Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 509: Under the Nine-Layer Pass, the princes challenged each other!


"Are you from the underworld?"

Luo Yuan seemed to have thought of something. He stared at the men in black who were constantly surrounding him with horror, and a hint of despair surged in his heart.

"Underworld?" King Xu's pupils shrank suddenly: "The number one killer organization in the world, I have no enmity with you..."

"My lord, you just said that they are a killer organization!"

Upon hearing Luo Yuan's reminder, King Xu's expression suddenly froze, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, that's it!"

"I see!"

"King Chu, I have underestimated you."

"What a great trick. It's really a big deal. For my sake, I don't even hesitate to ask the underworld to take action."

"This king is unwilling to give in!"

King Xu's expression was extremely excited, but there was never any panic in his eyes, until the leader's black-clothed figure swept away and stabbed straight at him with the dagger in his hand.

"Protect me!"

King Xu spoke in a deep voice, and a thin figure silently descended in front of him, blocking the killing sword in an understatement.

"Mr. Ge!"

The person standing in front of the man in black was an old man in linen clothes. Luo Yuan and the old man were the only two people left beside King Xu. The leader of the man in black condensed his eyes and glanced at the old man: "withdraw!"

After giving the order, the underworld killer behind him didn't hesitate at all. In a few flying passes, his figure disappeared into the dense forest.

"Your Majesty?"

"Don't chase."

King Xu looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The killers of the underworld always collect money to do things. The king will write down this account for them first."

"Get out of here first."


The old man in sackcloth glanced at Luo Yuan and disappeared again. Luo Yuan and King Xu ran all the way. Half an hour later, the sky was dark and the full moon was hanging high.


King Xu breathed out a deep breath, and his face showed the pleasure of surviving the disaster: "Hahaha, God will not stop me!"



The sound of horse hooves sounded in front of them, and thousands of cavalry were seen galloping towards them. The 'Xu' flag was flying in front of the array.

"Your Majesty, he is our cavalry!"


"I survived!"

"It is rumored that the underworld is taking action, seducing the souls at the cost of their lives, and there is no way to survive!"

"Today, I am the first to survive from the underworld, thanks to Mr. Ge!"

"Let's go back first..."

As soon as King Xu finished his words, he was about to run towards the oncoming cavalry. A cold voice sounded behind him: "Your Highness, no one has ever been able to survive from my hands in the underworld, and neither can you." exception."

This indifferent voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Purgatory, without any emotional color. After King Xu's pupils shrank violently, he saw a sword tip piercing through his chest, and his pupils were also rapidly dilating!

"Luo Yuan!"

"I am not willing to give in...I am not willing to give in!"

"King Chu, kill me until you die!"

"Don't die...don'!"

After King Xu neighed for the last time, he fell straight off his horse. Luo Yuan, whose eyes were about to burst, shouted: "Your Majesty!"

"Zhuzi, you are seeking death!"

Before he could say the second sentence, the cold dagger directly passed through Luo Yuan's neck, and his figure swept towards the dense forest again.

When the cavalry from the distance rushed towards him, Luo Yuan fell to the ground and struggled, shouting: "Avenge the prince, Chu...King Chu..."

"Your Majesty!"

"General Luo!"

One after another figures flew off their horses and rushed directly in front of the two of them. When they put their hands on the tips of their noses, they already made no sound.

Outside Jiuchong Pass.

The armies of the princes were arrayed in the city, wearing strong armor and carrying sharp swords. Their military appearance was neat and tidy. In front of the array, their shields were raised high and their spears were protruding.

The dull sound of war drums sounded from the tower.



The soldiers of the three armies shouted in unison, and a burly man wearing tiger head armor and holding a heavy gun rushed out of the formation and shouted: "Submit the letter of challenge!"


One man and one riding a Pegasus rushed towards the Eightfold Pass. When they rushed to the foot of the pass, an arrow sent a letter of challenge.




The shouts of killing were loud, and the allied forces of the princes stretched for more than ten miles. On the tower of Eighth Pass, Ning Fan held a telescope and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"It seems that yesterday's battle didn't hurt them anymore!"


A sneer appeared on Ran Min's face, and he said lightly: "My lord, the last general invites you to fight!"


"It's okay to rub their dignity."

"It seems like you are preparing to fight today?"

"Who gave them the courage, Lu Bu?"

Beside Ning Fan, Yang Zaixing, Dian Wei and others were all gearing up, showing a bit of eagerness to try.

"Let's go out for a while!"


The city gate of Eighth Pass was opened, Ning Fan and others were wearing strong armor, and the empress was also wearing a battle robe, following beside him, the dragon flag was fluttering, and the flag was fluttering.

The sound of war drums also resounded on the tower of Eightfold Pass, but it was even thicker and louder.

"General Da Li, do you dare to fight with me!"

The burly man clapped his horse forward, pointing the heavy gun in his hand at Ning Fan's square formation. The aura swept over him, sending sand and rocks flying, and the momentum was horrifying.

"Peerless general!"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a bit of surprise, Ran Min just glanced at him and lost interest.

"Who's going?"

"Lord, let me go!"

Dian Wei grinned, carrying two halberds on his shoulders. Xu Chu beside him was also excited: "Elai, don't fight with me this time."

"I just entered the peerless world, so I can practice with this guy."


Dian Wei nodded, but Huang Zhong beside him narrowed his eyes, slowly raised the longbow in his hand, and remained silent.


Xu Chu shouted loudly, holding the Chiyou Waterfall Fragment and killing the enemy general.

"Who is coming?"

"Do you dare to tell me your name?"

"Xu Chu!"

Xu Chu shouted loudly, and flew up on his horse. There was a faint aura rising from his body, and Ning Fan's face also showed a hint of expectation.

Unconsciously, it seemed that all the peerless generals began to walk everywhere.


In front of the princes' camp, the King of Qi and others stood on horseback, looking at Xu Chu, and asked in confusion: "Who is this person who is also a peerless warrior?"

"I don't know!"

"Xu Chu, I don't seem to have heard of him."

"General Lu, do you know the details of this person?"


Lu Bu responded indifferently, and said softly: "This person is also among the top 50 on the list of famous generals. His strength should not be underestimated. I am afraid we will lose this battle."


The King of Qi frowned slightly, and a hint of displeasure appeared on his face. He said in a deep voice: "Yang Xiao is a general under my command. He has already entered the ranks of peerless warriors. Can any unknown junior be able to match him?"

"Yes, General Lu is a bit exaggerated. This battle, even if we can't win, we will never lose."

All the princes looked expectant, and looked at Yang Xiao with a little hope in their eyes. In today's battle, we must not lose no matter what!


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