Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 516: The alliance collapses and the princes become alienated

"The people of the Central Plains have withdrawn. Great! They have withdrawn!"

"Haha, Dali is just so-so."

"Our army won a great victory in this battle!"

On the tower, all the Guanshan soldiers were excited. Looking at the Dayu soldiers below retreating like a tide, their faces also showed a touch of excitement.

The princes were silent for a long time, especially the King of Lu, whose face was as gloomy as water. In this battle, the most elite Kaoshan Army under his command was almost annihilated. These three thousand elite armors were built by him with countless efforts!

Over the years, the resources invested are enough to raise an army of 30,000 people.

The King of Qi looked at the excited soldiers on the tower, and he also had a smile on his face. He was thinking, the price of this great victory was too high!

"My Lord, should we pursue the victory?"

A general next to the King of Nian came up to him, with a high fighting spirit in his eyes, and asked softly.


"Get out of the way."

King Nian kicked the general to the ground and shouted angrily: "How could I have a brainless idiot like you under my command?"

"Why didn't I see you rushing to the front when the Central Plains attacked the city just now?"

"Asshole, it's embarrassing."

Seeing King Nian's sudden anger, the princes couldn't hold back any more. They were furious and pulled a few people to vent their anger.

Three hundred thousand troops faced one hundred thousand troops. Not only did they lose tens of thousands of soldiers, but they were almost attacked on the city wall.

"Your Majesty, something happened."

A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar strode to the front of King Qi and whispered in his ear. The latter's face suddenly changed and his eyes suddenly looked at King Chu.

"King Chu!"

The other princes also got the news. For a moment, several sharp eyes looked at King Chu, and their expressions were even more scrutinizing.

"Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"This time, the princes and I met to resist the people of the Central Plains. King Xu fought bravely for me, and all his soldiers were killed or wounded. But you dared to attack your comrades."

"In the face of justice, you actually disregarded the lives of millions of people in Guanshan for personal grudges. King Chu, you are too much."

One after another, King Chu became the target of public criticism. His face was full of anger, and he said in a deep voice: "The matter of King Xu was not done by me."



"It's ridiculous."

"In Guanshan, who doesn't know that you and King Xu are at odds with each other?"

"Besides, King Xu's subordinates have already obtained evidence."

Looking at the princes pressing forward step by step, King Chu's face also showed a few He said coldly with anger on his face, "I will say it again, the assassination of King Xu was not caused by me."

"I don't need to explain to you or anyone else."

"This time, it must be a plot by the Central Plains people to sow discord. Now it seems that this alliance is just a joke. Everyone, I will not accompany you anymore. I will leave first!"

"Order the army to move out and return to Chu."


The King of Chu was about to leave when a figure suddenly stopped him and said angrily, "King of Chu, you are also a vassal, dare you do it but not take it?"

"I didn't expect that you, King of Chu, would take advantage of others' misfortune and use such despicable means."

"If you don't give an explanation, I will definitely attack Chu on behalf of King Xu!"

The King of Han looked at the King of Chu aggressively and spoke indignantly.

"Hahaha, King Han, when is it your turn to step forward in King Xu's affairs?" King Bei, who was at odds with King Han, had a sneer on his face: "Who doesn't know that you covet the three cities in the western border of Chu?"


"That's enough!"

King Qi frowned and shouted, everyone looked over and said in a deep voice: "As for King Xu's death, I will investigate it with you. If it was really done by King Chu, I will never tolerate it."

"If it was not done by King Chu, we will definitely find out the real culprit behind the scenes and give King Xu an explanation."

"The most urgent task is to retreat from Dali first and protect Jiuchongguan."

As soon as King Qi finished speaking, King Chu shook his head slightly and said: "I have decided to leave. Everyone, we will meet again in the mountains and rivers. There will be a time."

"Old Qi, although my allied forces have 300,000 troops, in the end..." The King of Lu also looked depressed, and sighed: "I want to retreat the enemy, but you are not the kind of people who plan things, so I will withdraw too!"

"And me!"

The King of Han also squinted his eyes, and looked at the King of Chu for a moment: "After a series of battles, more than half of the soldiers I brought with me were killed or injured. If we continue to fight, I am afraid that I will not be able to face the elders of Hanzhou. Everyone, let's say goodbye!"


The King of Bei sneered and said lightly: "Since you all have withdrawn, I will also withdraw!"


The King of Qi clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes were full of anger, but he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Hahaha!" Prince Zhao laughed heartily and said, "Since we are ready to leave, let's go our separate ways. With the danger of the Nine Passes, it's not that easy for Dali to attack."


"Go and gather the troops, let's go back."

"When we get to Zhaowang City, your father will take you to see the beauty of our Zhaowang City."



Prince Xu's Mansion.

The whole mansion gathered together, with grief on their faces. Several young figures stood in the center of the hall, but they didn't speak for a long time.

"My lords, the prince is in trouble now!"

"We lack a person to take charge of the overall situation in Yanzhou. Let's discuss it!"

An old man in his sixties stood on the left side of the hall, looked around, and then asked softly.

"Naturally, the eldest son should take over the lord's hegemony."

"The eldest son is a concubine, in my opinion, the second son is the right one to take over!"

"Nonsense, since ancient times, the throne has been inherited by the eldest son."

"The second son is gentle by nature, and it may be difficult for him to support the great cause of our Xuwang Mansion. The third son has been smart since he was a child and is deeply loved by the prince. In my opinion, only the third son can carry the banner."


The whole hall was instantly in chaos, with people talking and arguing.

"That's enough!"

The old man standing in front of the hall suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Now the prince's body is still warm and the blood feud has not been avenged. My Xu Wangfu is in danger."

"You are still here scheming and deceiving each other for the succession to the throne!"

"What a disgrace!"

Hearing the old man speak, everyone shut up obediently, and the three young men standing in front of the hall were also nervous.

"Everyone, my father's great revenge has not been avenged. As the gentleman said, the most urgent thing is to avenge my father first."

"Brother is right. Uncle Lin will take care of my father's funeral and the mausoleum."

"The border cities on all sides also rely on you, especially the King of Chu and the King of Han. You must be careful."


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