Lu: "Your backing camp is the nemesis of the cavalry. I will leave this white-robed army to you and let King Cheng support you!"


"Everyone, as I said before, the enemy is at hand!"

"Go quickly and give orders. We must wipe out all three cavalry here today."


Ning Fan waved the Fierce Dragon Soul-Severing Spear in his hand, looking into the distance, looking at the dark coalition of princes in front of him, and shouted: "Those who can cut down the enemy's royal flag, I will personally serve wine to celebrate."

"Hahaha, lord, I want all nine of these royal flags!"

Lu Bu laughed loudly, and the red rabbit horse galloped with four hooves on his crotch. He jumped several feet and rushed towards a royal flag directly in front. Ran Min raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said lightly: "Marquis Wen has said it."

"Hmph, these three family slaves are really arrogant."

Xu Chu was unconvinced and chased in the direction of Lu Bu. Dian Wei also grinned, looked at Ning Fan and said, "My lord, I'm going too."

"Yang Zaixing is here!"


One after another figures came out of the formation, but the veteran behind Ning Fan was not seen. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised. He calmly took off the long bow on the horse and narrowed his eyes: "It's all garbage."

Accompanied by the sound of a bowstring, the arrow seemed to turn into a stream of light. Under the envelope of Gang Qi, it seemed to be mixed with the power of thunder, passing over the numerous figures, and shot straight towards Zhao Wangqi!

"Break it for me!"

Lu Bu charged at the front. He waved his halberd in his hand, and the Gang Qi vibrated and turned into a shock wave, knocking back the enemy troops in all directions. He looked towards the King Zhao flag and said, "I, Lu Bu, have taken this first flag."

As he said that, he jumped into the air and rushed towards the royal flag.

"not good!"

"Quick, protect the king's flag!"

"All generals obey the order and kill this officer."

When all the generals under the command of King Zhao saw that Lu Bu had taken up the idea of ​​their king's flag, they also looked angry: "How dare you, thief, whoever touches my king's flag will die!"

Five or six figures almost jumped at the same time, rushing towards Lu Bu from all directions, and arrows shot into the void, as if they wanted to shoot Lu Bu into a dice.

"Jumping clown!"


Lu Bu tightly grasped the Fang Tian Hua Ji, raised it above his head and swung it clockwise in a circle, and the arc of the Qi shook in all directions. In just a moment, several generals under the command of King Zhao who had just rushed up were directly cut off!

"King's flag!"

Just as Lu Bu's figure was infinitely close to the King Zhao's flag, a stream of light accurately shot through the flagpole of King Zhao, and the flag fell down.

Lu Bu's expression also froze, and he suddenly turned around, and saw an old general in the distance raising his longbow in his hand: "Wen Hou, this flag belongs to me."

"Huang Hansheng!"

Lu Bu gritted his teeth and glared at Huang Zhong, looked around, and then looked at the next king's flag.


The battlefield gradually became chaotic, but as the Black Armor Army and Bingzhou Wolf Riders broke into the formation, it was like a mountain moving sideways, the sea towering over the sky, unshakable and difficult to match.

Under the armor, two murderous eyes were revealed, and the cold spear was mounted on the armored horse, like a war machine, pushing all the way and breaking into the enemy formation.

The galloping horse hooves stepped on the flesh and blood, facing the sword light and shadow, facing the arrows and spears, and charging forward fearlessly.

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