
"This time, let's see who can save you."

Xu Chu's eyes fell on Yang Xiao, who was seriously injured and dying. He patted his horse and came forward again, but he heard a sudden voice from behind: "General Zhongkang, please go back and rest."


Xu Chu also instantly understood that this Yang Xiao could not be killed, so he immediately turned his horse's head, and Yang Zaixing, who had just rushed into battle, went straight towards Ding Ya, who was galloping in the distance.

"Thieves will die!"

With a loud shout, the air waves rolled, and the strong energy swept across, like an overwhelming mountain!

"Another peerless one!"

The princes who were watching from a distance all had expressions of stagnation, and their expressions were extremely ugly. How could a small Da Li show off several peerless figures?

The nine princes and peerless generals in Guanshan can only be counted in one hand.

When did the peerless general become such a bad guy?

"I feel so angry."

"The greatest enemy, the greatest enemy in life."

Ding Ya's expression also restrained his arrogance, and instead he looked solemn. The two figures were infinitely close, and the two areas of Gang Qi gradually merged, ten feet, five feet, three feet!

Before the fight, fine cold sweat broke out on Ding Ya's forehead. The entire battlefield was silent, as if everyone's eyes were attracted to these two figures.



The only sound left on the battlefield was the sound of galloping horses' hooves. Yang Zaixing's expression was extremely calm. Looking at Ding Ya, there seemed to be a trace of fear in the eyes of the horse under his crotch.


Yang Zaixing shouted loudly, and the golden gun in his hand was not slow, and it was packed with fierce Gang Qi and stabbed straight towards Ding Ya. Ding Ya bit his lip tightly, his face was also slightly distorted, and the Gang Qi all over his body was crazy towards Ding Ya. The limbs gathered together and left.


Ding Ya shouted low, and the sword in his hand instantly gathered a sword light that was several feet long, as if it wanted to tear the clear sky apart.


There was a roar, and when Yang Zaixing's spear touched Ding Ya's sword light, the violent and terrifying Gang Qi tore it apart directly, but the castration was not slow. After the spear light collapsed, it turned into a series of sharp Gang blades. Whistling towards Dingya.


A stream of blood spurted out from Ding Ya, and the war horse under his crotch was turned into a puddle of flesh. The whole person was also knocked away violently, and blood spurted out wildly.


Yang Zaixing's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he looked at Ding Ya with a solemn look. With a flash of his body, he jumped directly into the air. The golden gun in his hand transformed into countless gun shadows, and he stabbed Ding Ya in the air.



Blood splashed one after another, and the gun shadow roared past like a strong wind, piercing Ding Ya's body with dozens of bloody holes.

The entire battlefield was already silent. Not only were the various princes silent for a long time, but even Dian Wei, Guan Yu and others looked at Yang Zaixing in shock.

Now, they are both in the peerless category, but despite this, they still can't take Yang Zaixing's two shots.

How terrifying is his strength?


"How is it possible... Ding Ya is one of the best generals under my command!"

"Who is he? Tell me, who is he?"

King Qi's face was furious, and he stared at Yang Zaixing with a bit of fear, but more of hatred.

Unexpectedly, for a Yang Xiao, he would hook up with Ding Ya.

Yang Zaixing picked up Ding Ya's figure with a shot, and dragged him back towards Dali's camp. Almost at the same time, Lu Bu and Ran Min opened their eyes almost at the same time. Thousands of sparks arose.


King Zhao cast his gaze on Lu Bu, with some ardent expectation in his eyes. Lu Bu nodded slightly, clamped his legs, and the red rabbit horse under his crotch seemed to turn into an afterimage, and rushed towards the battlefield. .

Ran Min in the distance rushed out almost at the same time. The aura of the two of them was constantly rising. The scarlet gas and red arcs swept away from the two people. As the two ran, The speed is getting faster and faster, and the Gang Qi also leaves a tail arc in the distance.

"This... is so strong!"

"Is this fucking human?"

"Second in the world, he deserves his reputation."

All the princes had shocked expressions on their faces, and even King Qi froze on the spot, looking at Lu Bu's back with a complicated look on his face.

The two afterimages rushed to the center of the battlefield almost at the same time. The scarlet field and the red arc gradually merged. The clear sky seemed to be divided into two. One side was like a blood-red sky, and the other side was soaked in red thunder and lightning.

"Ghost and God Halberd Technique - Unparalleled!"

"King of Heaven Cross-Hanging!"

The two of them used their unique skills at the same time. With their martial arts reaching their level, they almost reached the limit of the human body. The winner could be determined in seconds.

The blood-red sky gradually turned into red aura, gathering around Ran Min, while thousands of arcs of electricity behind Lu Bu also gathered towards Fang Tian's painted halberd, condensing on the tip of the halberd in an instant.



The two figures were like two meteors, violently colliding together, and the heaven and earth were also shrouded in this aura, forming a unique realm.

"The great age is about to arise. No wonder Tianji Pavilion will enter the world at this time. It turns out that there are already top generals in the world!"

"Be born in the great world, listen to the Tao in the morning, and die in the evening!"

On a lonely peak in the distance, an old man wearing a plain gown had tears in his eyes. He looked at the two figures below and murmured to himself.


After the two's killing techniques merged, it was like a thunderclap, and the terrifying aftermath was like water waves going in all directions.

The violent aura broke into the two armies' formations, and the shield soldiers guarding the front were directly overturned. The cavalry's horses neighed, the weapons in the hands of the infantry trembled, and their footsteps retreated again and again. Even the tower of the Nine-Layer Pass shook slightly.

"People can shake the sky!"

The King of Qi was silent for a long time, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and looked at the King of Zhao with a bit of envy in his eyes.


Dian Wei and others all stared at the two people in the field, and Guan Yu's eyes were deep. Unconsciously, the second master seemed to have been smoothed out.

Yang Zaixing also sat quietly on the horse's back, and the aura on his body swept through, dissolving the aftermath of the two people and preventing it from sweeping to Ning Fan behind him.

"After today's battle, I'm afraid the list of famous generals will change again."

"Who will win and who will lose?"

"Equally matched."

"From now on, the second place on the list of famous generals will become the focus of debate."

After the blow, Lü Bu and Ran Min separated from each other and looked at each other from a distance. Their eyes converged again. It seemed that only the two of them were left in the world. They closed their eyes and did not move at all despite the howling wind.

"This is..."

Yang Zaixing was stunned for a moment, and a look of shock appeared on his face!


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